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File metadata and controls

1276 lines (958 loc) · 43.7 KB

Image streaming and storing


This README gives an introduction to the C++ and Python code examples in this folder. The document describes how to stream and store the 2D and 3D data from a supported Visionary streaming device and how to convert the data into 3D point clouds.

Visionary streaming devices support three modes of operation:

All three samples (Continuous Streaming, Snapshots, and External Trigger) support both TCP and UDP for data streaming. To avoid unnecessary repetition, we will cover UDP only in the Continuous streaming sample.
Continuous streaming

streaming of data, where the device sends data to the host with the configured frame rate (depending on the device type the frame rate is configured explicitly or implicitly by the exposure time or frame period). This is demonstrated by the Continuous streaming sample.


where the device sends data to the host only when a snapshot command is received as described in the Snapshots sample.

Externally triggered

where the device sends data to the host only when a digital input was configured to trigger the device and this input is activated. This is demonstrated by the External trigger sample.

All three modes are supported by the Visionary API. The following sections describe the streaming modes in detail.

some devices like the Visionary-S CX will not stream data as long as a user-login is active. So if you do not receive any data, check whether you forgot a logout somewhere in your code.

The samples store the captured frames on disk. The destination of the data (or better, the path prefix) can be changed using the -o command line option. By default, the samples store the data in the current working directory.

The metadata are stored in an .ini file while the map data (see Glossary) are stored as PNG images.

The metadata file contains frame number, frame time, geometry and correction parameters as described below in Frame meta data and Camera data as well as the names of the available maps and under which file names - without prefix - they were stored.

The files will be created under <path_prefix>_<frame_number>.ini for the metadata file and <path_prefix>_<frame_number>-<mapname>.png for the map data files.

An example to explain this. If you run the samples on a Visionary-S CX device (that has a z, a rgba and a state map), pass -o /tmp/stereo- as command line option and the frame number is 42 then:

  • the metadata file will be stored as /tmp/stereo-42.ini,

  • the z map will be stored as /tmp/stereo-42-z.png,

  • the rgba map will be stored as /tmp/stereo-42-rgba.png and

  • the state map will be stored as /tmp/stereo-42-state.png.

How to run the samples


Remember to adjust the command line arguments like IP address (-i), transport protocol (-t), receiver IP (-r), streaming port (-s) and device type (-d), to match your specific device setup.


Either build and run the samples from the top level directory as described in Getting Started or build and run the samples from the sample subdirectory using its CmakeLists.txt file.

Continuous streaming

cd build/
./continuous_streaming -dVisionary-S -i192.168.1.10 -tTCP -n1
# or
./continuous_streaming -dVisionary-S -i192.168.1.10 -tUDP -r192.168.1.100 -s80 -n1


cd build/
./snapshots -dVisionary-S  -i192.168.1.10 -tTCP -n1
# or
./snapshots -dVisionary-S -i192.168.1.10 -tUDP -r192.168.1.100 -s80 -n1

External trigger

cd build/
./external_trigger -dVisionary-S -i192.168.1.10 -tTCP -n1
# or
./snapshots -dVisionary-S -i192.168.1.10 -tUDP -r192.168.1.100 -s80 -n1



Make sure you followed the prerequisite steps in Getting Started

To run the Python samples, execute the following command from the top-level directory:

Continuous streaming

python3 -m image_streaming_and_storing.python.continuous_streaming -i192.168.1.10 -n1 -dVisionary-S
# or
python3 -m image_streaming_and_storing.python.continuous_streaming -dVisionary-S -i192.168.1.10 -tUDP -r192.168.1.100 -s80 -n1


python3 -m image_streaming_and_storing.python.snapshots -i192.168.1.10 -n1 -dVisionary-S
# or
python3 -m image_streaming_and_storing.python.snapshots -dVisionary-S -i192.168.1.10 -tUDP -r192.168.1.100 -s80 -n1

External trigger

python3 -m image_streaming_and_storing.python.external_trigger -i192.168.1.10 -n1 -dVisionary-S
# or
python3 -m image_streaming_and_storing.python.external_trigger -dVisionary-S -i192.168.1.10 -tUDP -r192.168.1.100 -s80 -n1

Continuous streaming

When receiving a continuous stream of data, the host application has to handle the data as fast as possible. If either the receiving application is too slow or the network bandwidth is too low, frames will be automatically dropped by the device. The application can use the frame number included in a received frame to detect dropped frames. The frame number is a 32-bit unsigned integer and is incremented by one for each captured frame. The frame number starts at zero on device restart.

