This is a module working with shapes.
Describes a portion of a curve
Describes a portion of a circle
Describes a portion of a conic
Describes a portion of an ellipse
Describes a portion of an hyperbola
Describes a portion of an parabola
AttachEngine abstract class - the functionality of AttachableObject, but outside of DocumentObject
This is a module working with the BRepFeat package.
This is a module working with the BRepOffsetAPI package.
Describes a B-Spline curve in 3D space
Describes a B-Spline surface in 3D space
Describes a rational or non-rational Bezier curve:
-- a non-rational Bezier curve is defined by a table of poles (also called control points)
-- a rational Bezier curve is defined by a table of poles with varying weights
Constructor takes no arguments.
Example usage:
p1 = Base.Vector(-1, 0, 0)
p2 = Base.Vector(0, 1, 0.2)
p3 = Base.Vector(1, 0, 0.4)
p4 = Base.Vector(0, -1, 1)
bc = BezierCurve()
bc.setPoles([p1, p2, p3, p4])
curveShape = bc.toShape()
Describes a rational or non-rational Bezier surface -- A non-rational Bezier surface is defined by a table of poles (also known as control points). -- A rational Bezier surface is defined by a table of poles with varying associated weights.
Base class of all Body objects
Describes a circle in 3D space To create a circle there are several ways: Part.Circle() Creates a default circle with center (0,0,0) and radius 1
Part.Circle(Circle) Creates a copy of the given circle
Part.Circle(Circle, Distance) Creates a circle parallel to given circle at a certain distance
Part.Circle(Center,Normal,Radius) Creates a circle defined by center, normal direction and radius
Part.Circle(Point1,Point2,Point3) Creates a circle defined by three non-linear points
TopoShapeCompSolid is the OpenCasCade topological compound solid wrapper
Create a compound out of a list of shapes
Describes a cone in 3D space To create a cone there are several ways: Part.Cone() Creates a default cone with radius 1
Creates a copy of the given cone
Part.Cone(Cone, Distance)
Creates a cone parallel to given cone at a certain distance
Creates a cone defined by two points and two radii
The axis of the cone is the line passing through
Point1 and Poin2.
Radius1 is the radius of the section passing through
Point1 and Radius2 the radius of the section passing
through Point2.
Creates a cone passing through three points Point1,
Point2 and Point3.
Its axis is defined by Point1 and Point2 and the radius of
its base is the distance between Point3 and its axis.
The distance between Point and the axis is the radius of
the section passing through Point4.
Describes an abstract conic in 3d space
Describes a cylinder in 3D space To create a cylinder there are several ways: Part.Cylinder() Creates a default cylinder with center (0,0,0) and radius 1
Creates a copy of the given cylinder
Part.Cylinder(Cylinder, Distance)
Creates a cylinder parallel to given cylinder at a certain distance
Creates a cylinder defined by three non-linear points
Creates a cylinder by a circular base
TopoShapeEdge is the OpenCasCade topological edge wrapper
Describes an ellipse in 3D space To create an ellipse there are several ways: Part.Ellipse() Creates an ellipse with major radius 2 and minor radius 1 with the center in (0,0,0)
Create a copy of the given ellipse
Creates an ellipse centered on the point Center, where
the plane of the ellipse is defined by Center, S1 and S2,
its major axis is defined by Center and S1,
its major radius is the distance between Center and S1, and
its minor radius is the distance between S2 and the major axis.
Creates an ellipse with major and minor radii MajorRadius and
MinorRadius, and located in the plane defined by Center and
the normal (0,0,1)
TopoShapeFace is the OpenCasCade topological face wrapper
This is the father of all shape object classes
This is a module working with 2d geometries.
This is a module working with the GeomPlate framework.
A GeometryExtension extending geometry objects with a boolean.
A GeometryExtension extending geometry objects with a double.
A GeometryExtension extending geometry objects with an int.
A GeometryExtension extending geometry objects with a string.
This is a module working with the HLRBRep framework.
Describes an hyperbola in 3D space To create a hyperbola there are several ways: Part.Hyperbola() Creates an hyperbola with major radius 2 and minor radius 1 with the center in (0,0,0)
Create a copy of the given hyperbola
Creates an hyperbola centered on the point Center, where
the plane of the hyperbola is defined by Center, S1 and S2,
its major axis is defined by Center and S1,
its major radius is the distance between Center and S1, and
its minor radius is the distance between S2 and the major axis.
