This is an R package which aims at processing Repli-seq data. It takes raw counts (Bedgraph file format) as input and makes it then quick and easy to further analyze the DNA replication timing with a set of functions to manipulate and vizualize the data.
RepliSeq functions include loading multi-fraction Repli-seq assay data as count matrices (from 2 to N fractions depending on the experimental design) but also rescaling profiles to any resolution and calculting the Replication timing as the S50 (moment in the S-phase where a loci reaches 50% of its total replication on a scale from 0, early, to 1, late)
You can install this package by entering the following within R:
# get the development version from GitHub using devtools :
# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("SamiLhll/RepliSeq",build_vignettes = TRUE)
# building the vignette makes the installation a bit longer but its mandatory so ou can access it by doing :
The function writeBigWig() requires UCSC's wigToBigWig application to be installed on the computer.
It can be found at encodeproject
Check out the vignette for extended documentation.
The function readRS(path_data,fractions) reads Repli-seq assays from multiple files (one file per fraction) and returns a dataframe.
It requires bedgraph inputs (see bedgraph specifications) with a one line header but no other comments such as:
track type=bedGraph name=NT_chr22-s1 description=50kb
chr22 0 50000 0
chr22 50000 100000 0
### args :
temp_paths <- c("../inst/extdata/NT_chr22-s1.bdg","../inst/extdata/NT_chr22-s2.bdg",
temp_fractions <- c("S1","S2","S3","S4","S5","S6")
### 2 fractions RepliSeq
# apply function :
RS_early <- readRS(temp_paths[1:2],temp_fractions[1:2])
### 6 fractions RepliSeq
# apply function :
RS_all <- readRS(temp_paths,temp_fractions)
### 1 fraction RepliSeq ( for S0 controls )
# apply function :
RS_S0 <- readRS("../inst/extdata/NT_chr22-s0.bdg","S0")
### Result :
chr | start | stop | S1 | S2 |
chr22 | 51000000 | 51050000 | 12.392 | 4.929 |
chr22 | 51050000 | 51100000 | 11.604 | 5.887 |
chr22 | 51100000 | 51150000 | 12.568 | 7.941 |
chr22 | 51150000 | 51200000 | 9.853 | 5.887 |
chr22 | 51200000 | 51250000 | 2.584 | 1.711 |
chr22 | 51250000 | 51300000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
The function calculateS50(rs_assay) returns a dataframe composed of genomic coordinates associated with replication timing as an S50 (Chen et al. (2010)) value comprised within 0 (early replicating) and 1 (late replicating).
temp_rs <- data.frame(chr = rep("chr1",7),
start = seq(0,6000,1000),
stop = seq(1000,7000,1000),
S1 = c(0,0,0,1,1,1,1),
S2 = c(0,0,1,1,1,1,0),
S3 = c(0,1,1,1,1,0,0),
S4 = c(1,1,1,1,0,0,0))
temp_S50 <- RepliSeq::calculateS50(temp_rs)
# Result :
chr | start | stop | S50 |
chr1 | 0 | 1000 | 0.875 |
chr1 | 1000 | 2000 | 0.750 |
chr1 | 2000 | 3000 | 0.625 |
chr1 | 3000 | 4000 | 0.500 |
chr1 | 4000 | 5000 | 0.375 |
chr1 | 5000 | 6000 | 0.250 |
chr1 | 6000 | 7000 | 0.125 |
As introduced in Brison,.O, El-Hilali,S. et al. (2019), Repli-Seq assays could be compared to quantitatively assess which parts of DNA were the most affected by Aphidicolin. The function calculateURI() calculates this Under Replication Index (URI) from two Repli-Seq assays loaded with readRS().
####### load second Repli-seq assay for comparison
####### 6 fractions RepliSeq
# args :
aph_paths <- c("../inst/extdata/Aph_chr22-s1.bdg","../inst/extdata/Aph_chr22-s2.bdg",
aph_fractions <- temp_fractions
# read :
RS_aph_all <- readRS(aph_paths,aph_fractions)
# apply function :
aph_nt_uri <- calculateURI(RS_aph_all,RS_all)
# Result :
chr | start | stop | sum_x | sum_y | mean_xy | URI |
chr22 | 51000000 | 51050000 | 27.581 | 30.869 | 29.225 | -1.37048107 |
chr22 | 51050000 | 51100000 | 30.556 | 31.274 | 30.915 | -0.66372243 |
chr22 | 51100000 | 51150000 | 38.770 | 36.226 | 37.498 | 0.05718338 |
chr22 | 51150000 | 51200000 | 32.394 | 26.028 | 29.211 | 1.24529116 |
chr22 | 51200000 | 51250000 | 10.063 | 8.533 | 9.298 | 0.82273039 |
chr22 | 51250000 | 51300000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | NaN |
Need help, Identified a bug, or want to see other features implemented ?
Feel free to open an issue here or send an email to the authors :
Sami EL HILALI and Chunlong CHEN
Brison O., El-Hilali S., Azar, D., Koundrioukoff1 S., Schmidt M., Naehse-Kumpf V., Jaszczyszyn Y., Lachages A.M., Dutrillaux B., Thermes C., Debatisse M. and Chen C.L. (2019) Transcription-Mediated Organization of the Replication Initiation Program Across Large Genes Sets Up Common Fragile Sites Genome-Wide. Nat. Commun. 10, 5693
Chen C.L., Rappailles A., Duquenne L., Huvet M., Guilbaud G., Farinelli L, Audit B, d'Aubenton-Carafa Y., Arneodo A., Hyrien O. and Thermes C. (2010) Impact of replication timing on non-CpG and CpG substitution rates in mammalian genomes. Genome. Res. 20, 447-457.