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Ruolin He edited this page Mar 11, 2024 · 5 revisions

What is NRPS-motif-Finder

NRPS-motif-Finder is a tool for standardization of Non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS). It partitions the input NRPS protein sequence by locating these conserved motif, to output a motif-and-intermotif architecture that feeds in subsequent analysis such as C domain classification, NRPS re-engineering.


Note: NRPS-motif-Finder is the only one that can classify all fungal C domain subtypes so far!

Supported domains and motifs

Adenylation (A) domain has 12 domain: Aalpha, A1-A5, G-motif, A6-A10. Among them, Aalpha and G-motif were two new motifs proposed in our paper.

Condensation (C) domain has 10 domain: C1-C10.

Thiolation (T) domain has 2 domain: Talpha, T1. Talpha was one new motif our paper.

Thioesterase (TE) domain has 1 domain: TE1.

Epimerization (E) domain has 7 domains: E1-E7.

Source code of NRPS-motif-Finder

There are two version of NRPS-motif-Finder applied in Matlab and Python.

We recommend Matlab version because it will be update frequently for solving bug. And Python version is stable version used in our online platform.


Matlab code of NRPS motif Finder.


Python code of NRPS motif Finder.

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