Releases: SAP/jenkins-library
List of closed pull-requests since last release
#1042: refactor(sonar): implement Sonar step in GO
#1257: http.go: Set fine-grained timeouts
#1276: Add tests for maven build
#1307: Fix CLI exec call building for keytool
#1310: feat(mta): update cloud MTA build tool to v1.0.10
#1311: Adapt paths to pipeline_report debug_report and maven_settings templates
#1312: Prevent commit of unwanted files in setVersion
#1316: Declare yaml dependency in createDocu
#1317: Always pull sidecar images by default
#1322: Add functionality to lock and evaluate current build result
#1327: TMS: implement response processing based on its HTTP response code for authentication and uploadFileToNode
List of closed issues since last release
#736: artifactSetVersion with maven should support ${revision}
#1036: artifactSetVersion does not work with "Maven CI Friendly Versions"
List of closed pull-requests since last release
#1255: Implement nexusUpload command and tests
#1291: Add ReportAggregator to collect information about executed stages and create reports
#1292: Fix sidecar env vars
#1293: Golang step metadata: Config aliases for steps
#1298: Add DownloadCacheUtils for handling download cache docker container
#1299: Configure GitHub Release
#1301: TMS: http plugin: no console log
#1303: Maven build groovy
List of closed issues since last release
#1286: Resilient Pipeline handling broken
List of closed pull-requests since last release
#1241: fix(sonar): Support workspace paths containing whitespaces
#1243: Release go-binary via piper action
#1245: Maven build/install step
#1249: Fix writeToDisk in case value is instance of List
#1254: Streamline calling piper go binary
#1256: Improve message in error case in http client
#1258: Fix typo in mavenStaticCodeChecks.yaml
#1260: fix(mta): add os.Environ() only once to command
#1261: Add groovy wrapper for mavenExecuteStaticCodeChecks and rename go step
#1262: NotSerializableException next part
#1263: Improve error handling
#1264: docs(command): Clarify runExecutable Env usage
#1265: Expose seleniumHubCredentialsId to higher-level Jenkins steps
#1266: Parse values to json with groovy methods
#1268: Add Evaluate() method to maven package
#1270: refactor(sonar): provide trust store via JVM parameter
#1271: feat(sonar): update sonar scanner cli version
#1272: fix(telemetry): disable telemetry in init stage
#1273: nonCPS annotation when settings the git urls in initStage
#1274: Make m2 path configurable for static code checks
#1277: Add missing config for tmpUpload
#1281: Fix issue with deployment related stashing in piperPipeline
#1283: Config maven in general
#1284: Fix copy-paste-bug for downloading settings
#1288: Fix issue with pipeline resilience
List of closed issues since last release
#1267: CPS issue during piperPipelineInit [Was: buildResult stash is missing; Init step is failing]
#1269: Telemetry reporting in init stage
#1286: Resilient Pipeline handling broken
Add missing config for tmpUpload (#1277)
List of closed pull-requests since last release
#1177: Add ServiceKey deletion to cloudFoundryDeleteService step
#1196: Fix tip in documentation
#1201: Nexus upload
#1213: Publish releases via gh action
#1214: move cloudFoundryDeploy step to go
#1233: Eliminte envExecRunner
#1234: Have strategy for environment variable handling only once
#1235: Get rid of two dimensional env array
#1237: Add GetTestModulesExcludes to pkg/maven
#1239: fix: handle NPE in seleniumExecuteTests
#1240: Build piper binary in Consumer Tests
#1242: Avoid using Iterators to get around NotSerializableException
#1246: chore: streamline GH actions
#1247: Try improving the provided example
#1248: Added documentation of stepParameters being a Groovy map, requiring a…
#1250: Implementation of Nexus upload as Go package
#1251: Add Maven static code checks
#1252: Avoid NotSerializableException #3
List of closed issues since last release
#1229: mtaBuild step fails with the mbt tool
List of closed pull-requests since last release
#977: Add Docker deploy support to cloudFoundryDeploy
#1089: Hand over environment variables to shell execution
#1109: xs deploy: check for operation id in go layer
#1111: xs deploy cpe inputs and outputs
#1128: go: mta build
#1176: Settings file handling (prepares mtaBuild step)
#1189: Fix documentation for XSA
#1192: Utils.evaluateFromMavenPom(): Handle errors
#1199: Change go indent_size to 4
#1204: Add mavenExecute to go lib
