This is a python project to fetch details (Cities and State ) of ipv4 addresses present in txt file using ipregistery repository on github.
This Python project fetches details of IPv4 addresses from a list using the ipregistry repository and stores the information in CSV files. It consists of three main parts:
IP Address Normalization: Cleans up IP addresses extracted from a file by removing port numbers. IP Lookup and CSV Generation: Utilizes the ipregistry API to fetch city and state information for each IP address, saving results in a detailed CSV and text file. Filtering by Cities: Filters detailed IP information based on a list of specified cities in the United States, saving relevant records to a separate CSV file.
├── ip_addr.txt # Initial file with IP addresses including ports
├── ipwithnoports.txt # Cleaned-up file with IP addresses (no ports)
├── detailed_ips.csv # Detailed IP information (IP, City, State)
├── detailed_ips.txt # Detailed IP information (text format)
├── cities.txt # List of US cities for filtering
├── Target_cities_with_ips.csv # Filtered IP information based on cities
├── # Python script for IP address normalization
├── # Python script for IP lookup and CSV generation
└── # Python script for filtering IP information by cities
Python 3.x installed Required Python packages (ipaddress, ipregistry, csv)
Clone the repository:
git clone cd iplookup
Install csv, and ipregistery module
Obtain an API key from ipregistry and replace 'Your IP Registery API' in with your actual API key.
Normalize IP Addresses:
Ensure your input files (ip_addr.txt and cities.txt) are correctly formatted as specified. Review API usage limits and guidelines from ipregistry.
#License Free for all!! Enjoy!