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{{Macro |Name=Macro Dxf To Shape |Description=Utility to create a unique wire with many wires |Author=Mario52 |Version=00.00 |Date=2020-09-04 |FCVersion= 0.18, 0.19 |Download=[ ToolBar Icon] }}
Macro utility to create a unique wire with many wires. Types of wire available are: MakeWire, Bspline, BsplineCurve, BsplineCurve + Arc, Polygon, and Bezier curve.
- Downgrade the compound line to work with a single line
- Discretize the first line
- The linetest is created by choosing one of the following types: MakeWire, Bspline, BsplineCurve, Polygon, BezCurve (display the orientation Begin - End (Reversed Forward))
- test is good .. then coordinates in file (and Del Test If you want)
- second line same first line and accord end to begin ....
- test is good .. then coordinates in file (and Del Test If you want)
- ...... tests finished
saved in on unique wire with the type line selected
you can also test one sweep, force reverse, close wire, create points, cloud...
you can also the file to disk
( , , Are the Temporary working file)
The icon for you toolBar copy in same directory to the macro
How to Customize Toolbars, How to install macros
The script on github Macro_DXF_to_Shape.FCMacro
Convert Wire (multi lines) in BsplineCurve
Convert wire with selected face
- More of mario52's macros can be found on Github
04/09/2020 ver 00.00 : add duplicate edge button
13/02/2020 ver 00.00 :
21/11/2016 ver 00.00 :
documentation index > Macro Dxf To Shape