The principal steps to setting up a continuous stream are:

  1. Prepare the device for streaming

  2. Create a frame grabber and start the acquisition

  3. Receive frames from the data connection and convert to point cloud

  4. Stop and end the acquisition

You will find the sample code in cpp/continuous_streaming.cpp and python/ respectively.

Prepare the device for streaming

First we need to initiate a communication using the device control channel to be able to send commands and query information from the device.

Control channel


using namespace visionary;

  std::shared_ptr<VisionaryControl> visionaryControl = std::make_shared<VisionaryControl>(visionaryType);

  // Connect to devices control channel
  if (!visionaryControl->open(ipAddress))
    std::fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open control connection to device.\n");

    return ExitCode::eControlCommunicationError;


device_control = Control(ip_address, cola_protocol, control_port)
    # Connect to devices control channel

To be synchronous with the device, we stop the device (it might already send data) and wait a short time until the stop command has been processed by the device and the data stream has been stopped. If we omit this step, we might receive partial frame data as soon as we open the data streaming connection.

It is ok to stop a device even if it is not streaming. In this case the stop command will be ignored by the device.


if (!visionaryControl->stopAcquisition())
    std::fprintf(stderr, "Failed to stop acquisition.\n");

    return ExitCode::eControlCommunicationError;



On the communication layer this uses the PLAYSTOP method (see telegram listings) to stop the device. This command works independently of the devices frontendMode variable and can be called from any user level.

Streaming channel: TCP or UDP

Visionary devices support streaming via both TCP and UDP. The communication protocol can be specified using command line arguments. Depending on the chosen protocol, certain settings must be configured accordingly.


if (transportProtocol == "TCP")
    // configure the data stream
    // the methods immediately write the setting to the device
    // set protocol and device port
    setTransportProtocol(visionaryControl, transportProtocol); // TCP
    setBlobTcpPort(visionaryControl, streamingPort);
else if (transportProtocol == "UDP")
    // streaming settings
    setTransportProtocol(visionaryControl, transportProtocol); // UDP
    setBlobUdpReceiverPort(visionaryControl, streamingPort);
    setBlobUdpControlPort(visionaryControl, streamingPort);
    setBlobUdpMaxPacketSize(visionaryControl, 1024);
    setBlobUdpReceiverIP(visionaryControl, receiverIp);
    setBlobUdpIdleTimeBetweenPackets(visionaryControl, 10); // in milliseconds
    setBlobUdpHeartbeatInterval(visionaryControl, 0);
    setBlobUdpHeaderEnabled(visionaryControl, true);
    setBlobUdpFecEnabled(visionaryControl, false); // forward error correction
    setBlobUdpAutoTransmit(visionaryControl, true);

    // open the datagram socket
    // Create a new UdpSocket object
    // prefix 24 assumption -> problem: valid device IP in this case socket will be
    // in broadcast mode using prefix 0 -> netmask only broadcast = global broadcast - OK
    udpSocket = std::make_shared<visionary::NetLink>(receiverIp, 24, streamingPort, ipAddress);


if transport_protocol == "TCP":
        # configure the data stream
        # the methods immediately write the setting to the device
        # set protocol and device port
        # start streaming
        streaming_device = Streaming(ip_address, streaming_port)
elif transport_protocol == "UDP":
        # settings
            streaming_settings.PROTOCOL_UDP)  # UDP
            10)  # in milliseconds
            False)  # forward error correction
        streaming_device = Streaming(
            ip_address, streaming_port, protocol=transport_protocol)
        streaming_device.openStream((receiver_ip, streaming_port))

Frame acquisition

TCP: Create a frame grabber and start the acquisition

Now we can create a frame grabber. It handles the data connection to the device and automatically re-establishes the data connection if it was lost. It creates an internal thread that receives frames from the data connection and stores the most recently received frame for the application to retrieve. The frame grabber will automatically drop frames if the application does not receive frames fast enough.


pFrameGrabber = visionaryControl->createFrameGrabber();
    pDataHandler  = visionaryControl->createDataHandler();

With the frame grabber created we can then start the acquisition of the device.

if (!visionaryControl->startAcquisition())
    std::fprintf(stderr, "Failed to start acquisition.\n");

    return ExitCode::eControlCommunicationError;

The data handler in the pointer variable pDataHandler contains all data received from the frame.



