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6‐Siderophore property statistics (latest)

Ruolin He edited this page Jun 3, 2024 · 1 revision

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Single siderophore property

Siderophore_property_latest A. Distribution of the siderophore producers by their kingdoms.

B. Distribution of the siderophore biosynthetic pathways.

C. Distribution of the functional group type combinations. For clarity, only the top ten combinations are shown, and the others are merged into "Others".

D. Distribution of the common functional group of siderophores. One siderophore could contribute to more than one functional group type if it contains many types of functional groups.

E. Distribution of denticity numbers.

F. Distribution of the molecular weight.

G. Distribution of the predicted logS.

H. Distribution of the predicted diffusion coefficient (10^(-10) m2 s-1) in H2O, 298.15K.