#1206: Support nested folders when performing a http download into a file
#1207: Add revive config for proper linting
#1211: xsDeploy: simplifiy assertions in tests
#1215: Add '**/_generated.go' to exclude patterns for codeclimate
#1219: Copy file and create missing directories for the destination file
#1220: Avoid using Iterators to get around NotSerializableException
#1222: Remove hint about sdk pipeline config location
#1224: fix: typo in log message
#1226: Move mock capabilities to pkg/mock/runner and adapt all tests
#1228: Document new sdk config location
#1231: Use piper exe in CWD for integration tests if available
#1232: Add tag release when building go binary
List of closed issues since last release
#1229: mtaBuild step fails with the mbt tool
List of closed pull-requests since last release
#855: Upload to transport request scenario
#1120: unify mocking for shell and exec runner
#1131: Provide foundation for integration-like tests
#1164: [refactoring]: make file access better mockable
#1167: Move docs of Cloud SDK Pipeline into this repo
#1171: Add support for Selenium Hub credentials
#1179: seleniumExecuteTests: expose only required metadata in env vars
#1180: Remove reference to outdated neoHome setting
#1182: Log Node.js and npm version in all related Piper steps
#1188: Update generator
#1190: Correct step generator
#1191: Streamline implementation githubPublishRelease
#1194: Add a link to Jenkins declarative pipeline docs
#1198: Update mta yaml file to support cloud MBT mtar deploy to neo.
#1200: add download file function
#1203: switch downloader from POST to GET
#1209: Add 'Code generated by' header to stepGoTemplate
#1210: Add functions to infer build tool
List of closed issues since last release
#1195: mta.yaml: New schema version for Cloud MBT tool
List of closed pull-requests since last release
#1097: Add step cloudFoundryDeleteService
#1127: [refactoring] Condence common functions for execRunner and shellRunne…
#1147: More resilient handling of download errors for piper bin
#1163: writeFile() cannot be passed a Map
#1165: Document how pipelines can be more flexible
#1170: seleniumExecuteTests: expose container metadata via env vars
#1172: Add missing pages to documentation
#1173: refactor: ease debugging in blue ocean
#1175: Adjust documentation for Protecode
#1178: Ignore email addresses containing string "noreply"
#1184: Fixed error handling gitHubPublishRelease
#1186: Fix broken link
List of closed issues since last release
#766: - manually created list out-dated
#857: Hard to find error cause in blue ocean in cf deploy
#1114: error : xsDeploy with v1.9.0 and v1.10.0
List of closed pull-requests since last release
#721: remove jenkinsKubernetes parameter
#1107: Go implementation for abapEnvironmentPullGitRepo()
#1119: Protecode as GoLang
#1126: Add DebugReport facility
#1130: Support InfluxDB plugin in version 2.0
#1133: Enhance telemetry reporting
#1134: Fix Could not find matching constructor for: hudson.FilePath
#1140: chore(pipeline): add Groovy unit test as GH action
#1141: Avoid potential collisions among steps
#1142: Streamline step generation
#1143: Added EnvironmentUtils needed by DebugReport (#1126)
#1144: chore(pipeline): enable GH actions for PRs from forks
#1145: feat(hadolint): enable correct handling of multiple scan results
#1146: Executing extensions in handlePipelineStepErrors
#1150: chore(pipeline): streamline travis job
#1151: Fix formatting of documentation
#1152: Implement archiving the debug report as step
#1153: Support yml and yaml extension of config files
#1154: Fix chars in checkmarx test, improve
#1155: Provide docker functionality
List of closed issues since last release
#717: dockerExecute: jenkinsKubernetes is not passed on to dockerExecuteOnKubernetes
#932: Piper writeInflux or InfluxWriteData should be aligned with latest jenkins influx db
#1032: getConfig does not consider config.yaml but only config.yml
List of closed pull-requests since last release
#1069: fix(NPM): change NodeJS image to LTS
#1075: Checkmarx as golang
#1081: Add test handling exception in dockerExecuteOnK8S in case exception i…
#1100: feat(go): add telemetry reporting
#1104: chore(tests): cleanup metaClass
#1110: [refactor] CPE read/write from/to disk: remote repetitive coding
#1113: Pass container image via CPE
#1116: Add missing test
List of closed issues since last release
#887: ChangeDocumentId cannot be retrieved from the commit history
#982: docu generator renders also error messages