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Ruolin He edited this page Feb 29, 2024 · 11 revisions

Welcome to SIDERITE!


SIDERITE (SIDERophore InformaTion databasE) is a digitized integrated siderophore information database. The first version covers all 872 siderophore records with 649 unique structures as of May 2023.

How to use

We provide the online interactive version. There are tutorials on the SIDERITE website.

You also can download the raw data of SIDERITE for custom analysis.

Report bug or question

You can report bug or ask question about SIDERITE in the issues.


Notice: The first version of SIDERITE data can be downloaded as the supplementary material. The updated databased will can be downloaded directly in the database website, and download page is in progress.

The detailed information on 872 siderophore records and 649 unique siderophores can be downloaded from the supplementary material of our original paper.

Table S1. 872 siderophore information records.

Table S2. Detailed information on 649 siderophores with unique structures.

There also are other useful information in the supplementary material, please read the supplementary text.

Notice: The link will be updated after formal publication.


If you find SIDERITE useful, please cite us.


The data of SIDERITE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

The analysis codes of this work are licensed under a GNU General Public License-3.0 license.

The SIDERITE databse is developed and maintained by Zhiyuan Li Lab and Computational Synthetic Biology Group at Peking University, China.

Please notice: the code for web application is not shared due to the policy of Beijing Addinghome Technology Limited Company.