Explanation of Task: You would like to add scripts to enhance your story. In order to do so, you will need to launch advanced mode. Task 3 presents you with 3 options with different ways to launch advanced mode. As you work through the task, consider your first impression of each option.
Estimated Time: 5 mins
🚩 The task will be completed via a prototype on Figma. Open the following link: https://www.figma.com/proto/09quQBLmHW02xWGWlaxdfm/Beta-Program_IDT?node-id=407%3A306959&viewport=655%2C232%2C0.08&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=407%3A238578&show-proto-sidebar=1
- Click Start Task 3
- Click Start
- Click on the More icon
- Click Advanced Mode
- Now in Option 2, click Standard
- Click Advanced
- Click anywhere on the screen to go to the next step
- Click Start
- You are now finished with Task 3. Click anywhere on the screen to go to Task 4.
You have completed Task 3!
Continue to - Task 4 - Evaluate the Usability of Adding Scripts and Stack/Unstacked Tabs