To build the radler/ros2 docker image:
apt-get install docker-buildx export DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 cd /path/to/radler/docker docker build -t radler/ros2 .
To test pubsub example:
docker run --rm -i -t radler/ros2:latest talker docker run --rm -i -t radler/ros2:latest listener
You should see the output of the two nodes explaining that they are communicating. For more details see pubsub example documentation.
You can stop everything by typing Ctrl-C.
To try SROS2 (, start a container for both talker and listener nodes:
docker run --env-file sros_env.list --rm -i -t radler/ros2:latest bash docker ps # to retrieve the CONTAINER_ID docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash # to get into the container's shell
Inside of the container, run listener and talker nodes with security feature on:
ros2 pkg executables # to check pkg/node available ros2 run pubsub listener --ros-args --enclave /talker_listener/listener ros2 run pubsub talker --ros-args --enclave /talker_listener/talker
To run the above talker_listener demo on two containers, start one container c1:
docker run --env-file sros_env.list --rm -i -t radler/ros2:latest bash
Inside of the container c1, prepare talker keys for SROS2 authentication and encryption:
tar zchvf talker.tgz sros2_keys/enclaves/talker_listener/talker
Start another container c2:
docker run --env-file sros_env.list --rm -i -t radler/ros2:latest bash
Copy talker keys from the container c1 to the container c2:
docker ps docker cp c1_CONTAINER_ID:/root/talker.tgz . docker cp talker.tgz c2_CONTAINER_ID:/root/
Inside of the container c2, untar talker keys and run talker node:
tar zxvf talker.tgz ros2 run pubsub talker --ros-args --enclave /talker_listener/talker
Inside of the container c1, run listener node:
ros2 run pubsub listener --ros-args --enclave /talker_listener/listener