From d8797f6100240687b3b855e61a2b9dcc2a183e26 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tahlia Richardson <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2024 11:54:00 +1000
Subject: [PATCH] Replace SMT install file with RMT install file
xml/art-quickstart.xml | 29 +++--
xml/configure-rmt-server.xml | 136 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
xml/configure-smt-server.xml | 151 ---------------------------
xml/mirror-repositories-with-smt.xml | 2 +-
xml/register-rhel-with-smt.xml | 2 +-
5 files changed, 150 insertions(+), 170 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 xml/configure-rmt-server.xml
delete mode 100644 xml/configure-smt-server.xml
diff --git a/xml/art-quickstart.xml b/xml/art-quickstart.xml
index dd786a6..10f2c09 100644
--- a/xml/art-quickstart.xml
+++ b/xml/art-quickstart.xml
@@ -51,18 +51,13 @@
- To register &rhla; &productnumber; or CentOS Linux &productnumber;, use &suse;'s
- &smtool; (⪪) for &sle; 12. ⪪ is a proxy system for the &scc;. The ⪪
+ To register &rhel; &productnumber;, use
+ &suse;'s &rmtool; (&rmt;). &rmt; is a proxy system for the &scc;. The &rmt;
server is registered with the &scc;, and other systems in the network are
- registered with the ⪪ server and receive packages from it directly.
+ registered with the &rmt; server and receive packages from it directly.
- The &rmtool; (&rmt;) for &sle; 15 does not support &rhla;/CentOS &productnumber; registration.
- Registering &rhla; or CentOS Linux with ⪪ involves the following steps:
+ Registering &rhla; or CentOS Linux with &rmt; involves the following steps:
@@ -73,8 +68,8 @@
- . This server must be installed on
- &sles; 12. You can skip this step if you already have an ⪪ server in
+ . This server must be installed on
+ &sles; 15. You can skip this step if you already have an &rmt; server in
your network.
@@ -104,8 +99,8 @@
Related information
- &smtool; Guide
+ &rmtguide;
@@ -144,10 +139,10 @@
- &sles; (&slsa;) 12 is installed and running in the same network as the
+ &sles; (&slsa;) 15 is installed and running in the same network as the
systems you want to register. You can use the &productname; subscription to
- register &slsa;. To install &slsa; 12, see
+ register &slsa;. To install &slsa; 15, see
@@ -163,7 +158,7 @@
diff --git a/xml/configure-rmt-server.xml b/xml/configure-rmt-server.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0eabee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/configure-rmt-server.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+ %entities;
+ Configuring the &rmt; server
+ no
+ Use this procedure to configure the &rmtool; (&rmt;) on &sles; 15.
+ Requirements
+ &sles; 15 is installed and up to date.
+ You have a &scc; account and organization credentials.
+ Configuring the &rmt; server
+ Install &rmt; on &sles; 15:
+&prompt.root;zypper in rmt-server
+ Start the rmt module in &yast;:
+&prompt.root;yast2 rmt
+ Enter your Organization Credentials, then select
+ Next.
+ To find your organization credentials, log in to the
+ &scc;, select your
+ organization from My Organizations, and click
+ Proxies. Your organization's Mirroring
+ credentials are in the top right corner.
+ Enter Database Credentials for a new MariaDB database user,
+ then select Next. The new user is created.
+ If a password for the &mariadb; root user is already set, enter the password
+ when prompted, then select OK.
+ If no password is set for the &mariadb; root user, enter and confirm a new
+ password when prompted, then select OK.
+ Enter a Common Name for the SSL certificates. The common
+ name is usually the FQDN of the server.
+ If the server has other domain names or IP addresses, enter these as
+ Alternative common names. Select Add
+ to add new names. When all common names are entered, select Next.
+ If prompted, enter and confirm a password for the CA private key, then select
+ OK.
+ Activate the check box Open Ports for HTTP and HTTPS in Firewall,
+ then select Next.
+ &yast; displays the &rmt; Service Status.
+ Select Next.
+ Review the Configuration Summary, then select
+ Finish to close &yast;.
+ &yast; enables and starts all &rmt; &systemd; services and timers.
+ More information
+ &rmt; installation and configuration
diff --git a/xml/configure-smt-server.xml b/xml/configure-smt-server.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ba5897..0000000
--- a/xml/configure-smt-server.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
- %entities;
- Configuring the ⪪ server
- no
- Use this procedure to configure the &smtool; (⪪) on &sles; 12.
- Requirements
- &sles; 12 is installed and up to date.
- You have a &scc; account and organization credentials.
- Configuring the ⪪ server
- Install the ⪪ pattern on &sles; 12:
-&prompt.root;zypper in -t pattern smt
- Start the smt-wizard module in &yast;:
-&prompt.root;yast2 smt-wizard
- Activate the Open Port in Firewall check box.
- Enter your Organization (Mirroring) Credentials.
- To find your organization credentials, log in to the
- &scc;, select your
- organization from My Organizations, and click
- Proxies. Your organization's Mirroring
- credentials are in the top right corner.
- Select Test to validate the credentials. ⪪ connects
- to the &scc; using the provided credentials and downloads testing data.
- Enter the SCC E-mail Used for Registration.
- Verify that the correct URL appears in Your SMT Server URL,
- then select Next.
- For security reasons, ⪪ requires a separate user to connect to the database.
- Set a password for this user in the Database Password for smt User
- field, then confirm the new password in the next field.
- Select Add to enter any e-mail addresses that should receive
- ⪪ reports. When all e-mail addresses are entered, select Next.
- If a password for the &mariadb; root user is already set, enter the password
- when prompted, then select OK.
- If no password is set for the &mariadb; root user, enter and confirm a new
- password when prompted, then select OK.
- By default, ⪪ communicates with clients via a secure protocol. If the
- SSL certificate does not exist, the wizard displays a warning. Select
- Run CA Management to create the certificate.
- If prompted, enter and confirm a password for the CA private key, then select
- OK.
- Review the Installation Overview, then select
- Next.
- &yast; writes the ⪪ configuration and runs a synchronization check.
- The synchronization check might take some time, even after the progress bar
- says 100%.
- More information
- ⪪ Installation
- ⪪ Server Configuration
diff --git a/xml/mirror-repositories-with-smt.xml b/xml/mirror-repositories-with-smt.xml
index 42109b6..73c82b6 100644
--- a/xml/mirror-repositories-with-smt.xml
+++ b/xml/mirror-repositories-with-smt.xml
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
diff --git a/xml/register-rhel-with-smt.xml b/xml/register-rhel-with-smt.xml
index 33ea6b3..dd142c8 100644
--- a/xml/register-rhel-with-smt.xml
+++ b/xml/register-rhel-with-smt.xml
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@