- Zero-Shot Learning Videos
- Out-of-Distribution Detection Videos
- Open-Set Recognition Videos
- Novel Class Discovery Videos
- Open Vocabulary Videos
- Fine Grained Videos
- Long Tail Videos
- Anomaly Detection Videos
- Novelty Detection
- Other Related Papers
- Action Recognition Related
Zero-Shot Action Recognition in Videos: A Survey (Neurocomputing 2021) [Paper]
A Review of Generalized Zero-Shot Learning Methods (TPAMI 2022) [Paper]
Generalized Zero-Shot Learning for Action Recognition with Web-Scale Video Data (Arxiv 2017) [Paper]
Language-Free Training for Zero-Shot Video Grounding (WACV 2023) [Paper]
Datasets: Charades-STA, ActivityNet Captions
Task: Video Grounding -
Semantics Guided Contrastive Learning of Transformers for Zero-Shot Temporal Activity Detection (WACV 2023) [Paper]
Datasets: Thumos’14 and Charades
Task: Action Recognition
Uni-Perceiver: Pre-Training Unified Architecture for Generic Perception for Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Tasks (CVPR 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: ImageNet-21k; Kinetics-700 and Moments in Time; BookCorpora & English Wikipedia (Books&Wiki) and PAQ; COCO Caption, SBUCaptions (SBU), Visual Genome, CC3M, CC12M and YFCC; Flickr30k, MSVD,VQA ,and GLUE
Task: Image-Text Retreival; Image and Video Classification -
Cross-Modal Representation Learning for Zero-Shot Action Recognition (CVPR 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: Kinetics -> UCF101, HMDB51, and ActivityNet
Task: Action Recognition -
Audio-Visual Generalised Zero-Shot Learning With Cross-Modal Attention and Language (CVPR 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: VGGSound; UCF101; ActivityNet
Task: Action Recognition -
Alignment-Uniformity Aware Representation Learning for Zero-Shot Video Classification (CVPR 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: Kinetics-700 -> UCF101, HMDB51
Task: Action Recognition
Temporal and cross-modal attention foraudio-visual zero-shot learning (ECCV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: UCF-GZSL^cls, VGGSound-GZSL^cls, and ActivityNet-GZSL^cls1
Task: Action Recognition -
CLASTER: Clustering with Reinforcement Learning for Zero-Shot Action Recognition (ECCV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: Olympic Sports; UCF-101; HMDB-51
Task: Action Recognition -
Rethinking Zero-Shot Action Recognition: Learning from Latent Atomic Actions (ECCV 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: KineticsZSAR, HMDB51, and UCF101
Task: Action Recognition -
Zero-Shot Temporal Action Detection via Vision-Language Prompting (ECCV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: THUMOS14; ActivityNet v1.3
Task: Temporal Action Detection (TAD)
- Recognizing Actions in Videos From Unseen Viewpoints (CVPR 2021)
Datasets: Human3.6M, MLB-YouTube, Toyota SmartHome (TSH), NTU-RGB-D
Task: Action Recognition
- Zero-Shot Action Recognition from Diverse Object-Scene Compositions (BMVC 2021)
Datasets: UCF-101, Kinetics-400
Task: Action Recognition
Out-Of-Distribution Detection for Generalized Zero-Shot Action Recognition (CVPR 2019) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: Olympic Sports, HMDB51 and UCF101
Task: Action Recognition -
Towards Universal Representation for Unseen Action Recognition (CVPR 2018) [Paper]
Datasets: ActivityNet, HMDB51 and UCF101
Task: Action Recognition
- Towards Generalisable Video Moment Retrieval: Visual-Dynamic Injection to Image-Text Pre-Training (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
- Unknown-Aware Object Detection: Learning What You Don't Know From Videos in the Wild (CVPR 2022)
Datasets: (Videos -> Images) BDD100K and Youtube-Video Instance Segmentation(Youtube-VIS) 2021 (ID) - MS-COCO and nuImages (OOD)
Task: Object Detection
Uncertainty-aware audiovisual activity recognition using deep bayesian variational inference (ICCV 2019) [Paper]
Datasets: MiT
Task: Audiovisual Action Recognition -
Bayesian activity recognition using variational inference (NeurIPS 2018) [Paper]
Datasets: MiT video activity recognition dataset
Task: Action Recognition -
Out-Of-Distribution Detection for Generalized Zero-Shot Action Recognition (CVPR 2019) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: Olympic Sports, HMDB51 and UCF101
Task: Action Recognition
