How can I contribute to this project?
- Pull requests are always welcome.
- Address issues wherever possible.
- Prefix commit messages with [#XX] if addressing an existing issue number.
- Use the present tense in commit messages.
- Shorten commit messages to 50 characters with bulleted details.
In which format should my contributions be submitted?
- Pull requests should be in JSON format
- Resources should be of the format:
"title": "Read Learn Objective-C on the Mac",
"uri": "",
"publisher": "",
"ibook": "itms-books://"
See example trails.
- Book resources only have to include a "publisher" link if the "uri" is an Amazon link.
- If the book is available in the iBookstore, include the link under "ibooks"
and replace the
prepended protocol withitms-books
as in the above example.
- Learning Validations should be of the format:
"title": "Define a method."
"title": "Invoke a method."
- A resource or validation's id will be generated when
is run. Do not generate these yourself.
- Run the tests, ID generator, and validator with
- For more detailed debugging, use
- Considering using this regex for converting Markdown to JSON.
git remote add username git://
git fetch username
git cherry-pick aabbcceeddffgg...(this is the SHA)
Then, edit the commit as necessary and then edit the commit message:
git add -A
git commit --amend -v
Reasoning detailed by Linus.