diff --git a/api.html b/api.html
index 368a2f5c0..02152024c 100644
--- a/api.html
+++ b/api.html
@@ -1079,19 +1079,19 @@
API Documentation
Jinja2 template used to generate Dockerfile
-bci_build.templates.KIWI_TEMPLATE = <Template memory:7f337ff0ad50>
+bci_build.templates.KIWI_TEMPLATE = <Template memory:7f8de4e06d50>
Jinja2 template used to generate $pkg_name.kiwi
-bci_build.templates.SERVICE_TEMPLATE = <Template memory:7f337ff0b390>
+bci_build.templates.SERVICE_TEMPLATE = <Template memory:7f8de4e07390>
Jinja2 template used to generate _service
diff --git a/searchindex.js b/searchindex.js
index a49ce639c..25fee86f5 100644
--- a/searchindex.js
+++ b/searchindex.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Search.setIndex({"alltitles": {"API Documentation": [[1, null]], "Adding and Modifying Container Images": [[0, null]], "Adding files to the Image": [[0, "adding-files-to-the-image"]], "Applying additional changes to your Image": [[0, "applying-additional-changes-to-your-image"]], "Automatic Package Version Substitution": [[0, "automatic-package-version-substitution"]], "BCI build recipe generator": [[2, null]], "Branch setup": [[3, "branch-setup"]], "Contents": [[2, "contents"]], "Contributing": [[2, "contributing"]], "Documentation - READMEs": [[2, "documentation-readmes"]], "Entrypoints": [[2, "entrypoints"]], "Indices and tables": [[2, "indices-and-tables"]], "Installing Packages into the Container Image": [[0, "installing-packages-into-the-container-image"]], "New Package Checklist": [[0, "new-package-checklist"]], "Overview": [[2, "overview"]], "Prerequisites": [[2, "prerequisites"]], "Project Setup": [[3, "project-setup"]], "Staging Bot": [[3, null]], "bci_build module": [[1, "module-bci_build"]], "bci_build.package module": [[1, "module-bci_build.package"]], "bci_build.package.versions module": [[1, "module-bci_build.package.versions"]], "bci_build.templates module": [[1, "module-bci_build.templates"]], "dotnet module": [[1, "module-dotnet"]], "staging module": [[1, "module-staging"]], "staging.bot module": [[1, "module-staging.bot"]], "staging.build_result module": [[1, "module-staging.build_result"]], "staging.project_setup module": [[1, "module-staging.project_setup"]]}, "docnames": ["adding_containers", "api", "index", "staging_bot"], "envversion": {"sphinx": 64, "sphinx.domains.c": 3, "sphinx.domains.changeset": 1, "sphinx.domains.citation": 1, "sphinx.domains.cpp": 9, "sphinx.domains.index": 1, "sphinx.domains.javascript": 3, "sphinx.domains.math": 2, "sphinx.domains.python": 4, "sphinx.domains.rst": 2, "sphinx.domains.std": 2, "sphinx.ext.intersphinx": 1}, "filenames": ["adding_containers.rst", "api.rst", "index.rst", "staging_bot.rst"], 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"module-bci_build.package", false]], "bci_build.package.versions": [[1, "module-bci_build.package.versions", false]], "bci_build.templates": [[1, "module-bci_build.templates", false]], "bcis (staging.bot.stagingbot property)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.bcis", false]], "blocked (staging.build_result.packagestatuscode attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.PackageStatusCode.BLOCKED", false]], "branch_name (staging.bot.stagingbot attribute)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.branch_name", false]], "broken (staging.build_result.packagestatuscode attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.PackageStatusCode.BROKEN", false]], "build_flavor (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.build_flavor", false]], "build_name (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.build_name", false]], "build_name (bci_build.package.developmentcontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.DevelopmentContainer.build_name", false]], "build_recipe_type (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.build_recipe_type", false]], "build_release (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.build_release", false]], "build_stage_custom_end (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.build_stage_custom_end", false]], "build_tags (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.build_tags", false]], "build_tags (bci_build.package.developmentcontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.DevelopmentContainer.build_tags", false]], "build_tags (bci_build.package.oscontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.OsContainer.build_tags", false]], "build_version (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.build_version", false]], "build_version (bci_build.package.developmentcontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.DevelopmentContainer.build_version", false]], "buildcounter_synctag (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.buildcounter_synctag", false]], "building (staging.build_result.packagestatuscode attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.PackageStatusCode.BUILDING", false]], "changelog_check_github_action (staging.bot.stagingbot property)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.changelog_check_github_action", false]], "cmd (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.cmd", false]], "cmd_docker (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.cmd_docker", false]], "cmd_kiwi (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.cmd_kiwi", false]], "code (staging.build_result.packagebuildresult attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.PackageBuildResult.code", false]], "code (staging.build_result.repositorybuildresult attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.RepositoryBuildResult.code", false]], "config_sh (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.config_sh", false]], "config_sh_interpreter (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.config_sh_interpreter", false]], "config_sh_script (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.config_sh_script", false]], "configure_devel_bci_package() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.configure_devel_bci_package", false]], "configure_devel_bci_project() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.configure_devel_bci_project", false]], "container_urls_html() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.container_urls_html", false]], 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"bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.description", false]], "detail_message (staging.build_result.packagebuildresult attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.PackageBuildResult.detail_message", false]], "devel (staging.project_setup.projecttype attribute)": [[1, "staging.project_setup.ProjectType.DEVEL", false]], "developmentcontainer (class in bci_build.package)": [[1, "bci_build.package.DevelopmentContainer", false]], "dirty (staging.build_result.repositorybuildresult attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.RepositoryBuildResult.dirty", false]], "disabled (staging.build_result.packagestatuscode attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.PackageStatusCode.DISABLED", false]], "dockerfile_custom_end (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.dockerfile_custom_end", false]], "dockerfile_from_line (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.dockerfile_from_line", false]], "dockerfile_from_target_ref (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.dockerfile_from_target_ref", false]], "dockerfile_run (in module bci_build.package)": [[1, "bci_build.package.DOCKERFILE_RUN", false]], "dockerfile_template (in module bci_build.templates)": [[1, "bci_build.templates.DOCKERFILE_TEMPLATE", false]], "dotenv_file_name (staging.bot.stagingbot attribute)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.DOTENV_FILE_NAME", false]], "dotnet": [[1, "module-dotnet", false]], "entrypoint (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.entrypoint", false]], "entrypoint_docker (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.entrypoint_docker", false]], "entrypoint_kiwi (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.entrypoint_kiwi", false]], "entrypoint_user (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.entrypoint_user", false]], "env (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.env", false]], "env_lines (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.env_lines", false]], "eula (bci_build.package.applicationstackcontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.ApplicationStackContainer.eula", false]], "eula (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.eula", false]], "excluded (staging.build_result.packagestatuscode attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.PackageStatusCode.EXCLUDED", false]], "exclusive_arch (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.exclusive_arch", false]], "expose_dockerfile (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.expose_dockerfile", false]], "exposes_kiwi (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.exposes_kiwi", false]], "exposes_ports (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.exposes_ports", false]], "extra_files (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.extra_files", false]], "extra_label_lines (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.extra_label_lines", false]], "extra_label_xml_lines (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.extra_label_xml_lines", false]], "extra_labels (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.extra_labels", false]], "failed (staging.build_result.packagestatuscode attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.PackageStatusCode.FAILED", false]], "fetch_build_results() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.fetch_build_results", false]], "fetch_container_urls() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.fetch_container_urls", false]], "file_name (bci_build.package.replacement attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.Replacement.file_name", false]], "find_missing_packages_action (staging.bot.stagingbot property)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.find_missing_packages_action", false]], "find_missing_packages_on_obs() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.find_missing_packages_on_obs", false]], "finished (staging.build_result.packagestatuscode attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.PackageStatusCode.FINISHED", false]], "force_rebuild() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.force_rebuild", false]], "format_version() (in module bci_build.package.versions)": [[1, "bci_build.package.versions.format_version", false]], "from_env_file() (staging.bot.stagingbot static method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.from_env_file", false]], "from_github_comment() (staging.bot.stagingbot static method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.from_github_comment", false]], "from_image (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.from_image", false]], "from_resultlist() (staging.build_result.repositorybuildresult static method)": [[1, "staging.build_result.RepositoryBuildResult.from_resultlist", false]], "from_target_image (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.from_target_image", false]], "generate_disk_size_constraints() (in module bci_build.package)": [[1, "bci_build.package.generate_disk_size_constraints", false]], "generate_meta() (in module