Objective: Before we get started on the exercises, we will show you how to get started in SAP Analytics Cloud and ensure that you are ready for the exercises.
Estimated Time: 5 mins
Exercise Description: Before we get started on the exercises, we will introduce the homepage of SAP Analytics Cloud and show where you can access your files and dashboards for the exercises.
Key Features:
- Locate your files
- Create a copy of the starting dashboards to your local file repository
🚩 Welcome to SAP Analytics Cloud! This is the homepage where you can explore a sample story, create your first story, change your profile settings and so on.
- First, you want to access existing dashboards that we have created for TechEd. In the leftside panel, click the Files icon.
- The stories that you will work on are located in the DA161 folder. Click DA161.
- Here, you will see a folder with starting dashboards for each section of TechEd. In addition, you can see the data models that are used for the dashboards. Let's create a copy of the Starting Dashboards folder and copy that to our local files. Click on the checkbox for the Starting Dashboards folder.
- Click on the Copy To icon
- Click My Files to copy the folder to your personal local files
- Click OK
- In order to access your personal local files, click My Files
- In your local files, this is where you can find all the stories that you created. Click on the Starting Dashboards folder to access the dashboards for Exercise 1, 2 and 3
- Click on the dashboard, Exercise 1 - Understanding the Basics of SAP Analytics Cloud. If you are working on Exercise 2 or Exercise 3, click on the corresponding dashboard.
You are ready to begin creating visualizations for your first story!
You have completed the Getting Started section! Now you are ready to move on to the exercises.
Continue to - Exercise 1 – Understanding the Basics of SAP Analytics Cloud Stories