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Blockchain contracts

Collection of Solidity contracts that can be used standalone or in different projects.

Project is set up with Hardhat, Typechain, Waffle testing, ... and each contract has a bunch of tests. Also set up GitHub actions to build and test on each push to the master branch.


List of "standardized" interfaces that I thought would be nice for my contracts to stick to:

An interface meant for the common withdrawal/pull pattern. This interface includes:

  • Mandatory event informing addresses they are added as a payee to the contract (with or without payments yet)
  • Mandatory event informing that a certain amount of payments have been released to an address
  • Optional event informing addresses they received a payment they can withdraw
  • Optional event informing that the contract has received a payment
  • A function to calculate how much funds can be withdrawn by an address
  • A function to withdraw the funds for/to the sender
  • A function to withdraw the funds for a certain address to that address

This interface supports EIP-165 and has an interfaceID of 0x79320088.


List of actual (abstract) contracts in this repository, besides the aforementioned interfaces and some test/uninteresting ones:

Payment splitters

An abstract contract that allows adding/removing shares at any point:

  • Implements IPaymentAgent with all its methods and events (except PaymentRegistered)
  • Payments will be split according to the shares at the time of when the payment was registered
  • Shares cann be added/set per address or in bulk at any time
  • Each change of shares starts a new PaymentSharePeriod, keeping track of payees/shares, paid funds, ...
  • Has tons of internal events and other utility functions

A contract extending PaymentShareSplitterBase:

  • On top of the public methods provided by PaymentShareSplitterBase, provides other methods too
  • Adds an extra SharesChanged(address indexed payee, uint256 shares) event
  • The admin (who deployed the contract) can add/set shares (in bulk) at any time

Very simple implementation of IPaymentAgent where the payees/shares are set once at construction.

A simple contract with a single function to create a SimplePaymentSplitter:

  • function create(address[] payees, uint256[] shares) external payable returns (SimplePaymentSplitter)
  • Lower cost than manual deployment (difference = Gtxdatazero and Gtxdatanonzero cost of SimplePaymentSplitter deployment bytes)
    • For the 5207 bytes with the current Solidity version/configuration, this results in a 80432 gas (- some slight VM gas cost)

Simple proxies (EIPs 1167 and 1967)

Based on EIP-1967, a simple proxy system:

  • ProxyBeacon is simply a contract that stores an implementation address, along with an admin address that can change it
  • ProxyObject gets constructed with a beacon address. Every call will be proxied to the implementation address stored in the beacon

Note: As specified by EIP-1967, ProxyObject uses the beacon in storage at BEACON_SLOT. If this is the zero address (e.g. we're in a DELEGATECALL), it will instead use the beacon passed to the ProxyObject constructor. Read this EIP-1967 comment as to why I do this, as this seems to be quite a big issue in EIP-1967 I discovered.

A simple contract with a single function to create a ProxyObject:

  • function deploy(ProxyBeacon beacon, bytes memory data) external returns (address addr)
  • Lower cost than manual deployment (difference = Gtxdatazero and Gtxdatanonzero cost of ProxyObject deployment bytes)
    • For the 282 bytes with the current Solidity version/configuration, this results in a 15880 gas (- some slight VM gas cost)

Based on EIP-1967, a very simple proxy contract:

  • Constructed with an implementation address and an initial function call (or 0 bytes to skip)
  • Does just one thing: proxy all calls to it to the implementation address it stored during construction
  • Can be seen as a verbose Solidity-version of EIP-1167, being a "massive" 129 bytes compared to the EIP's (at most) 45 bytes

Diamonds, Multi-facet proxy (EIP 2535)

DANGER: The whole implementation is heavily tested in DiamondCoreFacet, but it is uncertain whether every single edge case is covered yet.

My implementation of the diamond pattern, based on the 2nd reference implementation. I wrote it from scratch, but similarly to mudgen's implementation I pack 8 selectors into single bytes32 slots. Some differences and extra features:

  • Querying facet data (through the IDiamoundLoupe interface) is generally cheaper as a bit more data is stored
  • Due to this, diamondCut is slightly more expensive. See the section about gas costs below
  • My implementation has a custom fallback selector (mapped to onFallback()) that defines a facet which should act as the fallback function. Mind that msg.sig remains the original one, so onFallback() isn't what actually gets called on the targeted facet.
  • My implementation has the concept of modifiers, similar to Solidity, explained below

The core parts of my implementation are Diamond, DiamondLibrary and DiamondCoreFacet. Together they form a diamond, with complete IERC165, IDiamondLoupe and IDiamondCut support. While Diamond and DiamondCoreFacet make use of DiamondLibrary, all three are more or less standalone components.