staging.project_setup)": [[1, "staging.project_setup.generate_meta", false]], "generate_project_name() (in module staging.project_setup)": [[1, "staging.project_setup.generate_project_name", false]], "get_packages_without_changelog_addition() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.get_packages_without_changelog_addition", false]], "get_pkg_version() (in module bci_build.package.versions)": [[1, "bci_build.package.versions.get_pkg_version", false]], "git_committer_email (in module staging.bot)": [[1, "staging.bot.GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL", false]], "git_committer_name (in module staging.bot)": [[1, "staging.bot.GIT_COMMITTER_NAME", false]], "image_ref_name (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.image_ref_name", false]], "image_ref_name (bci_build.package.developmentcontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.DevelopmentContainer.image_ref_name", false]], "image_ref_name (bci_build.package.oscontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.OsContainer.image_ref_name", false]], "image_type (bci_build.package.applicationstackcontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.ApplicationStackContainer.image_type", false]], "image_type (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.image_type", false]], "image_type (bci_build.package.developmentcontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.DevelopmentContainer.image_type", false]], "image_type (bci_build.package.oscontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.OsContainer.image_type", false]], "is_base_container_annotation_available (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.is_base_container_annotation_available", false]], "is_build_failed() (in module staging.build_result)": [[1, "staging.build_result.is_build_failed", false]], "is_latest (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.is_latest", false]], "is_singleton_image (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.is_singleton_image", false]], "kiwi_additional_tags (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.kiwi_additional_tags", false]], "kiwi_derived_from_entry (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.kiwi_derived_from_entry", false]], "kiwi_env_entry (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.kiwi_env_entry", false]], "kiwi_ignore_packages (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.kiwi_ignore_packages", false]], "kiwi_packages (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.kiwi_packages", false]], "kiwi_template (in module bci_build.templates)": [[1, "bci_build.templates.KIWI_TEMPLATE", false]], "kiwi_version (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.kiwi_version", false]], "labelprefix (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.labelprefix", false]], "license (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.license", false]], "lifecycle_url (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.lifecycle_url", false]], "link_base_container_to_staging() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.link_base_container_to_staging", false]], "log_clean (in module bci_build.package)": [[1, "bci_build.package.LOG_CLEAN", false]], "logo_url (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.logo_url", false]], "main() (in module bci_build.package)": [[1, "bci_build.package.main", false]], "main() (in module staging.bot)": [[1, "staging.bot.main", false]], "major (bci_build.package.parseversion attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.ParseVersion.MAJOR", false]], "max_wait_time_sec (staging.bot.stagingbot attribute)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.MAX_WAIT_TIME_SEC", false]], "meta (staging.bot.projectconfig attribute)": [[1, "staging.bot.ProjectConfig.META", false]], "minor (bci_build.package.parseversion attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.ParseVersion.MINOR", false]], "module": [[1, "module-bci_build", false], [1, "module-bci_build.package", false], [1, "module-bci_build.package.versions", false], [1, "module-bci_build.templates", false], [1, "module-dotnet", false], [1, "module-staging", false], [1, "module-staging.bot", false], [1, "module-staging.build_result", false], [1, "module-staging.project_setup", false]], "name (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.name", false]], "name (bci_build.package.package attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.Package.name", false]], "name (staging.build_result.packagebuildresult attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.PackageBuildResult.name", false]], "no_recommends (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.no_recommends", false]], "obs_workflows_yml (staging.bot.stagingbot property)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.obs_workflows_yml", false]], "oci_authors (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.oci_authors", false]], "oci_version (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.oci_version", false]], "oci_version (bci_build.package.developmentcontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.DevelopmentContainer.oci_version", false]], "oci_version (bci_build.package.oscontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.OsContainer.oci_version", false]], "offset (bci_build.package.parseversion attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.ParseVersion.OFFSET", false]], "os_version (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.os_version", false]], "os_version (staging.bot.stagingbot attribute)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.os_version", false]], "os_version_needs_base_container (in module staging.bot)": [[1, "staging.bot.OS_VERSION_NEEDS_BASE_CONTAINER", false]], "osc_password_envvar_name (in module staging.bot)": [[1, "staging.bot.OSC_PASSWORD_ENVVAR_NAME", false]], "osc_user_envvar_name (in module staging.bot)": [[1, "staging.bot.OSC_USER_ENVVAR_NAME", false]], "osc_username (staging.bot.stagingbot attribute)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.osc_username", false]], "oscontainer (class in bci_build.package)": [[1, "bci_build.package.OsContainer", false]], "package (class in bci_build.package)": [[1, "bci_build.package.Package", false]], "package_list (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.package_list", false]], "package_name (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.package_name", false]], "package_name (bci_build.package.replacement attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.Replacement.package_name", false]], "package_names (staging.bot.stagingbot property)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.package_names", false]], "package_versions_json_path (in module bci_build.package.versions)": [[1, "bci_build.package.versions.PACKAGE_VERSIONS_JSON_PATH", false]], "packagebuildresult (class in staging.build_result)": [[1, "staging.build_result.PackageBuildResult", false]], "packages (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.packages", false]], "packages (staging.build_result.repositorybuildresult attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.RepositoryBuildResult.packages", false]], "packages_to_delete (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.packages_to_delete", false]], "packagestatuscode (class in staging.build_result)": [[1, "staging.build_result.PackageStatusCode", false]], "parse_version (bci_build.package.replacement attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.Replacement.parse_version", false]], "parseversion (class in bci_build.package)": [[1, "bci_build.package.ParseVersion", false]], "patch (bci_build.package.parseversion attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.ParseVersion.PATCH", false]], "patch_update (bci_build.package.parseversion attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.ParseVersion.PATCH_UPDATE", false]], "pkg_type (bci_build.package.package attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.Package.pkg_type", false]], "prepare_template() (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage method)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.prepare_template", false]], "prepare_template() (bci_build.package.developmentcontainer method)": [[1, "bci_build.package.DevelopmentContainer.prepare_template", false]], "prepare_template() (bci_build.package.oscontainer method)": [[1, "bci_build.package.OsContainer.prepare_template", false]], "pretty_name (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.pretty_name", false]], "pretty_print() (staging.build_result.packagestatuscode method)": [[1, "staging.build_result.PackageStatusCode.pretty_print", false]], "pretty_reference (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.pretty_reference", false]], "pretty_reference (bci_build.package.developmentcontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.DevelopmentContainer.pretty_reference", false]], "pretty_reference (bci_build.package.oscontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.OsContainer.pretty_reference", false]], "prjconf (staging.bot.projectconfig attribute)": [[1, "staging.bot.ProjectConfig.PRJCONF", false]], "project (staging.build_result.repositorybuildresult attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.RepositoryBuildResult.project", false]], "projectconfig (class in staging.bot)": [[1, "staging.bot.ProjectConfig", false]], "projecttype (class in staging.project_setup)": [[1, "staging.project_setup.ProjectType", false]], "publish_registry (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.publish_registry", false]], "readme (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.readme", false]], "readme_name (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.readme_name", false]], "readme_path (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.readme_path", false]], "readme_url (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.readme_url", false]], "reference (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.reference", false]], "reference (bci_build.package.developmentcontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.DevelopmentContainer.reference", false]], "reference (bci_build.package.oscontainer property)": 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(staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.scratch_build", false]], "service_template (in module bci_build.templates)": [[1, "bci_build.templates.SERVICE_TEMPLATE", false]], "setup() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.setup", false]], "signing (staging.build_result.packagestatuscode attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.PackageStatusCode.SIGNING", false]], "stability_tag (bci_build.package.developmentcontainer attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.DevelopmentContainer.stability_tag", false]], "staging": [[1, "module-staging", false]], "staging (staging.project_setup.projecttype attribute)": [[1, "staging.project_setup.ProjectType.STAGING", false]], "staging.bot": [[1, "module-staging.bot", false]], "staging.build_result": [[1, "module-staging.build_result", false]], "staging.project_setup": [[1, "module-staging.project_setup", false]], "staging_project_name (staging.bot.stagingbot property)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.staging_project_name", false]], "staging_project_url (staging.bot.stagingbot property)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.staging_project_url", false]], "stagingbot (class in staging.bot)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot", false]], "state (staging.build_result.repositorybuildresult attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.RepositoryBuildResult.state", false]], "succeeded (staging.build_result.packagestatuscode attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.PackageStatusCode.SUCCEEDED", false]], "support_level (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.support_level", false]], "supported_until (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.supported_until", false]], "tag_version (bci_build.package.developmentcontainer attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.DevelopmentContainer.tag_version", false]], "teardown() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.teardown", false]], "title (bci_build.package.applicationstackcontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.ApplicationStackContainer.title", false]], "title (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.title", false]], "to_service() (bci_build.package.replacement method)": [[1, "bci_build.package.Replacement.to_service", false]], "uid (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.uid", false]], "uid (bci_build.package.developmentcontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.DevelopmentContainer.uid", false]], "uid (bci_build.package.oscontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.OsContainer.uid", false]], "unresolvable (staging.build_result.packagestatuscode attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.PackageStatusCode.UNRESOLVABLE", false]], "update_versions() (in module bci_build.package.versions)": [[1, "bci_build.package.versions.update_versions", false]], "url (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.url", false]], "version (bci_build.package.developmentcontainer attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.DevelopmentContainer.version", false]], "version_in_uid (bci_build.package.developmentcontainer attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.DevelopmentContainer.version_in_uid", false]], "version_to_container_os_version() (bci_build.package.oscontainer static method)": [[1, "bci_build.package.OsContainer.version_to_container_os_version", false]], "volume_dockerfile (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.volume_dockerfile", false]], "volumes (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.volumes", false]], "volumes_kiwi (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.volumes_kiwi", false]], "wait_for_build_to_finish() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.wait_for_build_to_finish", false]], "write_all_build_recipes_to_branch() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.write_all_build_recipes_to_branch", false]], "write_all_image_build_recipes() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.write_all_image_build_recipes", false]], "write_cr_project_config() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.write_cr_project_config", false]], "write_env_file() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.write_env_file", false]], "write_files_to_folder() (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage method)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.write_files_to_folder", false]], "write_pkg_configs() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.write_pkg_configs", false]], "write_staging_project_configs() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.write_staging_project_configs", false]]}, "objects": {"": [[1, 0, 0, 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"build_stage_custom_end"], [1, 2, 1, "", "build_tags"], [1, 2, 1, "", "build_version"], [1, 3, 1, "", "buildcounter_synctag"], [1, 3, 1, "", "cmd"], [1, 2, 1, "", "cmd_docker"], [1, 2, 1, "", "cmd_kiwi"], [1, 2, 1, "", "config_sh"], [1, 3, 1, "", "config_sh_interpreter"], [1, 3, 1, "", "config_sh_script"], [1, 3, 1, "", "crate"], [1, 3, 1, "", "custom_description"], [1, 3, 1, "", "custom_end"], [1, 3, 1, "", "custom_labelprefix_end"], [1, 2, 1, "", "description"], [1, 2, 1, "", "dockerfile_custom_end"], [1, 2, 1, "", "dockerfile_from_line"], [1, 2, 1, "", "dockerfile_from_target_ref"], [1, 3, 1, "", "entrypoint"], [1, 2, 1, "", "entrypoint_docker"], [1, 2, 1, "", "entrypoint_kiwi"], [1, 3, 1, "", "entrypoint_user"], [1, 3, 1, "", "env"], [1, 2, 1, "", "env_lines"], [1, 2, 1, "", "eula"], [1, 3, 1, "", "exclusive_arch"], [1, 2, 1, "", "expose_dockerfile"], [1, 2, 1, "", "exposes_kiwi"], [1, 3, 1, "", "exposes_ports"], [1, 3, 1, "", "extra_files"], [1, 2, 1, "", "extra_label_lines"], [1, 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"bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.entrypoint_user", false]], "env (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.env", false]], "env_lines (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.env_lines", false]], "eula (bci_build.package.applicationstackcontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.ApplicationStackContainer.eula", false]], "eula (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.eula", false]], "excluded (staging.build_result.packagestatuscode attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.PackageStatusCode.EXCLUDED", false]], "exclusive_arch (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.exclusive_arch", false]], "expose_dockerfile (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.expose_dockerfile", false]], "exposes_kiwi 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"staging.bot.StagingBot.from_env_file", false]], "from_github_comment() (staging.bot.stagingbot static