Below is an example of our origin dataset(720*576):
we will extract c3d feats, which require the videos to have same length,
or we say, same frame nums. You can use
along with
to do this:
python3 dataset/ --video_dir path/to/videos
# You will get the statistics characteristics of your videos' frame number.
# According them you can determine the 'target_frame' for
# We recommend to set the target_frame to median frame num
python3 dataset/ --video_dir path/to/videos --target_frame 224
We will crop the main sight of the origin video out as a new set called "video" (576*450):
ffmpeg -i in.avi -vf crop=576:450:144:0 out.avi # crop=width:height:x:y
# Also you can use
We got this:
We extract the sound of the videos by ffmpeg:
python3 dataset/ --video_dir path/to/videos --target_duration 5.261
We need to normalize the length of mfcc feats, so the extracted audios should have
same durations. In our test, we want the length of mfcc feats be as long as those
of video feats, which are 224. Thus we should set the target_duration as 5.261
= (224 + 8) / 44.1, where +8
ensures the length is larger than 224 and smaller
than 224 + 16
We will crop the sign language part out as a new set called "hand" (144*114):
ffmpeg -i in.avi -vf crop=114:144:30:372 out.avi # crop=width:height:x:y
Then we get a "hand" video like this:
If you want to merge several datasets and meets difficulty while dealing with their jsons,
we have a script
for you:
python3 dataset/ --in_json data00400/English_caption\(400-590\).json data00000/english_full_caption_new_0-50.json --target_list sentences --out_json english_caption_0+400.json