On the communication layer this uses the PLAYSTART method to start the device independently of the devices frontendMode variable and can be called from any user level.

For details on how to access the frame metadata and the maps see Processing the frame data.

UDP: Read the buffer and parse the data

For UDP, we first open a UDP socket and receive the data into a buffer. Each frame/blob consists of multiple fragments. We receive all fragments in a loop, reassemble them into a blob, and then parse it.

pDataHandler = visionaryControl->createDataHandler();

      std::map<std::uint16_t, ITransport::ByteBuffer> fragmentMap;
      ITransport::ByteBuffer                          buffer;
      int                                             received;
      std::size_t                                     maxBytesToReceive = 1024;
      std::uint16_t                                   lastFrameNum      = 0;

      // Receive from UDP Socket
      received = udpSocket->read(buffer);

      std::cout << "========== new BLOB received ==========" << "\n";
      std::cout << "Blob number: " << ((buffer[0] << 8) | buffer[1]) << "\n";
      std::cout << "server IP: " << ipAddress << "\n";
      std::cout << "========================================" << "\n";

      // FIN Flag of Statemap in header is set when new BLOB begins
      while (buffer[6] != 0x80)
        std::uint16_t fragmentNumber = (static_cast<std::uint16_t>(buffer[2]) << 8) | buffer[3];
        if (fragmentNumber - lastFrameNum > 1)
            "Lost %d frames between Frames: %d %d \n", fragmentNumber - lastFrameNum, lastFrameNum, fragmentNumber);
        lastFrameNum = fragmentNumber;
        ITransport::ByteBuffer fragment(
          buffer.begin() + 14, buffer.end() - 1); // Payload begins at byteindex 14, Last element contains checksum
        fragmentMap[fragmentNumber] = fragment;
        received                    = udpSocket->read(buffer);
      int                    fragmentNumber = (buffer[2] << 8) | buffer[3];
      ITransport::ByteBuffer last_fragment(buffer.begin() + 14, buffer.end() - 1);
      fragmentMap[fragmentNumber] = last_fragment;

      auto completeBlob = reassembleFragments(fragmentMap);

      parseUdpBlob(completeBlob, pDataHandler);

As in the TCP case the data handler in the pointer variable pDataHandler contains all data received from the frame. Converting to pointcloud uses the same underlying data structures and functions.

Receive frames and convert to point cloud

Since the acquisition has started and the data connection is established, we can now receive frames from the frame grabber. In the example below we receive a limited number of frames, but in a real application we would receive frames until the application is stopped.


if (transportProtocol == "TCP")
      if (!pFrameGrabber->genGetNextFrame(pDataHandler))

        std::fprintf(stderr, "Frame timeout in continuous mode after %u frames\n", i);

        return ExitCode::eFrameTimeout;
        std::printf("Frame received in continuous mode, frame #%" PRIu32 "\n", pDataHandler->getFrameNum());
        if (storeData)
          // write the frame to disk
          writeFrame(visionaryType, *pDataHandler, filePrefix);

          // Convert data to a point cloud
          std::vector<PointXYZ> pointCloud;

          // Write point cloud to PLY
          const std::string framePrefix  = std::to_string(pDataHandler->getFrameNum());
          std::string       plyFilePath  = framePrefix + "-pointcloud.ply";
          const char*       cPlyFilePath = plyFilePath.c_str();
          std::printf("Writing frame to %s\n", cPlyFilePath);

          if (visionaryType == VisionaryType::eVisionaryS)
            PointCloudPlyWriter::WriteFormatPLY(cPlyFilePath, pointCloud, pDataHandler->getRGBAMap(), true);
            PointCloudPlyWriter::WriteFormatPLY(cPlyFilePath, pointCloud, pDataHandler->getIntensityMap(), true);
          std::printf("Finished writing frame to %s\n", cPlyFilePath);


sensor_data = Data.Data()
        number_frames = count
        while number_frames > 0:
            whole_frame = streaming_device.frame
  , convertToMM=False)
            processSensorData(sensor_data, device_type,
                              img_dir, output_prefix, pcl_dir, write_files)
            number_frames -= 1

    except KeyboardInterrupt:

