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File metadata and controls

331 lines (284 loc) · 13 KB


gs-JSON is a domain agnostic unifying 3D file format for geometric and semantic modelling (hence the 'gs').

Conceptual Model

The gs-JSON conceptual model uses topology as the organising framework for defining both geometry and semantics.

Geometry includes both polygonal and spline based geometric entities. Semantics consists of data linked to entities and collections of entities in the model.


The topological hierarchy is follows:

  • 0D Topology
    • POINT = a point is space.
    • VERTEX = a location in space associated with a single POINT.
  • 1D Topology
    • EDGE = a line or curve bounded by start and end VERTICES.
    • WIRE = a set of one or more connected EDGES, either open or closed.
  • 2D Topology
    • FACE = a face bounded by a closed WIRE, with zero or more holes each bounded by a closed WIRE.
    • SHELL = a set of one or more connected FACES, either open or closed.

VERTICES, WIRES and SHELLS can be instantiated as geometric entities.

WIRE Entities

Each WIRE has:

  • a set of connected EDGES (implicit), each of which has
  • a sequence of VERTICES (implicit), each of which is
  • associated with a single (implicit) POINT.

SHELL Entities

Each SHELL has:

  • a set of connected FACES (implicit), each of which has
  • a set of closed WIRES (implicit), each of which has
  • a set of connected EDGES (implicit), each of which has
  • a sequence of VERTICES (implicit), each of which is
  • associated with a single (implicit) POINT.

Shared Entities

Multiple geometric entities can reference the same POINTS. For example, a box can be created that has 8 points and 24 vertices (6 faces x 4 vertices). Each POINT is therefore referenced by three vertices.

However, higher level entities cannot be shared. For example, an EDGE cannot be part of two faces. Thus, if two faces have EDGES touching, then the POINTS can be shared, but there will still be seperate EDGES, each with its own VERTICES.


The geometric entities together with their type identifiers are as follows:

  • 0D VERTEX entities:
    • 0 - Acorn
    • 1 - Ray
    • 2 - Plane
  • 1D WIRE entities:
    • 100 - Polyline
    • 120 - NURBS curve
    • 121 - Bezier curve
  • 2D SHELL entities:
    • 200 - Polygon Mesh (can be non-planar, being tested...)
    • 220 - NURBS Surface
    • 221 - Bezier Surface

More geometric entities may be added in the future.

Other higher level topological entities (such as solids and compound solids) can be created using collections. See below for more details.

Implicit Entities

In order to ensure that the file format is efficient and compact, internal entities are not explicitly represented. They nevertheless still exist implicitly. For example, a polygonal mesh has an explicitly defined SHELL, but the FACES, WIRES, EDGES, VERTICES and POINTS are all implicit.


Semantic information can be added to the model in two ways:

  1. by specifying attributes linked to geometric entities at specific topological levels, and/or
  2. by specifying properties linked to nested collections of geometric entities.

These two approaches to adding semantics to a model are based on existing approaches in specific domains. Attributes are similar to the way sematics are specified in existing geospatial file formats such as geojson. However, in gs-JSON, the concept of attributes has been further generalised, allowing them to be added to topological levels that are implicit within the geometry. Properties are similar to the way semantics are specified in existing product modelling file formats such as the various STEP formats. Geometric entities can be groups into collections, and possible organised into part-whole hierarchies, with properties being specified for each level of the hierarchy. However, gs-JSON does not specify any domain-specific semantics.

JSON Encoding of Geometry

Within a gs-JSON file, the all geometry is defined in a single entities array containing three sub-arrays, as follows:

"geometry": {
	"entities": [
		[  //VERTEX entities array
		[  //WIRE entities array
		[  //SHELL entities array

Entities Arrays

Entities are represented using integer arrays, consisting of three elements as follows:

  • [type, [array of point indices], [array of additional parameters]]


A polyline is defined as follows:

  • [100, [0,1,2,0], []]

This represents the following:

  1. type = 100, i.e. polyline.
  2. point indices = [0,1,2,0], since the first and last are the same, it must be closed.
  3. additional parameters, none for a polyline.

Polylines have wires that can be open or closed.

Polygon Meshes

A polygon mesh is defined as follows:

  • [200, [[60,61,63], [61,62,63]], [[60,61,62,63]]],

This represents the following:

  1. type = 200, i.e. polygon mesh.
  2. point indices = [[60,61,63], [61,62,63]], which represents two triangles.
  3. additional parameters = [[60,61,62,63]], which represents the closed wire around the outer edge.

Polygon meshes have faces and wires, both of which are always closed.

Indexing Method for Entities

In order to identify specific entities in the entities array, a simple integer index is used.

For explicit geometry such as WIRES and SHELLS, these indexes refer directly to the position in an array of of geometric elements. For example, the SHELL with index 10 simply refers to the 10th item in the SHELLS array.

For implicit geometry such as POINTS, VERTICES, and EDGES, a conversion will need to be performed. A simple way to implement the conversion is to instantiate all implicit entities. For example, for EDGE number 100, the conversion would create an array of all edges in the model, and then select edge number 100. However, for large and compelx models, more efficient approaches may need to be considered.

JSON Encoding of Semantics

Within a js-JSON file, all semantics is defined in a two arrays, as follows:

"semantics": {
	"attributes":  [ 
	"collections": [ 

The attributes and collections arrays each contain objects that define the semantics.

