{{Macro |Name=Macro Dump Objects |Description=This macro generates a listing of all objects in the current document - the list can be in a window or on the Report view. |Author=Piffpoof |Version=1.0 |Date=2015-03-02 |FCVersion= <= 0.17 |Download=[https://www.freecadweb.org/wiki/images/2/2e/Macro_Dump_Objects.png ToolBar Icon] }}
When developing complex object models it is easy to loose track of exactly which objects are present as some may be hidden, obscured or transparent. Additionally with a large number of objects a naming system becomes necessary to keep track of the objects.
The Dump Object code takes the current document and enumerates all the objects. A report is then generated listing each object, then a summary giving the total number of instances of each Class, followed by the total number of Classes and finally the total number of objects. The output may be directed to the Report view or to a window. The window is non-modal and will stay open until closed by the user. Each window has the time of the object dump in it's title bar, so the contents of multiple windows can be compared, say before and after a piece of code running.
The default operation lists all objects, optionally the placement of each object can be listed. Also for Sketches, each segment of the Geometry can be listed.
All the code for dumpObject.FCMacro is in one macro. So installation is comprised of copying the code to the appropriate Macro directory and invoking dumpObject from the Macro menu. Alternatively it may be run from the console.
- see How to install macros for information on how to install this macro code
- see Customize Toolbars for information how to install as a button on a toolbar
Select the document you wish to dump objects for, then start the macro from one of:
- the Macro menu
- from the Python console
- from a Toolbar
Depending on the parameters selected in the first window, the report will be displayed on the Report view or in a window. The information will show all objects in the current document. Some of the benefits to be expected are the detection of:
- irregularities in object names (e.g. spelling errors or default names generated by FreeCAD)
- duplicate objects
- objects with duplicate names (where FreeCAD has had to make the second object name unique)
- unexpected objects
- unexpected object Placements (when the Show Positions option is selected)
- unexpected segments in the Sketch Geometry (when the Show Sketcher Segments option is selected)
The first window will take input which configures the Object Dump:
The second window will be the report on the objects in the current document:
- output may be directed to one of:
- the Report view
- a non-modal window
- segments in the Geometry for each Sketch may be listed
- Placement specifics may be listed for objects
Although tested with many object types in FreeCAD, there probably are some objects that it does not expect, in that case it should list them generically.
none (so far)
from PySide import QtGui, QtCore from datetime import datetime # datestamp on output window from os.path import expanduser # output directory for CSV
class configureMacro(QtGui.QDialog): """""" def init(self): super(configureMacro, self).init() self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.result = None # set up display only field for selected path type self.cbss = QtGui.QCheckBox("Show Sketcher Segments?", self) self.cbss.move(20,20) self.cbp = QtGui.QCheckBox("Show Positions?", self) self.cbp.move(220,20) self.pathTypeLbl = QtGui.QLabel("Select Report Destination:", self) self.pathTypeLbl.move(20, 70) # cancel button cancelButton = QtGui.QPushButton('Cancel', self) cancelButton.clicked.connect(self.onCancel) cancelButton.move(10, 100) # button #1 button1 = QtGui.QPushButton(choice1, self) button1.clicked.connect(self.onBtn1) button1.move(120, 100) # button #2 button2 = QtGui.QPushButton(choice2, self) button2.clicked.connect(self.onBtn2) button2.move(235, 100) # button #3 button3 = QtGui.QPushButton(choice3, self) button3.clicked.connect(self.onBtn3) button3.move(327, 100) # define window xLoc,yLoc,xDim,yDim self.setGeometry( 250, 250, 435, 150) self.setWindowTitle("Select a Report Destination") self.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) self.show() def onCancel(self): self.result = "cancelled" self.close() def onBtn1(self): self.result = choice1 self.close() def onBtn2(self): self.result = choice2 self.close() def onBtn3(self): self.result = choice3 self.close()