Creates an hyperbola with major and minor radii MajorRadius and
MinorRadius, and located in the plane defined by Center and
the normal (0,0,1)
Describes an infinite line To create a line there are several ways: Part.Line() Creates a default line
Part.Line(Line) Creates a copy of the given line
Part.Line(Point1,Point2) Creates a line that goes through two given points
Describes a line segment To create a line segment there are several ways: Part.LineSegment() Creates a default line segment
Part.LineSegment(LineSegment) Creates a copy of the given line segment
Part.LineSegment(Point1,Point2) Creates a line segment that goes through two given points
str(object='') -> str str(bytes_or_buffer[, encoding[, errors]]) -> str
Create a new string object from the given object. If encoding or errors is specified, then the object must expose a data buffer that will be decoded using the given encoding and error handler. Otherwise, returns the result of object.str() (if defined) or repr(object). encoding defaults to sys.getdefaultencoding(). errors defaults to 'strict'.
Describes a parabola in 3D space
This object represents a 2D Shape in a 3D World
Describes an infinite plane To create a plane there are several ways: Part.Plane() Creates a default plane with base (0,0,0) and normal (0,0,1)
Part.Plane(Plane) Creates a copy of the given plane
Part.Plane(Plane, Distance) Creates a plane parallel to given plane at a certain distance
Part.Plane(Location,Normal) Creates a plane with a given location and normal
Part.Plane(Point1,Point2,Point3) Creates a plane defined by three non-linear points
Part.Plane(A,B,C,D) Creates a plane from its cartesian equation Ax+By+Cz+D=0
Describes a point To create a point there are several ways: Part.Point() Creates a default point
Part.Point(Point) Creates a copy of the given point
Part.Point(Vector) Creates a line for the given coordinates
Describes a portion of a surface (a patch) limited by two values of the u parameter in the u parametric direction, and two values of the v parameter in the v parametric direction. The domain of the trimmed surface must be within the domain of the surface being trimmed.
The trimmed surface is defined by:
- the basis surface, and
- the values (umin, umax) and (vmin, vmax) which limit it in the u and v parametric directions.
The trimmed surface is built from a copy of the basis surface. Therefore, when the basis surface is modified the trimmed surface is not changed. Consequently, the trimmed surface does not necessarily have the same orientation as the basis surface.
TopoShape is the OpenCasCade topological shape wrapper. Sub-elements such as vertices, edges or faces are accessible as:
- Vertex#, where # is in range(1, number of vertices)
- Edge#, where # is in range(1, number of edges)
- Face#, where # is in range(1, number of faces)
This is a module working with the ShapeUpgrade framework.
Create a shell out of a list of faces
Part.Solid(shape): Create a solid out of shells of shape. If shape is a compsolid, the overall volume solid is created.
Describes a sphere in 3D space
Describes a surface of linear extrusion
Describes a surface of revolution
Describes a toroid in 3D space
TopoShapeVertex is the OpenCasCade topological vertex wrapper
TopoShapeWire is the OpenCasCade topological wire wrapper
cast_to_shape(shape) -- Cast to the actual shape type
clearShapeCache() -- Clears internal shape cache
export(list,string) -- Export a list of objects into a single file.
exportUnits([string=MM|M|INCH|FT|MI|KM|MIL|UM|CM|UIN]) -- Set units for exporting STEP/IGES files and returns the units.
getFacets(shape): simplified mesh generation
getShape(obj,subname=None,mat=None,needSubElement=False,transform=True,retType=0): Obtain the the TopoShape of a given object with SubName reference
- obj: the input object
- subname: dot separated sub-object reference
- mat: the current transformation matrix
- needSubElement: if False, ignore the sub-element (e.g. Face1, Edge1) reference in 'subname'
- transform: if False, then skip obj's transformation. Use this if mat already include obj's transformation matrix
- retType: 0: return TopoShape, 1: return (shape,subObj,mat), where subObj is the object referenced in 'subname', and 'mat' is the accumulated transformation matrix of that sub-object. 2: same as 1, but make sure 'subObj' is resolved if it is a link.
- refine: refine the returned shape
getSortedClusters(list of edges) -- Helper method to sort and cluster a variety of edges
insert(string,string) -- Insert the file into the given document.
joinSubname(sub,mapped,subElement) -> subname
makeBox(length,width,height,[pnt,dir]) -- Make a box located in pnt with the dimensions (length,width,height) By default pnt=Vector(0,0,0) and dir=Vector(0,0,1)
makeCircle(radius,[pnt,dir,angle1,angle2]) -- Make a circle with a given radius By default pnt=Vector(0,0,0), dir=Vector(0,0,1), angle1=0 and angle2=360
makeCompound(list) -- Create a compound out of a list of shapes.
makeCone(radius1,radius2,height,[pnt,dir,angle]) -- Make a cone with given radii and height By default pnt=Vector(0,0,0), dir=Vector(0,0,1) and angle=360
makeCylinder(radius,height,[pnt,dir,angle]) -- Make a cylinder with a given radius and height By default pnt=Vector(0,0,0),dir=Vector(0,0,1) and angle=360
makeFace(list_of_shapes_or_compound, maker_class_name) -- Create a face (faces) using facemaker class. maker_class_name is a string like 'Part::FaceMakerSimple'.
