- GuiCommand:/pt-br Name:Sketcher CreatePolyline Name/pt-br:Sketcher CreatePolyline Workbenches:[MenuLocation:Sketch → Sketcher geometries → Create polyline SeeAlso:[Sketcher CreateLine/pt-br|Sketcher Line---
This tool works like the Sketcher Line tool, but creates continuous line and arc segments connected by their vertices. When starting the tool, the mouse pointer changes to a white cross with a red polyline icon. The coordinates of the pointer are shown beside it in blue in real time.
Polyline started with a line, a tangent arc, a perpendicular arc then a tangent line.
The polyline always starts with a straight line segment: click - move the mouse - click. Move the mouse again. After placing the first line segment, the Sketcher polyline tool has multiple modes that can be toggled with the M key. For example you can draw tangent or perpendicular arcs following a line or arc segment. Repeatedly pressing the M key toggles through these different modes:
- Press the M key: the new segment is a line which is perpendicular to the previous segment.
- Press the M key again: the new segment is a line which is tangential to the previous segment.
- Press the M key again: the new segment is an arc which is tangential to the previous segment.
- Press the M key again: the new segment is an arc which is perpendicular (left) to the previous segment.
- Press the M key again: the new segment is an arc which is perpendicular(right) to the previous segment.
- Press the M key again: You are again in the state where you started; the line is only connected with a coincidence to the previous segment.
(v0.18) While in any of the arc modes, holding down the Ctrl key (MacOS: CMD key) and moving the cursor causes the arc to snap by increments of 45 degrees, relative to the previously created polyline segment.
Pick points on an empty area of the 3D view, or on an existing object (auto constraints must be active in TaskView).
Pressing Esc or clicking the right mouse button before closing the polyline to a loop ends the current polyline and you can continue with a new one. Pressing Esc or clicking the right mouse button again ends the polyline function.
Pressing Esc or clicking the right mouse button after closing the polyline to a loop ends the polyline function.
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