Stop and end the acquisition

Finally, we need to end the data connection and stop the acquisition on the device. While this is optional, it is recommended to do this to ensure a clean shutdown of the device.


if (!visionaryControl->stopAcquisition())
    std::fprintf(stderr, "Failed to stop acquisition.\n");

    return ExitCode::eControlCommunicationError;

Now we release the frame grabber.



This will stop the frame grabber thread and close the data connection to the device. Since the frame grabber pointer is a smart pointer, the frame grabber will be automatically released when the pointer goes out of scope. However, the frame grabber executes a thread join with the frame grabber thread when going out of scope. The frame grabber thread polls for termination only after a frame read time out occurs, which can be up to 5 seconds. Consequently, the release of the frame grabber is blocked for the aforementioned time. With an explicit release, you can control the exact point in the code where the application is blocked.

Finally, we close the control connection to the device.


device_control.login(Control.USERLEVEL_AUTH_CLIENT, 'CLIENT')
    if transport_protocol == "UDP":
        # restoring back to TCP mode




device_control.login(Control.USERLEVEL_AUTH_CLIENT, 'CLIENT')
    if transport_protocol == "UDP":
        # restoring back to TCP mode

This is also optional, since the control connection will be closed automatically when the VisionaryControl instance goes out of scope. However, we recommend to close the control connection to make it explicit that the control connection is no longer used.


In snapshot mode, the device will only send data to the host when a snapshot command is received.

A new snapshot command will only be processed by the device after the previous snapshot command has been processed. If the application sends snapshot commands faster than the device can process them, the device will drop the snapshot commands.

The principal steps to setting up a snapshot are similar to the steps for continuous streaming:

  1. Prepare the device for streaming

  2. Create a frame grabber

  3. Wait until the device is ready to receive the snapshot command

  4. Send a snapshot command to the device and receive the frame from the data connection

  5. End the acquisition

The sample code can be found in cpp/snapshots.cpp and python/

Prepare the device for streaming

The preparation step is identical to the preparation step for continuous streaming.

Snapshots can only be acquired when the continuous streaming is stopped. It is allowed to stop a device even if it is not streaming. In this case the stop command will be ignored by the device.


if (!visionaryControl->stopAcquisition())
    std::fprintf(stderr, "Failed to stop acquisition.\n");

    return ExitCode::eControlCommunicationError;



Create a frame grabber

Not much to do here.


pFrameGrabber = visionaryControl->createFrameGrabber();

    // the data handler pointer will later contain the frame data
    pDataHandler = visionaryControl->createDataHandler();

Wait until the device is ready

It is essential not to overrun the device with snapshot commands as it will otherwise silently drop the snapshot commands. A new snapshot command will be accepted when the frame acquisition cycle has ended.

A short digression:

When a frame is captured, the device internally performs several tasks

  • prepare the image capture, which usually takes only a few microseconds,

  • start the image exposure (for which the time is configured by the exposure time for Visionary-S CX while it is fixed for Visionary-T Mini CX),

  • read the data from the sensor,

  • applying image filter and sending the image data starts now, but

  • the sensor still waits for the configured frame period (or frame time) to be finished.

So when configuring a frame time that is much larger than the exposure time, even after all data was sent by the device it might not be able to process a new snapshot trigger.

To time the snapshots correctly we need to make sure that snapshot commands are sent with time interval of at least one frame period. For more stability some additional 1..2ms extra time is recommended.