Enlarging Instance-specific and Class-specific Information for Open-set Action Recognition (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
AutoLabel: CLIP-based framework for Open-set Video Domain Adaptation (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
Open Set Action Recognition via Multi-Label Evidential Learning (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
OpenGait: Revisiting Gait Recognition Towards Better Practicality (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
Open-Category Human-Object Interaction Pre-training via Language Modeling Framework (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
SUDS: Scalable Urban Dynamic Scenes (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
- Reconstructing Humpty Dumpty: Multi-Feature Graph Autoencoder for Open Set Action Recognition (WACV 2023)
Datasets: HMDB-51, UCF-101
Task: Action Recognition
Video Instance Segmentation in an Open-World (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
Plan4MC: Skill Reinforcement Learning and Planning for Open-World Minecraft Tasks (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
POAR: Towards Open-World Pedestrian Attribute Recognition (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
Learning to Operate in Open Worlds by Adapting Planning Models (AAMAS 2023) [Paper]
PyReason: Software for Open World Temporal Logic (AAAI 2023) [Paper]
NovPhy: A Testbed for Physical Reasoning in Open-world Environments (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
Improving Audio-Visual Video Parsing with Pseudo Visual Labels (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
Open-World Object Manipulation using Pre-trained Vision-Language Models (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
Towards Generalized Robot Assembly through Compliance-Enabled Contact Formations (ICRA 2023) [Paper]
Discovering Novel Actions in an Open World with Object-Grounded Visual Commonsense Reasoning (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
Temporal-controlled Frame Swap for Generating High-Fidelity Stereo Driving Data for Autonomy Analysis (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
Opening Up Open World Tracking (CVPR 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: TAO-OW
Task: Object Tracking -
OpenTAL: Towards Open Set Temporal Action Localization (CVPR 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: THUMOS14, ActivityNet1.3
Task: Temporal Action Localization -
UBnormal: New Benchmark for Supervised Open-Set Video Anomaly Detection (CVPR 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: UBnormal, CHUK, Avenue, Shang-hai Tech
Task: Anomaly Detection -
Open-World Instance Segmentation: Exploiting Pseudo Ground Truth From Learned Pairwise Affinity (CVPR 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: COCO 17, LVIS, UVO (videos), ADE20k
Task: Instance Segmentation
- Towards Open Set Video Anomaly Detection (ECCV 2022)
Datasets: XD Violence, UCF Crime, ShanghaiTech Campus
Task: Anomaly Detection
Human Activity Recognition in an Open World (Submitted to JAIR 2022) [Paper]
Self-Initiated Open World Learning for Autonomous AI Agents (AAAI 2022 Spring Symposium Series) [Paper]
UVO Challenge on Video-based Open-World Segmentation 2021: 1st Place Solution (Arxiv 2022) [Paper]
- Generalizing to the Open World: Deep Visual Odometry With Online Adaptation (CVPR 2021)
Datasets: Cityscapes, KITTI, indoor TUM, NYUv2
Task: Depth Estimation
Evidential Deep Learning for Open Set Action Recognition (ICCV 2021) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: UCF-101, HMDB-51, MiT-v2
Task: Action Recognition -
Unidentified Video Objects: A Benchmark for Dense, Open-World Segmentation (ICCV 2021) [Paper]
Datasets: UVO, COCO
Task: Video Object Detection and Segmentation
Conditional Extreme Value Theory for Open Set Video Domain Adaptation (MMAsia 2021) [Paper]
Dual Metric Discriminator for Open Set Video Domain Adaptation (ICASSP 2021) [Paper]
Open-World Active Learning with Stacking Ensemble for Self-Driving Cars (Arxiv 2021) [Paper]
Physical Reasoning in an Open World (ACS 2021) [Paper]
Person Re-identification based on Robust Features in Open-world (Arxiv 2021) [Paper]
Online Action Recognition (AAAI 2021) [Paper]