method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.from_github_comment", false]], "from_image (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.from_image", false]], "from_resultlist() (staging.build_result.repositorybuildresult static method)": [[1, "staging.build_result.RepositoryBuildResult.from_resultlist", false]], "from_target_image (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.from_target_image", false]], "generate_disk_size_constraints() (in module bci_build.package)": [[1, "bci_build.package.generate_disk_size_constraints", false]], "generate_meta() (in module staging.project_setup)": [[1, "staging.project_setup.generate_meta", false]], "generate_project_name() (in module staging.project_setup)": [[1, "staging.project_setup.generate_project_name", false]], 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"bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.labelprefix", false]], "license (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.license", false]], "lifecycle_url (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.lifecycle_url", false]], "link_base_container_to_staging() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.link_base_container_to_staging", false]], "log_clean (in module bci_build.package)": [[1, "bci_build.package.LOG_CLEAN", false]], "logo_url (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.logo_url", false]], "main() (in module bci_build.package)": [[1, "bci_build.package.main", false]], "main() (in module staging.bot)": [[1, "staging.bot.main", false]], "major (bci_build.package.parseversion attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.ParseVersion.MAJOR", false]], "max_wait_time_sec (staging.bot.stagingbot attribute)": [[1, 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"staging.bot.StagingBot.os_version", false]], "os_version_needs_base_container (in module staging.bot)": [[1, "staging.bot.OS_VERSION_NEEDS_BASE_CONTAINER", false]], "osc_password_envvar_name (in module staging.bot)": [[1, "staging.bot.OSC_PASSWORD_ENVVAR_NAME", false]], "osc_user_envvar_name (in module staging.bot)": [[1, "staging.bot.OSC_USER_ENVVAR_NAME", false]], "osc_username (staging.bot.stagingbot attribute)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.osc_username", false]], "oscontainer (class in bci_build.package)": [[1, "bci_build.package.OsContainer", false]], "package (class in bci_build.package)": [[1, "bci_build.package.Package", false]], "package_list (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.package_list", false]], "package_name (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.package_name", false]], "package_name (bci_build.package.replacement attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.Replacement.package_name", false]], "package_names (staging.bot.stagingbot property)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.package_names", false]], "package_versions_json_path (in module bci_build.package.versions)": [[1, "bci_build.package.versions.PACKAGE_VERSIONS_JSON_PATH", false]], "packagebuildresult (class in staging.build_result)": [[1, "staging.build_result.PackageBuildResult", false]], "packages (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.packages", false]], "packages (staging.build_result.repositorybuildresult attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.RepositoryBuildResult.packages", false]], "packages_to_delete (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.packages_to_delete", false]], "packagestatuscode (class in staging.build_result)": [[1, "staging.build_result.PackageStatusCode", false]], "parse_version (bci_build.package.replacement attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.Replacement.parse_version", false]], "parseversion (class in bci_build.package)": [[1, "bci_build.package.ParseVersion", false]], "patch (bci_build.package.parseversion attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.ParseVersion.PATCH", false]], "patch_update (bci_build.package.parseversion attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.ParseVersion.PATCH_UPDATE", false]], "pkg_type (bci_build.package.package attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.Package.pkg_type", false]], "prepare_template() (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage method)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.prepare_template", false]], "prepare_template() (bci_build.package.developmentcontainer method)": [[1, "bci_build.package.DevelopmentContainer.prepare_template", false]], "prepare_template() (bci_build.package.oscontainer method)": [[1, "bci_build.package.OsContainer.prepare_template", false]], "pretty_name (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.pretty_name", false]], "pretty_print() (staging.build_result.packagestatuscode method)": [[1, "staging.build_result.PackageStatusCode.pretty_print", false]], "pretty_reference (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.pretty_reference", false]], "pretty_reference (bci_build.package.developmentcontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.DevelopmentContainer.pretty_reference", false]], "pretty_reference (bci_build.package.oscontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.OsContainer.pretty_reference", false]], "prjconf (staging.bot.projectconfig attribute)": [[1, "staging.bot.ProjectConfig.PRJCONF", false]], "project (staging.build_result.repositorybuildresult attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.RepositoryBuildResult.project", false]], "projectconfig (class in staging.bot)": [[1, "staging.bot.ProjectConfig", false]], "projecttype (class in staging.project_setup)": [[1, "staging.project_setup.ProjectType", false]], "publish_registry (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.publish_registry", false]], "readme (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.readme", false]], "readme_name (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.readme_name", false]], "readme_path (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.readme_path", false]], "readme_url (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.readme_url", false]], "reference (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.reference", false]], "reference (bci_build.package.developmentcontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.DevelopmentContainer.reference", false]], "reference (bci_build.package.oscontainer property)": 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"staging.bot.StagingBot.staging_project_name", false]], "staging_project_url (staging.bot.stagingbot property)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.staging_project_url", false]], "stagingbot (class in staging.bot)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot", false]], "state (staging.build_result.repositorybuildresult attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.RepositoryBuildResult.state", false]], "succeeded (staging.build_result.packagestatuscode attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.PackageStatusCode.SUCCEEDED", false]], "support_level (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.support_level", false]], "supported_until (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.supported_until", false]], "tag_version (bci_build.package.developmentcontainer attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.DevelopmentContainer.tag_version", false]], "teardown() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.teardown", false]], "title (bci_build.package.applicationstackcontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.ApplicationStackContainer.title", false]], "title (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.title", false]], "to_service() (bci_build.package.replacement method)": [[1, "bci_build.package.Replacement.to_service", false]], "uid (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.uid", false]], "uid (bci_build.package.developmentcontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.DevelopmentContainer.uid", false]], "uid (bci_build.package.oscontainer property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.OsContainer.uid", false]], "unresolvable (staging.build_result.packagestatuscode attribute)": [[1, "staging.build_result.PackageStatusCode.UNRESOLVABLE", false]], "update_versions() (in module bci_build.package.versions)": [[1, "bci_build.package.versions.update_versions", false]], "url (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.url", false]], "version (bci_build.package.developmentcontainer attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.DevelopmentContainer.version", false]], "version_in_uid (bci_build.package.developmentcontainer attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.DevelopmentContainer.version_in_uid", false]], "version_to_container_os_version() (bci_build.package.oscontainer static method)": [[1, "bci_build.package.OsContainer.version_to_container_os_version", false]], "volume_dockerfile (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.volume_dockerfile", false]], "volumes (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage attribute)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.volumes", false]], "volumes_kiwi (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage property)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.volumes_kiwi", false]], "wait_for_build_to_finish() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.wait_for_build_to_finish", false]], "write_all_build_recipes_to_branch() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.write_all_build_recipes_to_branch", false]], "write_all_image_build_recipes() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.write_all_image_build_recipes", false]], "write_cr_project_config() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.write_cr_project_config", false]], "write_env_file() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.write_env_file", false]], "write_files_to_folder() (bci_build.package.basecontainerimage method)": [[1, "bci_build.package.BaseContainerImage.write_files_to_folder", false]], "write_pkg_configs() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.write_pkg_configs", false]], "write_staging_project_configs() (staging.bot.stagingbot method)": [[1, "staging.bot.StagingBot.write_staging_project_configs", false]]}, "objects": {"": [[1, 0, 0, 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"build_stage_custom_end"], [1, 2, 1, "", "build_tags"], [1, 2, 1, "", "build_version"], [1, 3, 1, "", "buildcounter_synctag"], [1, 3, 1, "", "cmd"], [1, 2, 1, "", "cmd_docker"], [1, 2, 1, "", "cmd_kiwi"], [1, 2, 1, "", "config_sh"], [1, 3, 1, "", "config_sh_interpreter"], [1, 3, 1, "", "config_sh_script"], [1, 3, 1, "", "crate"], [1, 3, 1, "", "custom_description"], [1, 3, 1, "", "custom_end"], [1, 3, 1, "", "custom_labelprefix_end"], [1, 2, 1, "", "description"], [1, 2, 1, "", "dockerfile_custom_end"], [1, 2, 1, "", "dockerfile_from_line"], [1, 2, 1, "", "dockerfile_from_target_ref"], [1, 3, 1, "", "entrypoint"], [1, 2, 1, "", "entrypoint_docker"], [1, 2, 1, "", "entrypoint_kiwi"], [1, 3, 1, "", "entrypoint_user"], [1, 3, 1, "", "env"], [1, 2, 1, "", "env_lines"], [1, 2, 1, "", "eula"], [1, 3, 1, "", "exclusive_arch"], [1, 2, 1, "", "expose_dockerfile"], [1, 2, 1, "", "exposes_kiwi"], [1, 3, 1, "", "exposes_ports"], [1, 3, 1, "", "extra_files"], [1, 2, 1, "", "extra_label_lines"], [1, 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