In the sample we use a parameter pollPeriodSpan to wait for the device to be ready to receive the next snapshot command.


const auto timeSinceLastSnap = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - lastSnapTime;

    if (timeSinceLastSnap < pollPeriodSpan)
      auto timeToWait = pollPeriodSpan - timeSinceLastSnap;


poll_period_span = poll_period_ms / 1000.0  # Convert milliseconds to seconds
    last_snap_time = time.time()

Get the snapshots and convert to point cloud

Now we are ready to trigger snapshots and receive the frames through the data connection.

On the communication layer this uses the PLAYNEXT method to trigger a snapshot and can be called from any user level.


lastSnapTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    if (!visionaryControl->stepAcquisition())
      std::fprintf(stderr, "Failed to trigger a snapshot\n");

      return ExitCode::eControlCommunicationError;

    if (transportProtocol == "TCP")
      // the snapshot has possibly already arrived, so parameter onlyNewer is false
      if (!pFrameGrabber->genGetNextFrame(pDataHandler))
        std::fprintf(stderr, "Frame timeout for snapshot\n");

        return ExitCode::eFrameTimeout;
        std::printf("Frame received in snapshot mode, frame #%" PRIu32 "\n", pDataHandler->getFrameNum());
        if (storeData)
          // write the frame to disk
          writeFrame(visionaryType, *pDataHandler, filePrefix);

          // Convert data to a point cloud
          std::vector<PointXYZ> pointCloud;

          // Write point cloud to PLY
          const std::string framePrefix  = std::to_string(pDataHandler->getFrameNum());
          std::string       plyFilePath  = framePrefix + "-pointcloud.ply";
          const char*       cPlyFilePath = plyFilePath.c_str();
          std::printf("Writing frame to %s\n", cPlyFilePath);

          if (visionaryType == VisionaryType::eVisionaryS)
            PointCloudPlyWriter::WriteFormatPLY(cPlyFilePath, pointCloud, pDataHandler->getRGBAMap(), true);
            PointCloudPlyWriter::WriteFormatPLY(cPlyFilePath, pointCloud, pDataHandler->getIntensityMap(), true);
          std::printf("Finished writing frame to %s\n", cPlyFilePath);
    else if (transportProtocol == "UDP")
      pDataHandler = visionaryControl->createDataHandler();

      std::map<std::uint16_t, ITransport::ByteBuffer> fragmentMap;
      ITransport::ByteBuffer                          buffer;
      int                                             received;
      std::size_t                                     maxBytesToReceive = 1024;
      std::uint16_t                                   lastFrameNum      = 0;

      // Receive from UDP Socket
      received = udpSocket->read(buffer);

      std::cout << "========== new BLOB received ==========" << "\n";
      std::cout << "Blob number: " << ((buffer[0] << 8) | buffer[1]) << "\n";
      std::cout << "server IP: " << ipAddress << "\n";
      std::cout << "========================================" << "\n";

      // FIN Flag of Statemap in header is set when new BLOB begins
      while (buffer[6] != 0x80)
        std::uint16_t fragmentNumber = (static_cast<std::uint16_t>(buffer[2]) << 8) | buffer[3];
        if (fragmentNumber - lastFrameNum > 1)
            "Lost %d frames between Frames: %d %d \n", fragmentNumber - lastFrameNum, lastFrameNum, fragmentNumber);
        lastFrameNum = fragmentNumber;
        ITransport::ByteBuffer fragment(
          buffer.begin() + 14, buffer.end() - 1); // Payload begins at byteindex 14, Last element contains checksum
        fragmentMap[fragmentNumber] = fragment;
        // std::cout << "Fragment number: " << fragmentNumber << "\n";
        received = udpSocket->read(buffer);
      int fragmentNumber = (buffer[2] << 8) | buffer[3];
      // std::cout << "Fragment number: " << fragmentNumber << "\n";
      ITransport::ByteBuffer last_fragment(buffer.begin() + 14, buffer.end() - 1);
      fragmentMap[fragmentNumber] = last_fragment;

      auto completeBlob = reassembleFragments(fragmentMap);

      parseUdpBlob(completeBlob, pDataHandler);

      std::printf("Frame received in continuous mode, frame #%" PRIu32 "\n", pDataHandler->getFrameNum());

      if (storeData)
        // write the frame to disk
        writeFrame(visionaryType, *pDataHandler, filePrefix);

        // Convert data to a point cloud
        std::vector<PointXYZ> pointCloud;

