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Mordred edited this page Feb 8, 2018 · 6 revisions

Compiling and installing Sapphire

  1. Download Source
  2. Install Dependencies
  3. Compile Project
  4. Install Servers

OS specific guides:

Download Source

The best way to get the code for Sapphire is to use git. This document will assume you're using a git clone, but the master tarball from GitHub should work as well for a single build rather than developing. If you intend to develop, you should absolutely use git.

After a git clone, cd into the repository and initialise the library submodules.

$ git clone sapphire
$ cd sapphire
$ git submodule init

Install Dependencies

Sapphire requires CMake and a C++ compiler to build. The specifics are best left for the OS documentation in the side bar to the right. You will also need a copy of the Boost, MySQL, and zlib libraries plus the Sapphire bundled libraries. Except for Boost, all of these can be found in the git submodule. If you used the tarball for whatever reason, you'll need to download them separately into src/libraries.

Compile Project

Once you have the dependencies setup, you can run CMake either in CLI, the CMake GUI, or your IDE of choice to generate project files for your compiler. After that it's as simple as building the resulting project file. The resulting binaries should be in the top level bin directory, along with a config directory and XML settings files for each of the servers.

Install Servers

The servers currently have no installation or packaging target but can be run as is. Load up the data into your DB with the packaged scripts, configure the server settings_*.xml files, and start the processes. You can then use the launcher injector to point your client at the servers.

FFXIV Sapphire

Deprecated (4.0~5.58)

Getting Started


Actor Control

Debug Commands
GM Commands

PS4 Support

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