Python script for checking glossary and bibliography for monography.
It checks if key terms in your chapter are in glossary.tex
and biblio links are in bibliography.tex
To check all monography run in your monogrpahy directory with command line:
git clone
cd check_monography_script
From your command line:
- path to your chapter .tex file;
- path to glossary.tex;
- path to bibliography.tex;
Check passed:
Check /home/shtr3s/monography2022/author/part2/chapter_lang.tex
Checks result: Passed
Check didn't pass:
Check /home/shtr3s/monography2022/author/part2/chapter_top_ontologies.tex
Checks result: Error
Need to add terms to glossary:
- Ядро базы знаний ostis-системы
Need to add biblio links to bibliography:
- Dobrov2006
- Gorshkov2016
- Iqbal2013
Please contact these authors to apply fixes:
- Бутрин С.В.
- Шункевич Д.В.
If check didn't pass in log you will see:
- what terms should be added to glossary;
- what biblio links should be added to bibliography;
- who to contact about applying fixes.
Also it creates 3 files:
- list of all biblio links for chapter head. -
- list of all biblio links with refs for chapter that need to be added in bibliography.tex. -
- list of all biblio links with refs for chapter. You can put it's content in bibliography.tex.WARNING: Refs are checked only in one chapter, not in whole monography.