ViNG: Learning Open-World Navigation with Visual Goals (ICRA 2021) [Paper]
Specifying weight priors in bayesian deep neural networks with empirical bayes (AAAI 2020) [Paper]
Datasets: UCF-101, Urban Sound 8K, MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, CIFAR10
Task: Image and Audio Classification, Video Activity Recognition -
P-ODN: prototype-based open Deep network for open Set Recognition (Scientific Reports 2020) [Paper]
Datasets: UCF11, UCF50, UCF101 and HMDB51
Task: Action Recognition -
Uncertainty-aware audiovisual activity recognition using deep bayesian variational inference (ICCV 2019) [Paper]
Datasets: MiT
Task: Audiovisual Action Recognition -
Bayesian activity recognition using variational inference (NeurIPS 2018) [Paper]
Datasets: MiT video activity recognition dataset
Task: Action Recognition -
ODN: Opening the deep network for open-set action recognition (ICME 2018) [Paper]
Datasets: HMDB51, UCF50, UCF101
Task: Action Recognition -
Open-World Stereo Video Matching with Deep RNN (ECCV 2018) [Paper]
Datasets: KITTI VO, Middlebury Stereo 2005 & 2006, Freiburg Sceneflow, Random dot, Synthia
Task: Stereo Video Matching -
Adversarial Open-World Person Re-Identification (ECCV 2018) [Paper]
Datasets: Market-1501, CUHK01, CUHK03
Task: Person Re-Identification -
From Open Set to Closed Set: Counting Objects by Spatial Divide-and-Conquer (ICCV 2019) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: Synthesized Cell Counting, UCF-QNRF, ShanghaiTech, UCFCC50, TRANCOS and MTC
Task: Visual Counting -
AutOTranS: an Autonomous Open World Transportation System (Arxiv 2018) [Paper]
From Known to the Unknown: Transferring Knowledge to Answer Questions about Novel Visual and Semantic Concepts (Arxiv 2018) [Paper]
Visual Curiosity: Learning to Ask Questions to Learn Visual Recognition (CoRL 2018 Oral) [Paper]
Towards Large-Scale Video Video Object Mining (ECCVw 2018) [Paper]
- Open-Category Human-Object Interaction Pre-training via Language Modeling Framework (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
- NEV-NCD: Negative Learning, Entropy, and Variance regularization based novel action categories discovery (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
Text-based Temporal Localization of Novel Events (ECCV 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: Charades-STA Unseen, ActivityNet Captions Unseen
Task: Temporal Action Localization -
Discovering Objects That Can Move (ECCV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Task: Object Segmentation
Joint Representation Learning and Novel Category Discovery on Single- and Multi-Modal Data (ICCV 2021) [Paper]
Datasets: ImageNet; CIFAR-10/CIFAR-100; Kinetics-400; VGG-Sound
Task: Multimodal Data -
Learning To Better Segment Objects From Unseen Classes With Unlabeled Videos (ICCV 2021) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: COCO -> Unseen-VIS; DAVIS
Task: Instance Segmentation
- Unsupervised Discovery of Actions in Instructional Videos (BMVC 2021)
Datasets: 50-salads dataset, Narrated Instructional Videos (NIV) dataset, Breakfast dataset
Task: Action Discovery
Tracking the Known and the Unknown by Leveraging Semantic Information (BMVC 2019) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: NFS, UAV123, LaSOT, TrackingNet, VOT2018
Task: Object Tracking -
DetectFusion: Detecting and Segmenting Both Known and Unknown Dynamic Objects in Real-time SLAM (BMVC 2019) [Paper]
Task: Object Tracking and Segmentation -
Localizing Novel Attended Objects in Egocentric Views (BMVC 2020) [Paper]
Datasets: GTEA Gaze+, Toy Room
Task: Novel Object Localization -
Video Face Clustering With Unknown Number of Clusters (ICCV 2019) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: MovieGraphs, The Big Bang Theory (BBT) and Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BUFFY)
Task: Face Clustering -
Incremental Class Discovery for Semantic Segmentation With RGBD Sensing (ICCV 2019) [Paper]
Datasets: NYUDv2
Task: Semantic Segmentation -
Object Discovery in Videos as Foreground Motion Clustering (ICCV 2019) [Paper]
Datasets: Flying Things 3d (FT3D), DAVIS2016, Freibug-Berkeley motion segmentation, Complex Background, and Camouflaged Animal
Task: Object Discovery
Open-Category Human-Object Interaction Pre-training via Language Modeling Framework (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
