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2021-09-22 |
enterprise, enterprise account, video, what is an enterprise, introduction, intro |
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With an {{}} enterprise, you can centrally manage billing and track resource usage across multiple accounts. What is an enterprise, and how is different from a typical stand-alone account? Find out about how you can use enterprises to better manage your accounts in this video. {: shortdesc}
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Your {{}} account is your home for collaboration in the cloud. As you scale up your workloads, you might find that you're managing multiple {{}} accounts. For example, your company might have many teams, each with one or more of their own accounts for development, testing, and production environments. Or, you might isolate certain workloads in separate accounts to meet security or compliance guidelines. As the number of accounts grows, it can become more difficult to track resource usage and associated costs.
{{}} enterprises offer a simpler way to centrally manage billing and usage across multiple accounts. Within an enterprise, you can create a multi-tiered hierarchy of accounts by adding new or existing accounts and nesting them in account groups. How you structure your enterprise is up to you. For example, for a large organization, you might organize your accounts by geography, or by department. You can choose the structure that best fits how you want to track your usage. If your teams change, no problem - you can move accounts within the enterprise as needed.
Consolidated billing simplifies invoicing and payment within your enterprise. Usage costs are deducted from a subscription credit pool that's shared between all accounts, so you can add and manage subscription credit from a single place. This unified view of your credit spending means you can right-size your subscriptions across all of your usage to make sure you're getting the best deal. And there's no juggling multiple invoices - your enterprise billing administrator gets a single invoice with the details of any charges. It's that simple.
If you want to dive into the details to see where your money is going, you can do that. Enterprises provide top-down usage reporting so you can analyze costs for usage in your accounts and account groups. You have visibility from the enterprise level down to the resource type in each account.
Whether you prefer to manage your cloud through the {{}} console, the CLI, or our robust APIs, we have the capability to fit your work style. Learn more and start creating your enterprise at