diff --git a/documentation/docs/steps/npmExecuteTests.md b/documentation/docs/steps/npmExecuteTests.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f93d33bcff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/docs/steps/npmExecuteTests.md
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# ${docGenStepName}
+## ${docGenDescription}
+## ${docGenParameters}
+## ${docGenConfiguration}
+## Examples
+### Simple example using wdi5
+  - name: Test
+    steps:
+      - name: npmExecuteTests
+        type: npmExecuteTests
+        params:
+          baseUrl: "http://example.com/index.html"
+This will run your wdi5 tests with the given baseUrl.
+### Advanced example using custom test script with credentials using Vault
+  - name: Test
+    steps:
+      - name: npmExecuteTests
+        type: npmExecuteTests
+        params:
+          installCommand: "npm install"
+          runCommand: "npm run custom-e2e-test"
+          usernameEnvVar: "e2e_username"
+          passwordEnvVar: "e2e_password"
+          baseUrl: "http://example.com/index.html"
+          urlOptionPrefix: "--base-url="
+and Vault configuration in PIPELINE-GROUP-<id>/PIPELINE-<id>/appMetadata
+  "appSecrets": {
+    "urls": [
+      {
+       "url": "http://one.example.com/index.html",
+        "username": "some-username1",
+        "password": "some-password1"
+      },
+      {
+       "url": "http://two.example.com/index.html",
+        "username": "some-username2",
+        "password": "some-password2"
+      }
+    ],
+    "username": "base-url-username",
+    "password": "base-url-password"
+  }
+This will run your custom install and run script for each URL from secrets and use the given URL like so:
+npm run custom-e2e-test --base-url=http://one.example.com/index.html
+Each test run will have their own environment variables set:
+Environment variables are reset before each test run with their corresponding values from the secrets
+### Custom environment variables and $PATH
+  - name: Test
+    steps:
+      - name: npmExecuteTests
+        type: npmExecuteTests
+        params:
+          envs:
+            - "MY_ENV_VAR=value"
+          paths:
+            - "/path/to/add"
+If you're running uiVeri5 tests, you might need to set additional environment variables or add paths to the $PATH variable. This can be done using the `envs` and `paths` parameters:
+  - name: Test
+    steps:
+      - name: npmExecuteTests
+        type: npmExecuteTests
+        params:
+          runCommand: "/home/node/.npm-global/bin/uiveri5"
+          installCommand: "npm install @ui5/uiveri5 --global --quiet"
+          runOptions: ["--seleniumAddress=http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"]
+          usernameEnvVar: "PIPER_SELENIUM_HUB_USER"
+          passwordEnvVar: "PIPER_SELENIUM_HUB_PASSWORD"
+          envs:
+            - "NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX=~/.npm-global"
+          paths:
+            - "~/.npm-global/bin"