Project | Year |
Bokeh | 2019 |
HomeAssistant | 2019 |
IPython | 2019 |
JSettlers | 2019 |
Mailpile | 2019 |
Pillow | 2019 |
Quake3 | 2019 |
Ray | 2019 |
Spyder | 2019 |
Teammaters | 2019 |
Terraform | 2019 |
akka | 2018 |
angular | 2018 |
AngularDart | 2015 |
Arduino | 2017 |
Atom | 2016 |
BigBlueButton | 2016 |
Bootstrap | 2016 |
Cartographer | 2018 |
CKAN | 2016 |
CodeCombat | 2016 |
contributions | 2018 |
D3.js | 2016 |
Diaspora | 2018 |
docker | 2015 |
Docker | 2018 |
eden | 2018 |
elasticsearch | 2018 |
electron | 2018 |
Ember.js | 2016 |
Gitlab | 2016 |
godot | 2018 |
Gradle | 2017 |
Guava | 2016 |
Habitica | 2016 |
Homebrew | 2018 |
images | 2018 |
JabRef | 2017 |
Jekyll | 2015 |
jenkins | 2018 |
Joomla | 2015 |
Junit5 | 2017 |
Jupyter Notebook | 2017 |
Kafka | 2017 |
Karma | 2016 |
Keras | 2018 |
Kibana | 2017 |
Kodi (xbmc) | 2015 |
kubernetes | 2018 |
lighthouse | 2018 |
loopback | 2018 |
Magento | 2017 |
Mapbox GL | 2017 |
MatplotLib | 2017 |
mattermost | 2018 |
mbedos | 2018 |
Mockito | 2017 |
Mopidy | 2016 |
Neo4j | 2016 |
NeoVim | 2017 |
Netty | 2017 |
Node | 2017 |
OpenCV | 2016 |
OpenRA | 2015 |
OpenTripPlanner | 2016 |
osu | 2018 |
phaser | 2018 |
Play Framework | 2015 |
Processing | 2017 |
react | 2018 |
RocketChat | 2018 |
Ruby on Rails | 2016 |
Scikit Learn | 2017 |
Scrapy | 2017 |
Sonic PI | 2016 |
spark | 2018 |
Strapi | 2018 |
SwaggerUI | 2018 |
SyncAny | 2015 |
Syncthing | 2017 |
Telegram Web | 2017 |
TensorBoard | 2018 |
TensorFlow | 2016 |
Terasology | 2016 |
threejs | 2018 |
Toyplot | 2018 |
typescript | 2018 |
Vagrant | 2015 |
VS Code | 2017 |
vuejs | 2018 |
Wildfly | 2016 |
xmage | 2018 |
Yarn | 2017 |
Youtube-DL | 2016 |
Disclaimer: These links were auto-generated using the GitHub search API. As such, some of them may not point to the correct project. The script used to perform a search is below, use (modify) it to update this list in the future.
> banned-urls.txt; # Clear or create the output file.
# You'd probably prefer to pipe in a list here.
echo -e "typescript\nVS Code" |
while IFS= read -r name
RESPONSE=$(curl \
--header "Authorization: bearer $GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN" \
--data \
"{ \
\"query\": \"query { \
search(query: \\\"$name\\\", type: REPOSITORY, first: 1) { \
edges { node { \
... on Repository { url } \
} } } }\" \
}" \;
echo $RESPONSE \
| grep -o 'https://[^"]*' \
| awk -v name="$name" '{print "["name"]("$1")"}' \
>> banned-urls.txt;