Report bugs and request enhancement by opening an issue on ImageMetaTag issues @ Github. If reporting a bug, add a recipe for repeating it. If requesting an enhancement, describe the use case in detail.
All contributions to ImageMetaTag are made via pull requests against the master branch of ImageMetaTag. New contributors should add their details to the Code Contributors section of this file as part of their first request. The developer who reviews each pull request is responsible for checking that the contributor's name is listed in this file before merging the pull request into master.
The following people have contributed to this code under the terms of the Contributor Licence Agreement and Certificate of Origin detailed below:
- Melissa Brooks (Met Office, UK)
- Paul Earnshaw (Met Office, UK)
Contributions to SciTools-incubator repositories are covered by a Contributor Licence Agreement, which you can read here. Commits / pull requests are automatically checked for the author having agreed to the CLA.