Being Comes from Not-being: Open-vocabulary Text-to-Motion Generation with Wordless Training (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
OVTrack: Open-Vocabulary Multiple Object Tracking (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
- The Devil is in the Wrongly-classified Samples: Towards Unified Open-set Recognition (ICLR 2023)
Datasets: CIFAR100, LSUN, MiTv2, UCF101, HMDB51
Task: Image and Video Classification
- Open-VCLIP: Transforming CLIP to an Open-vocabulary Video Model via Interpolated Weight Optimization (ICML 2023) [Paper]
Transforming CLIP to an Open-vocabulary Video Model via Interpolated Weight Optimization (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
TagCLIP: Improving Discrimination Ability of Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
MVP-SEG: Multi-View Prompt Learning for Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
Segment Everything Everywhere All at Once (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
Towards Open-Vocabulary Video Instance Segmentation (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
CLIP Surgery for Better Explainability with Enhancement in Open-Vocabulary Tasks (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
Prompt Pre-Training with Twenty-Thousand Classes for Open-Vocabulary Visual Recognition (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
V3Det: Vast Vocabulary Visual Detection Dataset (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
Token Merging for Fast Stable Diffusion (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
Going Beyond Nouns With Vision & Language Models Using Synthetic Data (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
MaMMUT: A Simple Architecture for Joint Learning for MultiModal Tasks (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
ZBS: Zero-shot Background Subtraction via Instance-level Background Modeling and Foreground Selection (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
Prompt-Guided Transformers for End-to-End Open-Vocabulary Object Detection (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
Three ways to improve feature alignment for open vocabulary detection (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
Zero-guidance Segmentation Using Zero Segment Labels (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
Open-Vocabulary Object Detection using Pseudo Caption Labels (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
Uni-Fusion: Universal Continuous Mapping (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
- Open-Vocabulary Temporal Action Detection with Off-the-Shelf Image-Text Features (Arxiv 2022) [Paper]
On the Difficulty of Unpaired Infrared-to-Visible Video Translation: Fine-Grained Content-Rich Patches Transfer (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
ANetQA: A Large-scale Benchmark for Fine-grained Compositional Reasoning over Untrimmed Videos (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
MELTR: Meta Loss Transformer for Learning to Fine-tune Video Foundation Models (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
Modeling Video as Stochastic Processes for Fine-Grained Video Representation Learning (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
Class Prototypes based Contrastive Learning for Classifying Multi-Label and Fine-Grained Educational Videos (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
Progressive Disentangled Representation Learning for Fine-Grained Controllable Talking Head Synthesis (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
Focus On Details: Online Multi-object Tracking with Diverse Fine-grained Representation (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
Fine-grained Audible Video Description (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
Fine-Grained Activities of People Worldwide (WACV 2023) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: Consented Activities of People (CAP)
Task: Action Recognition -
Fine-Grained Affordance Annotation for Egocentric Hand-Object Interaction Videos (WACV 2023) [Paper]
Task: Action Recognition
Hand Guided High Resolution Feature Enhancement for Fine-Grained Atomic Action Segmentation Within Complex Human Assemblies (WACVw 2023) [Paper]