Part 1 (of 3) of my EIP-2535 implementation:

  • Contains a constructor that wraps diamondCut but with the ability to perform a delegate call during each cut
  • Contains the fallback() function that hooks into DiamondLibrary

Part 2 (of 3) of my EIP-2535 implementation:

  • Declares several types and functions, including DiamondStorage containing all diamond-related data
  • Tons of utility/important functions, i.e. addModifier, facetAddress, diamondCut, ...
  • Comes with EIP-165 support, providing setSupportsInterface and (an internal) supportsInterface

Part 3 (of 3) of my EIP-2535 implementation:

  • Comes with initializer to setSupportsInterface for IERC165,IDiamondLoupe and IDiamondCut
  • Exports all functions from the above interfaces, mostly linking directly into the DiamondLibrary
  • Comes with a selectors() function returning a bytes4[] with the "supposed facet selectors" it has


Modifier functions can be freely added/removed, represented as a function(bytes calldata) external. Whenever a function succesfully gets mapped to a facet (including "onFallback() exists"), every registered modifier gets delegate called first with as argument.

The modifier can read/modify storage, and if the modifier reverts, the whole diamond's function call will also immediately revert with the same revert data. Mostly meant as a way to (dynamically) add certain functionalities such as RBAC, pausing the diamond, etc.

Note: Might change to allow more than just (changing storage) and reverting (which are mutually exclusive, since a revert reverts storage modifications), to e.g. allow multi-sig functionality where you want the modifier to not revert, yet prevent the actual function from being called.

Note: Modifiers are executed in the order they got added:

  • There is currently no support to reorder modifiers (apart from removing them and readding them in order)
  • Modifiers can currently only modify storage or revert. Reverting would affect all modifiers. Therefore the order of (unrelated) modifiers should have no effect in the end
  • The only reason for custom ordering would be that modifiers that revert often (e.g. access control) would be better off getting called first, as reverting would prevent the other modifiers from being called, saving some gas there

Gas costs

My implementation focuses on cheap but constant gas costs. The numbers below are based on what's reported by hardhat-gas-reporter in the DiamondCoreFacet test. All results had 21k gas substracted to account for

  • Calling diamondCut ranged from 12k to 450k gas for all the tests, including multi-cuts with initializer calls
  • Calling facetAddress (view) has a constant cost of 10.1k gas
  • facetAddresses and facetFunctionSelectors (view) have similar starter costs, but increase depending on the number of facets and the number of selectors in the targeted facets, respectively
  • facets grows similarly in cost. It cost 30k gas for two facets with 9 selectors in total
  • supportsInterface has a constant cost of 10k gas
  • Adding a modifier has a constant cost of 50k gas, but does not check whether that modifier is already present (same targeted address/selector)
  • Removing a modifier has a minimum gas cost of 11k gas, but increases with the number of modifiers (linear search)
  • Calling an empty function (with Solidity overhead) costs about 7.5k gas
  • Deploying the Diamond contract (with DiamondCoreFacet) cost about 650k gas. Need to still write a cheap factory for this


  • Create a DiamondFactory, perhaps even combined with EIP-1167. Investigate pre-calculating storage changes due to cutting
  • Selector data has 76 unused bits. Investigate if this can be used to make cheap selector-selective modifiers possible
  • Selector data has 76 unused bits. Consider using a bit to disable modifiers completely for that selector
  • Similarly, modifiers are function(bytes memory) external, which use 24 bytes, therefore 64 bits left. Good use?
    • Perhaps combine with bits in selector data to only call modifiers where there is at least one matching bit
      • i.e. each bit is a modifier group. Any overlap between selector groups and modifier groups means "use modifier"
    • Perhaps use certain bits to differentiate modifier types, i.e. if returning 0x1 counts as "interrupt main call"
      • "true to cancel", "return modifier result if prefixed with certain prefix", "run after main call", ...
  • Write a DiamondRBACFacet to add role-based access controls to diamonds using the modifier system
  • Investigate if diamondCut can be made cheaper, especially when adding/removing several selectors at once

Bitmap with seed-based random index generation

Created to help the Lost Worlds team with a minting issue.

  • Added a BitmapHolder implementation:
    • Lazy initialisation results in a nearly neglegible gas cost (but forbids re-initialisation to clear the bitmap)
    • Allows setting (2 storage reads/writes) and getting (1 storage read) any index very cheaply, as you might expect.
    • Allows getting the first free index using a seed (which could be passed 0 to get the first empty index)
      • Should a free index be found at the given index (or same storage slot), this would be about 7k gas
      • Should a free index be found within 1000 bits, this would only cost about 40k gas
      • The worst case for a 10k bitmap (i.e. only index 0 is free and you start looking at 1) costs about 140k gas
      • The worst case for a bitmap of size 100k (index 0 free, start at index 1) would be about 960k gas
      • In short: don't expect this to remain cheap for big bitmaps. Something sequential (cheap) might be better.
    • Read the comments in BitmapHolder.sol for implementation details and extra info regarding gas cost.
  • Check the gas reporter outputs of the test file (and BitmapTest used to provide a test interface)