        // Write point cloud to PLY
        const std::string framePrefix  = std::to_string(pDataHandler->getFrameNum());
        std::string       plyFilePath  = framePrefix + "-pointcloud.ply";
        const char*       cPlyFilePath = plyFilePath.c_str();
        std::printf("Writing frame to %s\n", cPlyFilePath);

        if (visionaryType == VisionaryType::eVisionaryS)
          PointCloudPlyWriter::WriteFormatPLY(cPlyFilePath, pointCloud, pDataHandler->getRGBAMap(), true);
          PointCloudPlyWriter::WriteFormatPLY(cPlyFilePath, pointCloud, pDataHandler->getIntensityMap(), true);
        std::printf("Finished writing frame to %s\n", cPlyFilePath);


# now we are not too fast and can trigger a snapshot
        last_snap_time = time.time()
        whole_frame = streaming_device.frame, convertToMM=False)
        processSensorData(sensor_data, device_type,
                          img_dir, output_prefix, pcl_dir, write_files)

Stop and end the acquisition

Since taking a snapshot leaves the device in a stopped state, we do not need to stop the acquisition. However, we release the frame grabber




device_control.login(Control.USERLEVEL_AUTH_CLIENT, 'CLIENT')
    if transport_protocol == "UDP":
        # restoring back to TCP mode

and close the control connection to the device.





External trigger

In external trigger mode, the device will only send data to the host when a digital input is activated.

For the external trigger sample you need to be able

  • to generate a short pulse SENS_IN1 (only) for a Visionary-S CX or

  • to generate a rising edge on the configured trigger input for a Visionary-T Mini CX.


The Visionary-S CX trigger pulse is level-active, i.e. it captures new frames as long as the trigger input is active. Usually a trigger pulse thus should be shorter than the frame period.

On the Visionary-T Mini CX a trigger pulse is edge-active, i.e. it captures new frames only when the trigger input is activated.

Contrary to the two modes described above, this mode can only be used after the devices' digital inputs (and possibly the trigger busy output for the Visionary-T Mini CX) and the frontend mode have been configured accordingly.

The precise configuration differs between Visionary-S CX and the Visionary-T Mini CX, yet the principle sequence is common to both devices:

  1. Save the previous configuration.

  2. re-configure the digital input as trigger input (and optionally the trigger busy output)

  3. Configure the frontend mode to enable the external trigger mode.

  4. Create a frame grabber.

  5. Wait for images to be triggered.

  6. Stop the acquisition.

  7. Restore the previous frontend mode and digital input configuration

The sample is quite detailed, not all code may be necessary in your application.

The steps for saving and restoring the previous configuration are a precautionary measure to ensure that the device is in a known state after the sample application has finished. In your application you might want to skip these steps if you configure your device to the desired state right from the start.

The configuration can also be avoided if it is either done once in the Sopas ET UI or a specific configuration script and then stored permanently on the device.

Both the digital input configuration and the frontendMode variable are a device configuration variables that can be permanently stored on the device. While the external trigger sample is active, please do not call the WriteEeprom Sopas method or press Store permanently in the Sopas ET UI. This will overwrite the device configuration and might lead to unexpected behavior of the device after the next power cycle the device will remain in the configured trigger mode.

The sample code can be found in cpp/external_trigger.cpp and python/

Save the previous configuration

To be able to restore the previous configuration, we first need to query the current configuration. This is done by reading the frontendMode variable


const visionary::FrontendMode = readFrontendMode(rVisionaryControl);

and the current digital input configuration (before it is changed). The enumeration type and thus the code used to read-back and set the pin functions differs slightly between input-only pins of Visionary-S CX (SENS_IN1 and SENS_IN2)

const visionary::InputFunctionType fct = readDioFunction(rVisionaryControl, visionary::DInPort::eSENS_IN1);

and bidirectional pins (INOUT1, INOUT2…​)

const visionary::IOFunctionType fct = readDioFunction(rVisionaryControl, visionary::DioPort::eINOUT1);

Optionally we can also enable the trigger busy output for the Visionary-T Mini CX, in this example for INOUT2. Hence, we read the current state to be able to restore it later.