A Transformer-Based Late-Fusion Mechanism for Fine-Grained Object Recognition in Videos (WACVw 2023) [Paper]
Simplifying Open-Set Video Domain Adaptation with Contrastive Learning (CVIU 2023 under review) [Paper]
FineDiving: A Fine-Grained Dataset for Procedure-Aware Action Quality Assessment (CVPR 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: FineDiving
Task: Action Quality Assessment -
Fine-Grained Temporal Contrastive Learning for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization (CVPR 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: THUMOS14; ActivityNet1.3
Task: Temporal Action Localization -
How Do You Do It? Fine-Grained Action Understanding With Pseudo-Adverbs (CVPR 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: VATEX Adverbs, ActivityNet Adverbs and MSR-VTT Adverbs
Task: Adverb Recognition -
EMScore: Evaluating Video Captioning via Coarse-Grained and Fine-Grained Embedding Matching (CVPR 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: VATEX-EVAL; ActivityNet-FOIL
Task: Video Captioning
Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Specialization Learning for Fine-Grained Action Recognition (ECCV 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: Diving48
Task: Action Recognition -
Exploring Fine-Grained Audiovisual Categorization with the SSW60 Dataset (ECCV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: SSW60
Task: Action Recognition -
Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Detection for Fine-Grained Videos with Hierarchical Atomic Actions (ECCV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: FineAction; FineGym
Task: Action Recognition -
Semantic-Aware Fine-Grained Correspondence (ECCV 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: DAVIS-2017; JHMDB; Video Instance Parsing (VIP)
Task: Video Object Segmentation, Human Pose Tracking, Human Part Tracking -
Spotting Temporally Precise, Fine-Grained Events in Video (ECCV 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: Tennis, Figure Skating, FineDiving, and Fine-Gym
Task: Temporally Precise Spotting -
Fine-Grained Egocentric Hand-Object Segmentation: Dataset, Model, and Applications (ECCV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: EPIC-KITCHENS; Ego4d; THU-READ; Escape Room
Task: Semantic Segmentation
- FenceNet: Fine-Grained Footwork Recognition in Fencing (CVPRw 2022)
Datasets: FFD a publicly available fencing dataset
Task: Action Recognition
Fine-Grained Shape-Appearance Mutual Learning for Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification (CVPR 2021) [Paper]
Temporal Query Networks for Fine-Grained Video Understanding (CVPR 2021) [Paper]
GLAVNet: Global-Local Audio-Visual Cues for Fine-Grained Material Recognition (CVPR 2021) [Paper]
Counterfactual Attention Learning for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization and Re-Identification (ICCV 2021) [Paper]
Video Pose Distillation for Few-Shot, Fine-Grained Sports Action Recognition (ICCV 2021) [Paper]
FuseFormer: Fusing Fine-Grained Information in Transformers for Video Inpainting (ICCV 2021) [Paper]
FineGym: A Hierarchical Video Dataset for Fine-Grained Action Understanding (CVPR 2020) [Paper]
Multi-Modal Domain Adaptation for Fine-Grained Action Recognition (CVPR 2020) [Paper]
Revisiting Pose-Normalization for Fine-Grained Few-Shot Recognition (CVPR 2020) [Paper]
Fine-Grained Video-Text Retrieval With Hierarchical Graph Reasoning (CVPR 2020) [Paper]
Stochastic Fine-grained Labeling of Multi-state Sign Glosses for Continuous Sign Language Recognition (ECCV 2020) [Paper]
Fine-Grained Motion Representation For Template-Free Visual Tracking (WACV 2020) [Paper]
WHENet: Real-time Fine-Grained Estimation for Wide Range Head Pose (BMVC 2020) [Paper]
Yoga-82: A New Dataset for Fine-Grained Classification of Human Poses (CVPRw 2020) [Paper]
Fine-Grained Pointing Recognition for Natural Drone Guidance (CVPRw 2020) [Paper]
Local Temporal Bilinear Pooling for Fine-Grained Action Parsing (CVPR 2019) [Paper]
Drive&Act: A Multi-Modal Dataset for Fine-Grained Driver Behavior Recognition in Autonomous Vehicles (ICCV 2019) [Paper]
Fine-Grained Action Retrieval Through Multiple Parts-of-Speech Embeddings (ICCV 2019) [Paper]
Learning Motion in Feature Space: Locally-Consistent Deformable Convolution Networks for Fine-Grained Action Detection (ICCV 2019) [Paper]
