Anomaly Clustering: Grouping Images Into Coherent Clusters of Anomaly Types (WACV 2023) [Paper]
Datasets: MVTec dataset, magnetic tiledefect (MTD) dataset -
No Shifted Augmentations (NSA): Compact Distributions for Robust Self-Supervised Anomaly Detection (WACV 2023) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: CIFAR10 -
Training Auxiliary Prototypical Classifiers for Explainable Anomaly Detection in Medical Image Segmentation (WACV 2023) [Paper]
Datasets: magnetic resonance (MR), M&Ms challenge dataset, M&Ms-2, PROSTATEx, PROMISE12 -
Anomaly Detection in 3D Point Clouds Using Deep Geometric Descriptors (WACV 2023) [Paper]
Datasets: MVTec 3D Anomaly Detection -
Asymmetric Student-Teacher Networks for Industrial Anomaly Detection (WACV 2023) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: MVTec 3D Anomaly Detection -
GLAD: A Global-to-Local Anomaly Detector (WACV 2023) [Paper]
Datasets: MVTec -
Zero-Shot Versus Many-Shot: Unsupervised Texture Anomaly Detection (WACV 2023) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: MVTec -
Image-Consistent Detection of Road Anomalies As Unpredictable Patches (WACV 2023) [Paper]
Datasets: Lost-and-Found(LaF), Road Anomaly (RA), Road Obstacles(RO) and Fishyscapes (FS), SegmentMeIfYouCan (SMIYC), CityScapes and BDD100k
- Learning Second Order Local Anomaly for General Face Forgery Detection (CVPR 2022)
Datasets: Face-Forensics++ (FF++), Celeb-DF v2 (CD2), Deep-fakeDetection Dataset (DFD), and FaceShifter (Fshi)
Latent Outlier Exposure for Anomaly Detection with Contaminated Data (ICML 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: CIFAR-10, Fashion-MNIST, MVTEC, 30 tabular data sets, UCSD Peds1 -
Deep Variational Graph Convolutional Recurrent Network for Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection (ICML 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: DND, KPI, SMD, MSL, SMAP -
FITNESS: (Fine Tune on New and Similar Samples) to detect anomalies in streams with drift and outliers (ICML 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: Satellite and Thyroid, IoT Attack, Telemetry -
Rethinking Graph Neural Networks for Anomaly Detection (ICML 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: Amazon, YelpChi, T-Finance, T-Social
Hierarchical Semi-Supervised Contrastive Learning for Contamination-Resistant Anomaly Detection (ECCV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, ImageNet (FIX), SVHN, and LSUN (FIX) -
Locally Varying Distance Transform for Unsupervised Visual Anomaly Detection (ECCV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: MNIST; STL-10; Internet STL-10; MIT-Places-5; CIFAR-10; CatVsDog; Fashion-MNIST -
Natural Synthetic Anomalies for Self-Supervised Anomaly Detection and Localization (ECCV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: MVTecAD; rCXR -
DSR – A Dual Subspace Re-Projection Network for Surface Anomaly Detection (ECCV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: KSDD2; ImageNet -
Pixel-Wise Energy-Biased Abstention Learning for Anomaly Segmentation on Complex Urban Driving Scenes (ECCV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: LostAndFound; Fishyscapes; Road Anomaly
Autoencoders - A Comparative Analysis in the Realm of Anomaly Detection (CVPRw 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: CIFAR10, MNIST -
AnoDDPM: Anomaly Detection With Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models Using Simplex Noise (CVPRw 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: MVTec AD
One-Class Learned Encoder-Decoder Network With Adversarial Context Masking for Novelty Detection (WACV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: MNIST, CIFAR-10, UCSD
Task: Novelty Detection, Anomaly -
CFLOW-AD: Real-Time Unsupervised Anomaly Detection With Localization via Conditional Normalizing Flows (WACV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: MVTec AD -
Multi-Scale Patch-Based Representation Learning for Image Anomaly Detection and Segmentation (WACV 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: MVTec AD, BTAD
Anomaly Detection and Localization Using Attention-Guided Synthetic Anomaly and Test-Time Adaptation (BMVC 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: MVTec AD, NIH -
Siamese U-Net for Image Anomaly Detection and Segmentation with Contrastive Learning (BMVC 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: MVTec AD, MVTec3D-AD -
G-CMP: Graph-enhanced Contextual Matrix Profile for unsupervised anomaly detection in sensor-based remote health monitoring (BMVC 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: Two real-world sensor-based remote health monitoringdatasets collected from the homes of persons living with dementia between August 2019 andApril 2022, by the UK Dementia Research Institute Care Research and Technology Centre