const visionary::IOFunctionType fct = readDioFunction(rVisionaryControl, visionary::DioPort::eINOUT2);


def read_configuration(device_control: Control, port_names: DioPortNames) -> Configuration:
    configuration = Configuration()
    configuration.frontend_mode = device_control.getFrontendModeEnum()

    if port_names.trigger_in_name:
        configuration.trigger_in_fct = readDioFunction(
            device_control, port_names.trigger_in_name)

    if port_names.busy_out_name:
        configuration.busy_out_fct = readDioFunction(
            device_control, port_names.busy_out_name)

    return configuration

def readDioFunction(device_control, trigger_name):
    # try whether our name is an input port
        p_var_name = getInFunctionVarName(trigger_name)
        resp = device_control.readVariable(p_var_name.encode())
        input_function_type = struct.unpack('>B', resp)[0]
        return InputFunctionType(input_function_type)
    # if not, it must be an in/out port
    except ValueError:
        p_var_name = getInOutFunctionVarName(trigger_name)
        resp = device_control.readVariable(p_var_name.encode())
        io_function_type = struct.unpack('>B', resp)[0]
        return IOFunctionType(io_function_type)

Re-configure the digital input as trigger input and set the frontend mode

The Visionary-S CX has a low-latency hardware trigger that allows the acquisition of images with a minimal delay. This restricts the pin that can be used as trigger input to SENS_IN1.

Since the configuration is only available with at least user-level Authorized client a login/logout sequence is required.


if (!visionaryControl.login(IAuthentication::UserLevel::AUTHORIZED_CLIENT, "CLIENT"))
  ... error handling ...


# Login as authorized client
device_control.login(Control.USERLEVEL_AUTH_CLIENT, 'CLIENT')

Now we can modify the digital input configuration, in our example for INOUT1 of a Visionary-T Mini CX.


writeDioFunction(visionaryControl, visionary::DioPort::eINOUT1, visionary::IOFunctionType::eTrigger);

Further on a Visionary-T Mini CX a pin can be configured as trigger busy output and will be activated as long as a previous trigger is still processed. This can be used to make sure a trigger pulse can be processed by the device. In our example we configure INOUT2 as trigger busy output.

writeDioFunction(visionaryControl, visionary::DioPort::eINOUT2, visionary::IOFunctionType::eTriggerBusy);

The external trigger mode needs a specific value for the frontend mode. The required frontend mode differs between Visionary-S CX with the hardware trigger input and the Visionary-T Mini CX with the software based trigger input.

Visionary-S CX requires a special external trigger mode to be used

writeFrontendMode(visionaryControl, visionary::FrontendMode::eExternalTrigger);

while the Visionary-T Mini CX frontend simply needs to be stopped.

writeFrontendMode(visionaryControl, visionary::FrontendMode::eStopped);


new_config = Configuration()
# the expected frontend mode for external trigger operation
# differs between Visionary-T Mini and the rest.
if device_type == "Visionary-T Mini":
    new_config.frontend_mode = FrontendMode.Stopped
    new_config.frontend_mode = FrontendMode.ExternalTrigger

new_config.trigger_in_fct = InputFunctionType.Trigger
new_config.trigger_in_fct_2 = IOFunctionType.Trigger
new_config.busyOutFct = IOFunctionType.TriggerBusy

print("New config:", new_config)

# write the new configuration
write_configuration(device_control, port_names, new_config)

Finally, we log out from the user level Authorized client.


if (!visionaryControl.logout())
  ... error handling ...


# logout after settings have been done

Create a frame grabber and wait for images to be triggered

As described above for the other operation modes, we create a frame grabber instance after a short delay to give the device time to process the configuration changes.






std::shared_ptr<VisionaryData>    pDataHandler  = nullptr;
  std::unique_ptr<FrameGrabberBase> pFrameGrabber = nullptr;

  if (transportProtocol == "TCP")
    // create a frame grabber suitable for the Visionary type used in visionaryControl
    pFrameGrabber = visionaryControl->createFrameGrabber();
    // the data handler pointer will later contain the frame data
    pDataHandler = visionaryControl->createDataHandler();

and wait for images to arrive after a trigger signal was received

while (!pFrameGrabber->genGetNextFrame(pDataHandler, false))