ViSiL: Fine-Grained Spatio-Temporal Video Similarity Learning (ICCV 2019) [Paper]
Fine-Grained Visual Dribbling Style Analysis for Soccer Videos With Augmented Dribble Energy Image (CVPRw 2019) [Paper]
Anticipation of Human Actions With Pose-Based Fine-Grained Representations (CVPRw 2019) [Paper]
Fine-Grained Video Captioning for Sports Narrative (CVPR 2018) [Paper]
Where Will They Go? Predicting Fine-Grained Adversarial Multi-Agent Motion using Conditional Variational Autoencoders (ECCV 2018) [Paper]
Fine-grained Video Categorization with Redundancy Reduction Attention (ECCV 2018) [Paper]
Fine-Grained Head Pose Estimation Without Keypoints (CVPRw 2018) [Paper]
Fine-Grained Activity Recognition in Baseball Videos (CVPRw 2018) [Paper]
Use Your Head: Improving Long-Tail Video Recognition (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
FEND: A Future Enhanced Distribution-Aware Contrastive Learning Framework For Long-tail Trajectory Prediction (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
VideoLT: Large-Scale Long-Tailed Video Recognition (ICCV 2021) [Paper]
On Exposing the Challenging Long Tail in Future Prediction of Traffic Actors (ICCV 2021) [Paper]
- Multimodal Motion Conditioned Diffusion Model for Skeleton-based Video Anomaly Detection (ICCV 2023)
DyAnNet: A Scene Dynamicity Guided Self-Trained Video Anomaly Detection Network (WACV 2023) [Paper]
Datasets: UCF-Crime, CCTV-Fights, UBI-Fights -
Cross-Domain Video Anomaly Detection Without Target Domain Adaptation (WACV 2023) [Paper]
Datasets: SHTdc, SHT and Ped2, HMDB, UCF101 -
Bi-Directional Frame Interpolation for Unsupervised Video Anomaly Detection (WACV 2023) [Paper]
Datasets: UCSD Ped2, CUHK Avenue, ShanghaiTech Campus -
Towards Interpretable Video Anomaly Detection (WACV 2023) [Paper]
Datasets: CUHK Avenue, ShanghaiTech Campus -
Normality Guided Multiple Instance Learning for Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection (WACV 2023) [Paper]
Datasets: ShanghaiTech, UCF-Crime, XD-Violence
UBnormal: New Benchmark for Supervised Open-Set Video Anomaly Detection (CVPR 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: UBnormal, CHUK, Avenue, Shang-hai Tech -
Deep Anomaly Discovery From Unlabeled Videos via Normality Advantage and Self-Paced Refinement (CVPR 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: UCS-Dped1/UCSDped2, Avenue and ShanghaiTech -
Self-Supervised Predictive Convolutional Attentive Block for Anomaly Detection (CVPR 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: MVTec AD, Avenue and ShanghaiTech -
Anomaly Detection via Reverse Distillation From One-Class Embedding (CVPR 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: MVTec; MNIST, FashionMNIST and CIFAR10 -
Bayesian Nonparametric Submodular Video Partition for Robust Anomaly Detection (CVPR 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: ShanghaiTech, Avenue, UCF-Crime -
Towards Total Recall in Industrial Anomaly Detection (CVPR 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: MVTec; Magnetic Tile Defects (MTD); Mini Shanghai Tech Campus(mSTC) -
Generative Cooperative Learning for Unsupervised Video Anomaly Detection (CVPR 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: UCF-Crime (UCFC); ShanghaiTech
- Latent Outlier Exposure for Anomaly Detection with Contaminated Data (ICML 2022)
Datasets: CIFAR-10, Fashion-MNIST, MVTEC, 30 tabular data sets, UCSD Peds1
Towards Open Set Video Anomaly Detection (ECCV 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: XD Violence, UCF Crime, ShanghaiTech Campus -
Scale-Aware Spatio-Temporal Relation Learning for Video Anomaly Detection (ECCV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: UCF-Crime (UCFC); ShanghaiTech -
Dynamic Local Aggregation Network with Adaptive Clusterer for Anomaly Detection (ECCV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: CUHK Avenue; UCSD Ped2; ShanghaiTech -
Video Anomaly Detection by Solving Decoupled Spatio-Temporal Jigsaw Puzzles (ECCV 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: CUHK Avenue; UCSD Ped2; ShanghaiTech -
Self-Supervised Sparse Representation for Video Anomaly Detection (ECCV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: ShanghaiTech, UCF-Crime, and XD-Violence -