Attribute Objects

Attributes objects are defined as follows:

  • {"uuid"="xxx", "name"="my_attrib", "topology"="xxx", "values"=[...], "map"=[...] }

topology can be "points", "vertices", "edges", "wires", "faces", and "shells".

values is an array the defines the set of values that will be assigned to the geometric entities. The values can be any valid JSON type.

map is an array of indices, whose length is equal to the number of geometric entities.

For example, lets say a model contains 20 faces, and that these faces are assigned the following attribute values:

  • [null,'a','b','c','a',null,null,null,'b','c','b','c','a','b','b','c',null,null,null,null]

The two arrays would be as follows:

  • "values" = [null,"a","b","c"]
  • "map" = [0,1,2,3,1,0,0,0,2,3,2,3,1,2,2,3,0,0,0,0]

Note that the length of the map array must be equal to the number of entities (which in this case is 20).

Viewer Attributes

Certain POINT attributes may be recognised by the viewer. (This of course dpeends on the implementation of the viewer.)

  • position - the position of the point, in 3d [x,y.z] or 2d [x,y].
  • normal - the point normal vector, in 3d [x,y.z].
  • colour - the point colour, as [r,g,b].
  • xform - the point transformation matrix. (See for more information about the transformation matrix form.)

Collections Objects

A collection can contain:

  • geometric entities (explicit and implicit), and/or
  • other collections.

Collections are homogeneous. All the entities in a collection must be of the same type. So for eample, if a collection contains EDGES, then all entities in that cillection will be EDGES. However, since collections can also contain other collections, it is still possible to group together non-homogeneous entities. For example, a collection can contain two other collectiosn, one EDGES and the other SHELLS.

Collections objects are defined as follows:

  • {"uuid"="xxx", "name"="my_coll", "typology"="xxx", "entities"=[...], "properties"={"key1":value1, "key2":value2, ...}}

typology is either "points", "vertices", "edges", "wires", "shells", "collections", or "none".

entities is an array of integer indexes. If topology is "points", "vertices", "edges", "wires" or "shells", then the indexes point back into specific geometric entities at that topological level. If topology is "collections", then the indexes point back at specific collections. (Circular references must be avoided.) If topology is "none" then this collection contains no entities (it may be the root of a tree), so entities can be omitted.

properties is an object containing a set of key-value pairs. The key is a string, and is the name of the property. The value can be any valid JSON type.



There are some examples files here:

Below is an annoted example. Note that javascript style comments are used even though comments are not technically allowed in JSON.

	"metadata": {
		"version": 0.1,
		"crs": {"epsg":3857},
		"location": "+40.6894-074.0447" //ISO 6709, ±DD.DDDD±DDD.DDDD degrees format
	"skins": {
		"images": [],	 //based on three.js
		"textures": [],	 //based on three.js
		"materials": [	 //based on three.js
	"geometry": {
        	"counts": [444,555,44,22,11,5], //number of points, vertices, edges, wires, faces, shells
		"entities": [
			[ //VERTEX entities
				[0, [0], []],	        //acorn	 [type, [origin vtx], []]
				[1, [1], [1,1,1]],	//ray	 [type, [origin vtx], [ray vector]]
				[2, [2], [1,0,0]]	//plane	 [type, [origin vtx], [plane normal vector]]
			[ //WIRE entities
				[100, [0,1,2,3], []],	  //open polyline (3 edges)     [type, [vtxs], [open_closed]]
				[100, [7,8,9,10,7], []],  //closed polylines (4 edges)  [type, [vtxs], [open_closed]]
			[ //SHELL entities
				[200, [[50,51,52,53]], [[50,51,52,53]]],	   //shell with one polygon  [type, [[vtxs]], []]
				[200, [[60,61,63], [61,62,63]], [[60,61,62,63]]],  //shell with two polygons [type, [[vtxs],[vtxs]], []]
	"semantics": {
		"attributes": [
			{//positions of implicit POINTS 
				"name": "position", 
				"topology": "points",
				"values": [
				"map": [3,1,2,0,4,2,4,2,5,2,...]
			{//some data attached to implicit POINTS 
				"values": [null,"raintree","oaktree", ...]
				"map": [0,2,1,2,2,0,0,0,3,2..]
			{//some data attached to implicit EDGES
				"values": [null,"timber","steel","concrete", ...]
				"map": [0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,1,1,1,3,3,3,0,0,0, ...]
			{//some data attached to implicit FACES
				"values": [123,567,264,422,124,...]
				"map": [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,...]
			{//the viewer may "recognise" this attrib and render the geometry accordingly
				"values": [[0.3,0.2,0.4],[0.7,0.2,0.3],[0.7,0.2,0.3],[0.7,0.2,0.3],...],
				"map": [1,3,2,3,0,1,2,3,4,5,...]
		"collections": [
			{//Empty collection (which is ok), it has some properties
				"properties": {"key1":value1, "key2":value2, ...},
			{//A collection containing some EDGES. It has no properties (which is ok).
				"name":"some_edges", //user defined name
			{//A collection containing some WIRES
				"name":"some_wires", //user defined name
				"properties": {"key1":value1, "key2":value2, ...}
			{//A collection containing some SHELLS
				"name":"some_shells", //user defined name
				"properties": {"key1":value1, "key2":value2, ...}
			{//A collection containing some other collections.
				"properties": {"key1":value1, "key2":value2, ...}