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Assembly and quantification of de novo transcripts

Sam Buckberry 02/11/2021

For this section, you will need to have HISAT2 and Stringtie installed and in your PATH to be accessed by the system() call from R.

You can build your own alignment index by following the documentation for hisat2-build or download the pre-complied index to save a lot of time from

Load libraries


Construct a manifest file for mapping all the samples

r1_list <- list.files("fastq/", pattern = "_filt_fastp_R1.fastq.gz",
                      full.names = TRUE)

r2_list <- list.files("fastq/", pattern = "_filt_fastp_R2.fastq.gz",
                      full.names = TRUE)

sam_list <- basename(r1_list) %>%
    str_replace("_filt_fastp_R1.fastq.gz", "_hisat2.sam")

sam_list <- str_c("aligned_data/", sam_list)

manifest <- data.frame(r1 = r1_list, r2 = r2_list, sam = sam_list)

write.table(x = manifest, file = "hisat_map_manifest.tsv",
            sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE,
            row.names = FALSE)

Align trimmed reads using HISAT2 with the option --dta that is reccomended for the stringtie assembly. For de novo assemblies, removing adapter sequences is much more important that if oyu are just performing differential expression testing.

This code points to the pre-compliled indexes that will be accessible if you are doing this workshop on one of the virtual machines with RStudio.

align_cmd <- str_c("while read i j k; do hisat2 --time --dta --threads 2 -x /home/data/hisat2/grch38_tran/genome_tran -1 $i -2 $j -S $k; done < hisat_map_manifest.tsv")


Convert SAM to BAM, sort and index. Here we will use mclapply to speed things up by processing in parallel. All of these samtools functions can be performed in R using Rsamtools.

# List the hisat2 aligned SAM files
hisat_sam <- list.files(path = "aligned_data/",
                        pattern = "hisat2.sam$",
                        full.names = TRUE)

# Convert SAM to BAM
mclapply(hisat_sam, FUN = asBam, mc.cores = 4)

# List the hisat2 aligned BAM files
hisat_bam <- list.files(path = "aligned_data/",
                        pattern = "hisat2.bam$",
                        full.names = TRUE)

# Sort the hisat2 BAM files
sorted_bam <- str_replace_all(string = hisat_bam,
                                   pattern = ".bam",
                                   replacement = "_sorted")

         FUN = function(x){sortBam(hisat_bam[x], sorted_bam[x])},
       mc.cores = 4)

# Index the sorted BAM files
mclapply(sorted_bam, indexBam, mc.cores = 4)

Make the reference-guided transcript assemblies for each library using Stringtie

sorted_bam <- list.files("aligned_data/", "_hisat2_sorted.bam$",
                         full.names = TRUE)

system("pigz -d --keep reference/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.104.chromosome.22.gtf")

run_stringtie <- function(bam){
    gtf <- str_replace(string = bam,
                           pattern = ".bam",
                           replacement = ".gtf")
    stringtie_cmd <- str_c("stringtie ", bam," -p 12 -G  reference/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.104.chromosome.22.gtf -o ", gtf)

mclapply(sorted_bam, run_stringtie, mc.cores = 4)

Merge sample assemblies into a meta-assembly of transcripts

stringtie_gtf <- list.files(path = "aligned_data/",
                            pattern = ".gtf$",
                            full.names = TRUE)

stringtie_cmd <- "stringtie aligned_data/*_hisat2_sorted.gtf --merge -G reference/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.104.chromosome.22.gtf -p 4 -o aligned_data/merged_stringtie_transcripts.gtf"


Now you can use the reference guided de novo transcripts GTF with the featureCounts function to get the transcripts counts as in the map-rna-subread workflow in this workshop.