Registration Based Few-Shot Anomaly Detection (ECCV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: MVTec; MPDD -
DenseHybrid: Hybrid Anomaly Detection for Dense Open-set Recognition (ECCV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: Fishyscapes, SegmentMeIfYouCan (SMIYC), StreetHazards
Unsupervised Anomaly Detection From Time-of-Flight Depth Images (CVPRw 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: TIMo -
Adversarial Machine Learning Attacks Against Video Anomaly Detection Systems (CVPRw 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: CUHK Avenue, the ShanghaiTech Campus -
Anomaly Detection in Autonomous Driving: A Survey (CVPRw 2022) [Paper]
A Modular and Unified Framework for Detecting and Localizing Video Anomalies (WACV 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: CUHK Avenue, UCSD Ped2, ShanghaiTech Campus, UR fall -
FastAno: Fast Anomaly Detection via Spatio-Temporal Patch Transformation (WACV 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: CUHK Avenue, UCSD Ped2, ShanghaiTech Campus -
Multi-Branch Neural Networks for Video Anomaly Detection in Adverse Lighting and Weather Conditions (WACV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: CUHK Avenue (Augmented) -
Discrete Neural Representations for Explainable Anomaly Detection (WACV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: CUHK Avenue, UCSD Ped2, X-MAN -
Rethinking Video Anomaly Detection - A Continual Learning Approach (WACV 2022) [Paper]
Datasets: NOLA
Box-Level Tube Tracking and Refinement for Vehicles Anomaly Detection (CVPRw 2021) [Paper]
Dual-Modality Vehicle Anomaly Detection via Bilateral Trajectory Tracing (CVPRw 2021) [Paper]
A Vision-Based System for Traffic Anomaly Detection Using Deep Learning and Decision Trees (CVPRw 2021) [Paper]
Good Practices and a Strong Baseline for Traffic Anomaly Detection (CVPRw 2021) [Paper]
An Efficient Approach for Anomaly Detection in Traffic Videos (CVPRw 2021) [Paper]
Spacecraft Time-Series Anomaly Detection Using Transfer Learning (CVPRw 2021) [Paper]
Multi-Granularity Tracking With Modularlized Components for Unsupervised Vehicles Anomaly Detection (CVPRw 2020) [Paper]
Fractional Data Distillation Model for Anomaly Detection in Traffic Videos (CVPRw 2020) [Paper]
Towards Real-Time Systems for Vehicle Re-Identification, Multi-Camera Tracking, and Anomaly Detection (CVPRw 2020) [Paper]
Fast Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Traffic Videos (CVPRw 2020) [Paper]
Continual Learning for Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos (CVPRw 2020) [Paper]
Any-Shot Sequential Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos (CVPRw 2020) [Paper]
Challenges in Time-Stamp Aware Anomaly Detection in Traffic Videos (CVPRw 2019) [Paper]
Traffic Anomaly Detection via Perspective Map based on Spatial-temporal Information Matrix (CVPRw 2019) [Paper]
Unsupervised Traffic Anomaly Detection Using Trajectories (CVPRw 2019) [Paper]
Attention Driven Vehicle Re-identification and Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for Traffic Understanding (CVPRw 2019) [Paper]
A Comparative Study of Faster R-CNN Models for Anomaly Detection in 2019 AI City Challenge (CVPRw 2019) [Paper]
Anomaly Candidate Identification and Starting Time Estimation of Vehicles from Traffic Videos (CVPRw 2019) [Paper]
Hybrid Deep Network for Anomaly Detection (BMVC 2019) [Paper]
Datasets: CUHK Avenue, UCSD Ped2, Belleview, Traffic-Train -
Motion-Aware Feature for Improved Video Anomaly Detection (BMVC 2019) [Paper]
Datasets: UCF Crime -
Adversarially Learned One-Class Classifier for Novelty Detection (CVPR 2018) [Paper]
Datasets: MNIST, Caltech-256, UCSD Ped2
Task: Image Classification, Anomaly Detection -
Real-World Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos (CVPR 2018) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: Real-world Surveillance Videos -
Future Frame Prediction for Anomaly Detection – A New Baseline (CVPR 2018) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: CUHK, Avenue, UCSD Ped1, UCSD Ped2, ShanghaiTech, Paper's toy dataset -
Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for Traffic Surveillance Based on Background Modeling (CVPRw 2018) [Paper]
Dual-Mode Vehicle Motion Pattern Learning for High Performance Road Traffic Anomaly Detection (CVPRw 2018) [Paper]