- Fuse-PN: A Novel Architecture for Anomaly Pattern Segmentation in Aerial Agricultural Images (CVPRw 2021) [Paper]
RaPP: Novelty Detection with Reconstruction along Projection Pathway (ICLR 2020) [Paper] [Code]
Task: Image Classification, Anomaly Detection -
Interpretable, Multidimensional, Multimodal Anomaly Detection with Negative Sampling for Detection of Device Failure (ICML 2020) [Paper]
Unsupervised Ensemble-Kernel Principal Component Analysis for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection (CVPRw 2020) [Paper]
Superpixel Masking and Inpainting for Self-Supervised Anomaly Detection (BMVC 2020) [Paper]
Datasets: MVTec AD -
Deep Anomaly Detection with Outlier Exposure (ICLR 2019) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Places, SST, SVHN, Tiny ImageNet, Tiny Images -
Anomaly Detection With Multiple-Hypotheses Predictions (ICML 2019) [Paper]
Datasets: CIFAR-10 -
Deep Anomaly Detection for Generalized Face Anti-Spoofing (CVPRw 2019) [Paper]
Anomaly-Based Manipulation Detection in Satellite Images (CVPRw 2019) [Paper]
Deep Autoencoding Gaussian Mixture Model for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection (ICLR 2018) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: CIFAR-10, Fashion-MNIST, MNIST, STL-10, cats_vs_dogs -
Efficient Anomaly Detection via Matrix Sketching (NeurIPS 2018) [Paper]
Datasets: p53 mutants, Dorothea and RCV1 -
Deep Anomaly Detection Using Geometric Transformations (NeurIPS 2018) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, CatsVsDogs, fashion-MNIST -
A loss framework for calibrated anomaly detection (NeurIPS 2018) [Paper]
Towards Universal Representation for Unseen Action Recognition (CVPR 2018) [Paper]
Datasets: ActivityNet, HMDB51 and UCF101
Task: Action Recognition
- Multimodal Motion Conditioned Diffusion Model for Skeleton-based Video Anomaly Detection (ICCV 2023)
DyAnNet: A Scene Dynamicity Guided Self-Trained Video Anomaly Detection Network (WACV 2023) [Paper]
Datasets: UCF-Crime, CCTV-Fights, UBI-Fights -
Cross-Domain Video Anomaly Detection Without Target Domain Adaptation (WACV 2023) [Paper]
Datasets: SHTdc, SHT and Ped2, HMDB, UCF101 -
Bi-Directional Frame Interpolation for Unsupervised Video Anomaly Detection (WACV 2023) [Paper]
Datasets: UCSD Ped2, CUHK Avenue, ShanghaiTech Campus -
Towards Interpretable Video Anomaly Detection (WACV 2023) [Paper]
Datasets: CUHK Avenue, ShanghaiTech Campus -
Normality Guided Multiple Instance Learning for Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection (WACV 2023) [Paper]
Datasets: ShanghaiTech, UCF-Crime, XD-Violence
UBnormal: New Benchmark for Supervised Open-Set Video Anomaly Detection (CVPR 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: UBnormal, CHUK, Avenue, Shang-hai Tech -
Deep Anomaly Discovery From Unlabeled Videos via Normality Advantage and Self-Paced Refinement (CVPR 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: UCS-Dped1/UCSDped2, Avenue and ShanghaiTech -
Self-Supervised Predictive Convolutional Attentive Block for Anomaly Detection (CVPR 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: MVTec AD, Avenue and ShanghaiTech -
Anomaly Detection via Reverse Distillation From One-Class Embedding (CVPR 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: MVTec; MNIST, FashionMNIST and CIFAR10 -
Bayesian Nonparametric Submodular Video Partition for Robust Anomaly Detection (CVPR 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: ShanghaiTech, Avenue, UCF-Crime -
Towards Total Recall in Industrial Anomaly Detection (CVPR 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: MVTec; Magnetic Tile Defects (MTD); Mini Shanghai Tech Campus(mSTC) -
Generative Cooperative Learning for Unsupervised Video Anomaly Detection (CVPR 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: UCF-Crime (UCFC); ShanghaiTech
- Latent Outlier Exposure for Anomaly Detection with Contaminated Data (ICML 2022)
Datasets: CIFAR-10, Fashion-MNIST, MVTEC, 30 tabular data sets, UCSD Peds1
Towards Open Set Video Anomaly Detection (ECCV 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: XD Violence, UCF Crime, ShanghaiTech Campus -
Scale-Aware Spatio-Temporal Relation Learning for Video Anomaly Detection (ECCV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: UCF-Crime (UCFC); ShanghaiTech -
Dynamic Local Aggregation Network with Adaptive Clusterer for Anomaly Detection (ECCV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: CUHK Avenue; UCSD Ped2; ShanghaiTech -
