Official website: link.
Official CD mirrors: link.
Download the file named something like "ubuntu-23.10.1-desktop-amd64.iso".
- Set the computer name (host name) to be "node1", "node2" and "node3" repectively.
- Create users with the same username on each virtual machine.
Why do we need to set the same username?
When using MPI to run a program on multiple nodes, we need to share the program and data between these nodes.
The "share" process is done by passwordless ssh, which requires the same username on every node.
For example, when user "james" on node1 runsssh node2
, the system will try to login as "james" on node2.
Run following commands on every virtual machine:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y open-vm-tools open-vm-tools-desktop
Restart every virtual machine, and now you are able to copy and paste any content or files from your host machine to the virtual machines!
Install some other softwares on every virtual machine:
sudo apt install -y build-essential cmake git vim-gtk3 openssh-server m4 libcurl4-openssl-dev zlib1g-dev
# Turn down the firewall for ssh:
sudo ufw allow ssh
Generate ssh keys on every virtual machine:
# Replace <username> with your current username
# Replace <1/2/3> with the corresponding number of the virtual machine
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "<username>@node<1/2/3>"
You should be able to find the generated keys in ~/.ssh/
Check the ip address of every virtual machine:
ip a
Suppose you get following results:
Host Name | IP Address |
node1 | 192.168.x.10 |
node2 | 192.168.x.11 |
node3 | 192.168.x.12 |
- These IP addresses are just examples, you should replace them with your own IP addresses.
- Try to ping every virtual machine from each other to make sure they can communicate with each other.
Share the public key of every virtual machine to every other virtual machine:
# Replace <username> with your current username. All the virtual machines should have the same username.
# Replace <IP-Address> with the corresponding IP address of the virtual machine
ssh-copy-id <username>@<IP-Address>
The public keys are now written to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
file on every virtual machine.
Edit the "/etc/hosts" on every virtual machine with command sudo vim /etc/hosts
. Add following lines to the file:
# [Note]:
# In "/etc/hosts", if there are something like:
# > node<1/2/3>
# Remove this line or comment it out
# by adding a `#` at the beginning of the line.
# Replace `192.168.x.10`, `192.168.x.11` and `192.168.x.12` with your own IP addresses.
192.168.x.10 node1
192.168.x.11 node2
192.168.x.12 node3
Reboot every virtual machine.
From every virtual machine, SSH to each other, including itself:
# Now you are in nodeX
ssh node1
# Now you are in node1
# Now back to nodeX
ssh node2
# Now you are in node2
# Now back to nodeX
ssh node3
# Now you are in node3
# Now back to nodeX
Download source code of openmpi from the official website [link].
Supposed the file you downloaded is named openmpi-5.0.3.tar.bz2.
Open your terminal and change to the directory of the compressed file.
# Extact the file, and you will get a folder named "openmpi-5.0.3"
tar -xf openmpi-5.0.3.tar.bz2
cd ./openmpi-5.0.3
# If you have cuda installed, you can add "--with-cuda=/path/to/cuda" to the following command.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/openmpi-5.0.3 --with-zlib
make -j $(nproc) all
sudo make install
Edit /etc/bash.bashrc file with command sudo vim /etc/bash.bashrc
, and add following lines to the end of that file:
# >>> openmpi >>>
export OPENMPI_HOME="/usr/local/openmpi-5.0.3"
# <<< openmpi <<<
Now, every time you open a new terminal, you can initialize the environment of OpenMPI with the following command:
You can also check the path of mpi executables after initialized the environment:
# Check where is mpicxx
which mpicxx
# Check where is mpirun
which mpirun
- Following steps should be done on every virtual machine.
CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx bash scripts/build-exp03.sh
You should be able to find the executable file named "exp03" in "./exp03-mpi/bin" directory.
Create a hostfile named "hostfile" in the "./" directory. Write following lines to the file:
# `slots` is the number of processes you want to run on each node.
# `node<1/2/3>` are ip addresses defined in "/etc/hosts".
node1 slots=2
node2 slots=2
node3 slots=2
Run the program with following command; Replace <nProcess>
with the overall number of processes you want to run:
mpiexec --hostfile hostfile -np <nProcesses> ./exp03-mpi/bin/Release/Linux_x86_64/hellompi
You should see some output like:
Hello, I am rank 5
Hello, I am rank 3
Hello, I am rank 4
Hello, I am rank 2
Hello, I am rank 1
Hello, I am rank 0
Matrix Multiplication:
mpiexec --hostfile hostfile -np <nProcesses> ./exp03-mpi/bin/Release/Linux_x86_64/matmul -n <matrixSize> -o <outputFile>
You should see the time cost of the matrix multiplication.