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Mats Wichmann edited this page Sep 14, 2020 · 5 revisions

The File and Dir functions return File and Dir Nodes, respectively. Nodes are Python objects which have several user-visible attributes and methods that are often useful:

  • path - The build path of the given file or directory. This path is relative to the top-level directory (where the SConstruct file is found). The build path is the same as the source path if variant_dir is not being used.
  • abspath - The absolute build path of the given file or directory.
  • srcnode() - returns another File or Dir object representing the source path of the given File or Dir. See also File().
# Get the current build dir's path, relative to top.
# Current dir's absolute path
# Next line is always '.', because it is the top dir's path relative to itself.
File("foo.c").srcnode().path  # source path of the given source file.

# Builders also return a list of File objects (a NodeList)
foo = env.Program("foo.c")
print("foo will be built in %s" % foo[0].path)
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