class DisplayText(QtGui.QWidget): """""" def init(self, textToDisplay): self.text = textToDisplay super(DisplayText, self).init() self.initUI(textToDisplay) def initUI(self, textToDisplay): """Constructor""" self.textToDisplay = textToDisplay # some window dimensions self.windowHome = screenWidth * 0.05 self.windowWidth = screenWidth * 0.9 self.windowHeight = 400 self.fieldMargin = 40 # some column titles columnLabels = QtGui.QLabel(formatPrintLine("Type / WB","Shape","User Supplied Label","Name")) columnLabels.setFont('Courier') # set up text editing widget text_editor = QtGui.QTextEdit(self) #self.setCentralWidget(self.text_editor) text_editor.setFont('Courier') text_editor.setLineWrapMode(QtGui.QTextEdit.NoWrap) text_editor.move(self.fieldMargin,self.fieldMargin) text_editor.move(0,self.fieldMargin) text_editor.resize(self.windowWidth-(2self.fieldMargin),self.windowHeight-(2self.fieldMargin)) text_editor.resize(self.windowWidth,self.windowHeight-(2*self.fieldMargin)) text_editor.append(self.textToDisplay) # set up the layout vBox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vBox.addWidget(columnLabels) vBox.addWidget(text_editor) self.setLayout(vBox) # define window xLoc,yLoc,xDim,yDim self.setGeometry( self.windowHome, self.windowHome, self.windowWidth, self.windowHeight) self.setWindowTitle("Object Dump of '" + FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.Document.Label + "' at " + str(datetime.now())) self.show() #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def onOk(self): self.close()
def countObjects():
printList = list()
objectTypeTable = {}
# build up dictionary of different classes and keep a count
for obj in FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Objects:
if objectTypeTable.has_key(obj.TypeId):
objectTypeTable[obj.TypeId] = objectTypeTable[obj.TypeId]+1
objectTypeTable[obj.TypeId] = 1
wb = obj.TypeId[0:obj.TypeId.find("::")]
shape = obj.TypeId[obj.TypeId.find("::")+2:]
#print wb + "---" + shape
placementString = ""
if obj.TypeId == "Sketcher::SketchObject":
printList.append(formatPrintLine("Sketch", "", str(obj.Label)))
if showSketcherSegmentsFlag:
for i in obj.Geometry:
printList.append(formatPrintLine("", " -segment", str(i)))
elif wb == "Part":
if showPlacementFlag:
placementString = str(obj.Placement)
if shape in ("Cylinder", "Cut", "Box", "Fuse", "Loft", "Feature", "FeaturePython", "Part2DObjectPython"):
printList.append(formatPrintLine(wb, shape, str(obj.Label), str(obj.Name)))
else: # print shapes not in list above
printList.append(formatPrintLine(str(obj.TypeId), "", str(obj.Label), str(obj.Name)))
elif wb == "PartDesign":
if showPlacementFlag:
placementString = str(obj.Placement)
if shape in ("Pad", "Feature", "Fillet", "Part2DObjectPython"):
printList.append(formatPrintLine(wb, shape, str(obj.Label), str(obj.Name)))
else: # print shapes not in list above
printList.append(formatPrintLine(str(obj.TypeId), "", str(obj.Label), str(obj.Name)))
elif obj.TypeId == "App::DocumentObjectGroup":
printList.append(formatPrintLine("Group", "", str(obj.Label)))
elif obj.TypeId == "Image::ImagePlane":
printList.append(formatPrintLine(wb, shape, str(obj.Label), str(obj.Name)))
else: # print workbench shapes not in lists above
printList.append(formatPrintLine(str(obj.TypeId), str(obj.Label), str(obj.Name)))
if showPlacementFlag and len(placementString)!=0:
printList.append(formatPrintLineMax("", " -placement", placementString))
from collections import OrderedDict
sortedByTags = OrderedDict(sorted(objectTypeTable.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))
for k, v in sortedByTags.items():
objectClassCount = 0; objectTotalCount = 0
for i in objectTypeTable:
objectTotalCount = objectTotalCount + objectTypeTable[i]
objectCLassCount = len(objectTypeTable)
printList.append(formatPrintLineSum("Object Class Total is ", str(objectCLassCount)))
printList.append(formatPrintLineSum("Object Total is ", str(objectTotalCount)))
return printList
def formatPrintLineSum(a,b): return printLineFormatter(2, a, str(b), "", "")
def formatPrintLineMax(a,b,c): return printLineFormatter(1, a, b, "", "")
def formatPrintLine(a,b,c, *args): d = "" if len(args)==1: d = args[0] return printLineFormatter(0, a, b, c, d)
def printLineFormatter(flag,a,b,c,d): # flag = 0 standard print, spread values over 4 columns # flag = 1 printing verbose things like Sketch details or Placements, combine columns 3 & 4 # flag = 2 printing the summary lines, combine columns 1 & 2 suffix = "" if csvFlag: pfs2 = printFormatString2csv pfs3 = printFormatString3csv pfs4 = printFormatString4csv else: pfs2 = printFormatString2 pfs3 = printFormatString3 pfs4 = printFormatString4 if flag==0: aa = a[:f1] bb = b[:f2] cc = c[:f3] dd = d[:f4] return pfs4.format(aa,bb,cc,dd) elif flag==1: aa = a[:f1] bb = b[:f2] cc = c[:f3+f4] dd = d[:f4] return pfs3.format(aa,bb,cc) else: aa = a[:f1+f2] bb = b[:f3+f4] return pfs2.format(aa,bb)
screenWidth = QtGui.QDesktopWidget().screenGeometry().width() global f1, f2, f3, f4
f1 = 15screenWidth/1000; f2 = 25screenWidth/1000; f3 = 45screenWidth/1000; f4 = 25screenWidth/1000
global printFormatString2, printFormatString3, printFormatString4 global printFormatString2csv, printFormatString3csv, printFormatString4csv printFormatString2 = "{0:<"+str(f1+f2)+"} {1:<"+str(f3)+"}" printFormatString2csv = "{0}, {1}" printFormatString3 = "{0:<"+str(f1)+"} {1:<"+str(f2)+"} {2:<"+str(f3+f4)+"}" printFormatString3csv = "{0}, {1}, {2}" printFormatString4 = "{0:<"+str(f1)+"} {1:<"+str(f2)+"} {2:<"+str(f3)+"} {3:<"+str(f4)+"}" printFormatString4csv = "{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}"
global choice1, choice2, choice3, csvFlag choice1 = "Report View"; choice2 = "CSV File"; choice3 = "Window" csvFlag = False summarySeparator = "=======================================================" summarySeparatorCsv = "-------------------------------------------------------"
if FreeCAD.ActiveDocument != None: # ask if to window or to Report View... form = configureMacro() form.exec_() showSketcherSegmentsFlag = False if form.cbss.isChecked(): showSketcherSegmentsFlag = True showPlacementFlag = False if form.cbp.isChecked(): showPlacementFlag = True if form.result == choice2: csvFlag = True showSketcherSegmentsFlag = False showPlacementFlag = False summarySeparator = summarySeparatorCsv printList = countObjects() if form.result == choice1: # report to Report View mainWindow = FreeCADGui.getMainWindow() dockWidgets = mainWindow.findChildren(QtGui.QDockWidget) reportViewFlag = False for dw in dockWidgets: if dw.objectName() == "Report view": reportViewFlag = True if reportViewFlag: print printFormatString4.format( "", "", "(User Supplied)", "") print printFormatString4.format( "Type", "Shape", "Label", "Name") print "" for line in printList: print line + "\n" else: QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None,"","Please use 'Menu->View->Views->Report view' to open the 'Report view'") if form.result == choice2: # report to CSV file filePath = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(parent=None,caption="Save CSV file as",dir=expanduser("~"),filter="*.csv") file = open(filePath[0],"w") for line in printList: file.write(line + "\n") file.close() if form.result == choice3: # report to window #---------------------------------------------------------------------- longPrintLine = "" for line in printList: longPrintLine = longPrintLine + line + "\n" form = DisplayText(longPrintLine)
#OS: Mac OS X #Word size: 64-bit #Version: 0.14.3703 (Git) #Branch: releases/FreeCAD-0-14 #Hash: c6edd47334a3e6f209e493773093db2b9b4f0e40 #Python version: 2.7.5 #Qt version: 4.8.6 #Coin version: 3.1.3 #SoQt version: 1.5.0 #OCC version: 6.7.0
#thus ends the macro... }}
documentation index > Macro Dump Objects