Follow this steps from the OpenDaylight Wiki: here
The SPM source code is divided into four diferent maven projects:
- singleuserconflictanalysis
- m2lservice
- h2mservice
- smpdist
The first three projects contain the source code of the modules. The fourth one integrates and builds the karaf osgi ODL run time framework. Thus, as we shall describe later in this document, every change made to the source code of any module will be compiled through this project.
- From Eclipse, go to File => Import => Maven => Existing Maven Projects
- Browse to the root directory of the SPM project
- All of the projects should be selected by default, just click Finish
The implementation source code of each module is under the path:
within the package eu.fp7.secured.spm.<module-name>.impl
there should be at least two classes:
The second class is the one that implements the actual functionality of the module. Please refer to this one to modify the code.
Save all the modifications.
Go to
$ mvn clean install -DskipTests
Execute the controller:
$ karaf/target/assembly/bin/karaf
Install the modules:
$ feature:install odl-singleuserconflictanalysis-ui
Medium 2 Low servcie:
$ feature:install odl-m2lservice-ui
High 2 Medium servcie (Refinement service):
$ feature:install odl-h2mservice-ui
Wait a couple of minutes untill all the modules are loaded.