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Probing for Predicate Argument Structures in Pretrained Language Models

Paper Conference License: CC BY-NC 4.0

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If you use any part of this work, please consider citing the paper as follows:

    title      = "Probing for Predicate Argument Structures in Pretrained Language Models",
    author     = "Conia, Simone and Navigli, Roberto",
    booktitle  = "Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2022)",
    month      = may,
    year       = "2022",
    address    = "Dublin, Ireland",
    publisher  = "Association for Computational Linguistics"


This is the repository for the paper Probing for Predicate Argument Structures in Pretrained Language Models, to be presented at ACL 2022 by Simone Conia and Roberto Navigli.


Thanks to the effectiveness and wide availability of modern pretrained language models (PLMs), recently proposed approaches have achieved remarkable results in dependency- and span-based, multilingual and cross-lingual Semantic Role Labeling (SRL). These results have prompted researchers to investigate the inner workings of modern PLMs with the aim of understanding how, where, and to what extent they encode information about SRL. In this paper, we follow this line of research and probe for predicate argument structures in PLMs. Our study shows that PLMs do encode semantic structures directly into the contextualized representation of a predicate, and also provides insights into the correlation between predicate senses and their structures, the degree of transferability between nominal and verbal structures, and how such structures are encoded across languages. Finally, we look at the practical implications of such insights and demonstrate the benefits of embedding predicate argument structure information into an SRL model.

comparison between m-bert and xlmr


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  • Coming soon

How to run

You'll need a working Python environment to run the code. The recommended way to set up your environment is through the Anaconda Python distribution which provides the conda package manager. Anaconda can be installed in your user directory and does not interfere with the system Python installation.

We use conda virtual environments to manage the project dependencies in isolation. Thus, you can install our dependencies without causing conflicts with your setup (even with different Python versions).

Run the following command and follow the steps to create a separate environment:

> ./
> Enter environment name (recommended: srl-pas-probing): srl-pas-probing
> Enter python version (recommended: 3.8): 3.8
> Enter cuda version (e.g. '10.2' or 'none' to avoid installing cuda support): 10.2

Get the data

We use the dataset provided as part of the CoNLL-2009 shared task:

Once you have downloaded and unzipped the data, place it in data/txt as follows:

├── txt
│   ├── en
│   │   ├── CoNLL2009_dev.txt
│   │   ├── CoNLL2009_test_ood.txt
│   │   ├── CoNLL2009_test.txt
│   │   └── CoNLL2009_train.txt
│   └── zh
│       ├── CoNLL2009_dev.txt
│       ├── CoNLL2009_test.txt
│       └── CoNLL2009_train.txt

Note: Make sure that the datasets are renamed as specified in the example above. If you have your own datasets or the same datasets using a different name, check the scripts/preprocess/ script and modify it accordingly.

Data preprocessing

To preprocess the datasets, simply run the script from the root directory of the project:


After running the script, you will find the preprocessed datasets in data/json/ as follows:

├── json
│   ├── en
│   │   ├── CoNLL2009_dev.json
│   │   ├── CoNLL2009_dev.nouns.json
│   │   ├── CoNLL2009_dev.verbs.core.json
│   │   ├── CoNLL2009_dev.verbs.json
│   │   ├── CoNLL2009_test.json
│   │   ├── CoNLL2009_test.nouns.json
│   │   ├── CoNLL2009_test_ood.json
│   │   ├── CoNLL2009_test_ood.nouns.json
│   │   ├── CoNLL2009_test_ood.verbs.json
│   │   ├── ...

Train a probe

You can train a probing model from scratch using the following command:

# Language model: RoBERTa-base
# Trained on: verbal predicates
# Activation function: identity
# Probe type: weighted average
python \
    --train_path data/json/en/CoNLL2009_train.verbs.json \
    --dev_path data/json/en/CoNLL2009_dev.verbs.json \
    --test_path data/json/en/CoNLL2009_test.verbs.json \
    --language_model_name roberta-base \
    --batch_size 32 \
    --max_epochs 20 \
    --language_model_type mixed_bert_embeddings \
    --word_encoding_activation identity \
    --inventory propbank

where --language_model indicates the name of the underlying language model to use. The model should support many BERT-based models from the Huggingface's Transformers library. We experimented with bert-base-cased, bert-large-cased, roberta-base, roberta-large, bert-base-multilingual-cased, xlm-roberta-base.

If you want to train a probe on a different dataset or a different split, e.g., nominal predicates, you can specify a different path with --train_path, --dev_path and --test_path:

# Language model: RoBERTa-base
# Trained on: nominal predicates
# Activation function: identity
# Probe type: weighted average
python \
    --train_path data/json/en/CoNLL2009_train.nouns.json \
    --dev_path data/json/en/CoNLL2009_dev.nouns.json \
    --test_path data/json/en/CoNLL2009_test.nouns.json \
    --language_model_name roberta-base \
    --batch_size 32 \
    --max_epochs 20 \
    --language_model_type mixed_bert_embeddings \
    --word_encoding_activation identity \
    --inventory propbank

Train all the probes

You can also train multiple probes (sequentially, one just after the other) with a single command:

# Train probes that concatenate the top-4 layers of a language model

Evaluate a probe

You can evaluate a trained probe on a dataset using the following command:

python \
    --inventory propbank \
    --datamodule logs_probing/propbank/bert_verbs_identity/config.json \
    --checkpoint logs_probing/propbank/bert_verbs_identity/checkpoints/msrl*.ckpt \
    --test_path data/json/CoNLL2009_test.verbs.json \
    --output output/roleset_predictions/propbank/bert_verbs_identity.txt

The command loads a checkpoint (and its configuration config.json), runs the model to obtain the predictions on the instances contained in data/json/CoNLL2009_test.verbs.json and writes the predictions in output/roleset_predictions/propbank/bert_verbs_identity.txt.

The output is in a human-readable format and looks like this:

3	The 49 stock specialist firms on the Big Board floor -- the buyers and sellers of last resort who were criticized after the 1987 crash -- once again could n't handle the selling pressure .
Pred:	criticize-v.01	A0	A1	AM-TMP
Gold:	criticize-v.01	A1	AM-TMP
Pred:	handle-v.01	A0	A1	AM-MOD	AM-NEG
Gold:	handle-v.01	A0	A1	AM-MOD	AM-NEG	AM-TMP

In the example above, the probe predicted an additional argument (A0) for the predicate criticize-v.01. It also missed an argument (AM-TMP) for the predicate handle-v.01.

Evaluate all probes

You can also evaluate multiple probes with a single command:

# Evaluate probes that concatenate the top-4 layers of a language model


The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the ERC Consolidator Grant MOUSSE No. 726487 and the European Language Grid project No. 825627 (Universal Semantic Annotator, USeA) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

This work was supported in part by the MIUR under grant “Dipartimenti di eccellenza 2018-2022” of the Department of Computer Science of the Sapienza University of Rome.


This work is under the Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.