- incDFM: Incremental Deep Feature Modeling for Continual Novelty Detection (ECCV 2022)
Datasets: 1.CIFAR-10 (10 classes), 2. CIFAR-100 (super-classlevel, 20 classes), 3. EMNIST (26 classes) and 4. iNaturalist21 (phylumlevel, 9 classes)
Task: Image Classification
- One-Class Learned Encoder-Decoder Network With Adversarial Context Masking for Novelty Detection (WACV 2022)
Datasets: MNIST, CIFAR-10, UCSD
Task: Novelty Detection, Anomaly
- Learning Deep Classifiers Consistent With Fine-Grained Novelty Detection (CVPR 2021)
Datasets: small- and large-scale FGVC
Task: Novelty Detection
- A Unifying Framework for Formal Theories of Novelty:Framework, Examples and Discussion (AAAI 2021) [Paper]
- Multi-Class Novelty Detection with Generated Hard Novel Features (BMVC 2021)
Datasets: Stanford Dogs, Caltech 256, CUB 200, FounderType-200
Task: Image Classification
Improving Exploration in Evolution Strategies for Deep Reinforcement Learning via a Population of Novelty-Seeking Agents (NeurIPS 2018) [Paper]
Datasets: OpenAI Gym
Task: Reinforcement Learning -
Multivariate Triangular Quantile Maps for Novelty Detection (NeurIPS 2019) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: MNIST and Fashion-MNIST, KDDCUP and Thyroid
Task: Image Classification -
Multi-class Novelty Detection Using Mix-up Technique (WACV 2020) [Paper]
Datasets: Caltech 256 and Stanford Dogs
Task: Image Classification -
Hierarchical Novelty Detection for Visual Object Recognition (CVPR 2018) [Paper]
Datasets: ImageNet, AwA2, CUB
Task: Image Classification -
Adversarially Learned One-Class Classifier for Novelty Detection (CVPR 2018) [Paper]
Datasets: MNIST, Caltech-256, UCSD Ped2
Task: Image Classification, Anomaly Detection -
Multiple Class Novelty Detection Under Data Distribution Shift (ECCV 2020) [Paper]
Datasets: SVHN, MNIST and USPS, Office-31
Task: Image Classification -
Utilizing Patch-level Category Activation Patterns for Multiple Class Novelty Detection (ECCV 2020) [Paper]
Datasets: Caltech256, CUB-200, Stanford Dogs and FounderType-200
Task: Image Classification -
Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Novelty Detection using Variational Autoencoders in Opportunistic Science Missions (BMVC 2020) [Paper]
Datasets: Mars novelty detection Mastcam labeled dataset
Task: Image Classification -
Where's Wally Now? Deep Generative and Discriminative Embeddings for Novelty Detection (CVPR 2019) [Paper]
Datasets: CIFAR-10, IN-125
Task: Image Classification -
Deep Transfer Learning for Multiple Class Novelty Detection (CVPR 2019) [Paper]
Datasets: Caltech256, Caltech-UCSD Birds 200 (CUB 200), Stanford Dogs, FounderType-200
Task: Image Classification -
Latent Space Autoregression for Novelty Detection (CVPR 2019) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: MNIST, CIFAR10, UCSD Ped2 and ShanghaiTech
Task: Image Classification, Video Anomaly Detection -
OCGAN: One-Class Novelty Detection Using GANs With Constrained Latent Representations (CVPR 2019) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: COIL100, fMNIST, MNIST, CIFAR10
Task: Image Classification -
RaPP: Novelty Detection with Reconstruction along Projection Pathway (ICLR 2020) [Paper] [Code]
Task: Image Classification, Anomaly Detection -
Novelty Detection Via Blurring (ICLR 2020) [Paper]
Datasets: CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, CelebA, ImageNet, LSUN, SVHN
Task: Image Classification
Understanding Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning Based on Domain Similarity and Few-Shot Difficulty (NeurIPS 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: ImageNet, tieredImageNet, and miniImageNet for source domain similarity to ImageNet: Places,CUB,Cars,Plantae,EuroSAT,CropDisease,ISIC,ChestX
Task: Active Learning -
Self-organization in a perceptual network (Info-max)(IEEE 1988) [Paper]
Mutual Information-Based Temporal Difference Learning for Human Pose Estimation in Video (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
Upcycling Models under Domain and Category Shift (CVPR 2023) [Paper]
Generative Meta-Adversarial Network for Unseen Object Navigation (ECCV 2022) [Paper] [Code]
Datasets: AI2THOR and RoboTHOR
Task: Object Navigation
- Vision Transformers for Action Recognition: A Survey (Arxiv 2022) [Paper]