makeFilledFace(list) -- Create a face out of a list of edges.
makeHelix(pitch,height,radius,[angle]) -- Make a helix with a given pitch, height and radius By default a cylindrical surface is used to create the helix. If the fourth parameter is set (the apex given in degree) a conical surface is used instead
makeLine(startpnt,endpnt) -- Make a line between two points
Args: startpnt (Vector or tuple): Vector or 3 element tuple containing the x,y and z coordinates of the start point, i.e. (x1,y1,z1). endpnt (Vector or tuple): Vector or 3 element tuple containing the x,y and z coordinates of the start point, i.e. (x1,y1,z1).
Returns: Edge: Part.Edge object
makeLoft(list of wires,[solid=False,ruled=False,closed=False,maxDegree=5]) -- Create a loft shape.
makeLongHelix(pitch,height,radius,[angle],[hand]) -- Make a (multi-edge) helix with a given pitch, height and radius By default a cylindrical surface is used to create the helix. If the fourth parameter is set (the apex given in degree) a conical surface is used instead.
makePlane(length,width,[pnt,dirZ,dirX]) -- Make a plane By default pnt=Vector(0,0,0) and dirZ=Vector(0,0,1), dirX is ignored in this case
makePolygon(pntslist) -- Make a polygon from a list of points
Args: pntslist (list(Vector)): list of Vectors representing the points of the polygon.
Returns: Wire: Part.Wire object. If the last point in the list is not the same as the first point, the Wire will not be closed and cannot be used to create a face.
makeRevolution(Curve or Edge,[vmin,vmax,angle,pnt,dir,shapetype]) -- Make a revolved shape by rotating the curve or a portion of it around an axis given by (pnt,dir). By default vmin/vmax=bounds of the curve, angle=360, pnt=Vector(0,0,0), dir=Vector(0,0,1) and shapetype=Part.Solid
makeRuledSurface(Edge|Wire,Edge|Wire) -- Make a ruled surface Create a ruled surface out of two edges or wires. If wires are used thenthese must have the same number of edges.
makeShell(list) -- Create a shell out of a list of faces.
makeShellFromWires(Wires) -- Make a shell from wires. The wires must have the same number of edges.
makeSolid(shape): Create a solid out of shells of shape. If shape is a compsolid, the overall volume solid is created.
makeSphere(radius,[pnt, dir, angle1,angle2,angle3]) -- Make a sphere with a given radius By default pnt=Vector(0,0,0), dir=Vector(0,0,1), angle1=0, angle2=90 and angle3=360
makeSplitShape(shape, list of shape pairs,[check Interior=True]) -> two lists of shapes. The following shape pairs are supported:
- Wire, Face
- Edge, Face
- Compound, Face
- Edge, Edge
- The face must be part of the specified shape and the edge, wire or compound must lie on the face. Output: The first list contains the faces that are the left of the projected wires. The second list contains the left part on the shape.
Example: face = ... edges = ... split = [(edges[0],face),(edges[1],face)] r = Part.makeSplitShape(face, split)[0][0])[1][0])
makeSweepSurface(edge(path),edge(profile),[float]) -- Create a profile along a path.
makeThread(pitch,depth,height,radius) -- Make a thread with a given pitch, depth, height and radius
makeTorus(radius1,radius2,[pnt,dir,angle1,angle2,angle]) -- Make a torus with a given radii and angles By default pnt=Vector(0,0,0),dir=Vector(0,0,1),angle1=0,angle1=360 and angle=360
makeTube(edge,radius,[continuity,max degree,max segments]) -- Create a tube. continuity is a string which must be 'C0','C1','C2','C3','CN','G1' or 'G1',
makeWedge(xmin, ymin, zmin, z2min, x2min, xmax, ymax, zmax, z2max, x2max,[pnt,dir]) -- Make a wedge located in pnt By default pnt=Vector(0,0,0) and dir=Vector(0,0,1)
makeWireString(string,fontdir,fontfile,height,[track]) -- Make list of wires in the form of a string's characters.
open(string) -- Create a new document and load the file into the document.
read(string) -- Load the file and return the shape.
setStaticValue(string,string|int|float) -- Set a name to a value The value can be a string, int or float.
show(shape,[string]) -- Add the shape to the active document or create one if no document exists.
sortEdges(list of edges) -- list of lists of edges It does basically the same as sortEdges but sorts all input edges and thus returns a list of lists of edges
splitSubname(subname) -> list(sub,mapped,subElement) Split the given subname into a list
sub: subname without any sub-element reference mapped: mapped element name, or '' if none subElement: old style element name, or '' if none
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