Video Anomaly Detection by Solving Decoupled Spatio-Temporal Jigsaw Puzzles (ECCV 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: CUHK Avenue; UCSD Ped2; ShanghaiTech -
Self-Supervised Sparse Representation for Video Anomaly Detection (ECCV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: ShanghaiTech, UCF-Crime, and XD-Violence -
Registration Based Few-Shot Anomaly Detection (ECCV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: MVTec; MPDD -
DenseHybrid: Hybrid Anomaly Detection for Dense Open-set Recognition (ECCV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: Fishyscapes, SegmentMeIfYouCan (SMIYC), StreetHazards
Unsupervised Anomaly Detection From Time-of-Flight Depth Images (CVPRw 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: TIMo -
Adversarial Machine Learning Attacks Against Video Anomaly Detection Systems (CVPRw 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: CUHK Avenue, the ShanghaiTech Campus -
Anomaly Detection in Autonomous Driving: A Survey (CVPRw 2022) [Paper]
A Modular and Unified Framework for Detecting and Localizing Video Anomalies (WACV 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: CUHK Avenue, UCSD Ped2, ShanghaiTech Campus, UR fall -
FastAno: Fast Anomaly Detection via Spatio-Temporal Patch Transformation (WACV 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: CUHK Avenue, UCSD Ped2, ShanghaiTech Campus -
Multi-Branch Neural Networks for Video Anomaly Detection in Adverse Lighting and Weather Conditions (WACV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: CUHK Avenue (Augmented) -
Discrete Neural Representations for Explainable Anomaly Detection (WACV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: CUHK Avenue, UCSD Ped2, X-MAN -
Rethinking Video Anomaly Detection - A Continual Learning Approach (WACV 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: NOLA
Box-Level Tube Tracking and Refinement for Vehicles Anomaly Detection (CVPRw 2021) [Paper]
Dual-Modality Vehicle Anomaly Detection via Bilateral Trajectory Tracing (CVPRw 2021) [Paper]
A Vision-Based System for Traffic Anomaly Detection Using Deep Learning and Decision Trees (CVPRw 2021) [Paper]
Good Practices and a Strong Baseline for Traffic Anomaly Detection (CVPRw 2021) [Paper]
An Efficient Approach for Anomaly Detection in Traffic Videos (CVPRw 2021) [Paper]
Spacecraft Time-Series Anomaly Detection Using Transfer Learning (CVPRw 2021) [Paper]
Multi-Granularity Tracking With Modularlized Components for Unsupervised Vehicles Anomaly Detection (CVPRw 2020) [Paper]
Fractional Data Distillation Model for Anomaly Detection in Traffic Videos (CVPRw 2020) [Paper]
Towards Real-Time Systems for Vehicle Re-Identification, Multi-Camera Tracking, and Anomaly Detection (CVPRw 2020) [Paper]
Fast Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Traffic Videos (CVPRw 2020) [Paper]
Continual Learning for Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos (CVPRw 2020) [Paper]
Any-Shot Sequential Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos (CVPRw 2020) [Paper]
Challenges in Time-Stamp Aware Anomaly Detection in Traffic Videos (CVPRw 2019) [Paper]
Traffic Anomaly Detection via Perspective Map based on Spatial-temporal Information Matrix (CVPRw 2019) [Paper]
Unsupervised Traffic Anomaly Detection Using Trajectories (CVPRw 2019) [Paper]
Attention Driven Vehicle Re-identification and Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for Traffic Understanding (CVPRw 2019) [Paper]
A Comparative Study of Faster R-CNN Models for Anomaly Detection in 2019 AI City Challenge (CVPRw 2019) [Paper]
Anomaly Candidate Identification and Starting Time Estimation of Vehicles from Traffic Videos (CVPRw 2019) [Paper]
Hybrid Deep Network for Anomaly Detection (BMVC 2019) [Paper]
Datasets: CUHK Avenue, UCSD Ped2, Belleview, Traffic-Train -
Motion-Aware Feature for Improved Video Anomaly Detection (BMVC 2019) [Paper]
Datasets: UCF Crime -
Adversarially Learned One-Class Classifier for Novelty Detection (CVPR 2018) [Paper]
Datasets: MNIST, Caltech-256, UCSD Ped2
Task: Image Classification, Anomaly Detection -
Real-World Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos (CVPR 2018) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: Real-world Surveillance Videos -
Future Frame Prediction for Anomaly Detection – A New Baseline (CVPR 2018) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: CUHK, Avenue, UCSD Ped1, UCSD Ped2, ShanghaiTech, Paper's toy dataset -
Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for Traffic Surveillance Based on Background Modeling (CVPRw 2018) [Paper]
Dual-Mode Vehicle Motion Pattern Learning for High Performance Road Traffic Anomaly Detection (CVPRw 2018) [Paper]