      // finally we got a frame
      std::printf("Frame received in external trigger mode, frame #%" PRIu32 "\n", pDataHandler->getFrameNum());


# wait for external trigger
    sensor_data = Data.Data()
    interrupted = False
    for i in range(count):
        frame_number = None
        print("Waiting for the trigger, press ctrl-C to abort")
        while not interrupted:
                whole_frame = streaming_device.frame
      , convertToMM=False)
                if sensor_data.depthmap.frameNumber != frame_number:
                    processSensorData(sensor_data, device_type,
                                      img_dir, output_prefix, pcl_dir, write_files)
                frame_number = sensor_data.depthmap.frameNumber
            except Exception:
                continue  # Continue the loop if a timeout occurs
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                print("Interrupted by user")
                interrupted = True

Note that the frame grabber may time out when the time until an external trigger occurs is too long. To avoid that, the samples uses a loop until getGenNextFrame returns true indicating that a frame was received.

End the application and restore everything

Finally, we release the frame grabber


    setBlobTcpPort(visionaryControl, 2114);

and write back the saved configuration as described above. Finally, we close the control connection to the device.


# Login as authorized client
    device_control.login(Control.USERLEVEL_AUTH_CLIENT, 'CLIENT')
    # restore the old configuration
    write_configuration(device_control, port_names, old_config)
    print("Restored old configuration.")

Processing the frame data

In the sample we use the generic method to receive a frame from the frame grabber. This works for any supported Visionary device. However, using this pointer we can only receive common data like frame number, frame timestamp or map geometry as shown in Frame meta data and Camera data. To access the map data the pointer has to be cast to the correct device dependent type as explained below in Map data.

Frame meta data

The frame meta data contains

  • the frame number and

  • the frame timestamp (in a specific format, see the VisionaryData class for details), and for convenience also

  • the frame timestamp in milliseconds since an unspecified variable epoch (can be device reboot, the last re-initialization/re-configuration or the Unix epoch January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC).

The latter is most useful if you - as we highly recommend - work with relative frame times.

It is accessed like this





Camera data

You can access the frame geometry either using





which is a shortcut for


double int width = rCameraParameters.width;
double int height = rCameraParameters.height;


width = data.cameraParams.width
height = data.cameraParams.height

after obtaining the camera parameter structure



This structure also gives access to the intrinsic camera parameters,




the lens distortion parameters,





and the extrinsic camera parameters, or more specifically the transformation from the camera coordinate system to the world coordinate system defined in the device’s mounting settings.





For historical reasons we also have the focal to ray-cross distance value





which is the distance along the optical axis from the focal point to the reference point, i.e. the origin of the camera coordiante system.

In principle, the focal to ray-cross value needs to be subtracted from the z-coordinate of the point obtained after the lens-hole transformation and before the camera to world transformation to get the correct z-coordinate in the world coordinate system. For Visionary-T Mini CX the focal to ray-cross parameter is set to zero. Instead, it is included in the translation part of the camera-to-world transformation matrix.

Map data

To access device type specific data like maps, we have to cast the data handler pointer pDataHandler to the correct type. This type depends on the visionary device type and is

  • VisionarySData for the Visionary-S (device type VisionaryType::eVisionaryS), or

  • VisionaryTMiniData for the Visionary-T Mini (device type VisionaryType::eVisionaryTMini).

For the Visionary-S CX the map data is accessed like this





and for the Visionary-T Mini CX like this







A map is an image that contains one aspect of the acquired data of the sensor for each pixel:

  • a depth map contains the distance data of the sensor (either as radial distance or cartesian z distance)

  • an intensity map contains the intensity data of the sensor

  • a color map contains the color data of the sensor

  • a status map contains a per-pixel bitmask describing whether the pixel is valid (bitmask is 0) or invalid (bitmask is not 0)

  • a confidence map contains the confidence data of the sensor

Not all maps are supported by all sensors, see the sensor specific documentation for details.


A frame contains all data from a single acquisition. This includes the depth map, the intensity or color map and the status or confidence map. The frame also contains metadata like the timestamp of the acquisition and the frame number.