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Releases: SeaQL/sea-orm


19 Oct 20:03
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New Features

  • Add support for root JSON arrays #1898
    Now the following works (requires the json-array / postgres-array feature)!
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, DeriveEntityModel)]
#[sea_orm(table_name = "json_struct_vec")]
pub struct Model {
    pub id: i32,
    #[sea_orm(column_type = "Json")]
    pub struct_vec: Vec<JsonColumn>,

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize, FromJsonQueryResult)]
pub struct JsonColumn {
    pub value: String,


  • Loader: use ValueTuple as hash key #1868



22 Sep 17:15
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New Features

  • [sea-orm-migration] Check if an index exists #1828
  • Added cursor_by to SelectTwo #1826


  • [sea-orm-cli] Support generation of related entity with composite foreign key #1693

Bug Fixes

  • [sea-orm-macro] Fixed DeriveValueType by qualifying QueryResult #1855
  • Fixed Loader panic on empty inputs


  • Upgraded salvo to 0.50
  • Upgraded chrono to 0.4.30 #1858
  • Updated sea-query to 0.30.1
  • Updated sea-schema to 0.14.1

House keeping

  • Added test cases for find_xxx_related/linked #1811


04 Aug 21:40
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  • Added support for Postgres arrays in FromQueryResult impl of JsonValue #1598

Bug fixes

  • Fixed find_with_related consolidation logic #1800


02 Aug 17:11
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New Features

  • Added MigratorTrait::migration_table_name() method to configure the name of migration table #1511
impl MigratorTrait for Migrator {
    // Override the name of migration table
    fn migration_table_name() -> sea_orm::DynIden {
  • Added option to construct chained AND / OR join on condition #1433
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, DeriveEntityModel)]
#[sea_orm(table_name = "cake")]
pub struct Model {
    pub id: i32,
    pub name: String,

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, EnumIter, DeriveRelation)]
pub enum Relation {
    // By default, it's
    // `JOIN `fruit` ON `cake`.`id` = `fruit`.`cake_id` AND `fruit`.`name` LIKE '%tropical%'`
        has_many = "super::fruit::Entity",
        on_condition = r#""%tropical%")"#
    // Or specify `condition_type = "any"` to override it,
    // `JOIN `fruit` ON `cake`.`id` = `fruit`.`cake_id` OR `fruit`.`name` LIKE '%tropical%'`
        has_many = "super::fruit::Entity",
        on_condition = r#""%tropical%")"#
        condition_type = "any",
  • Supports entity with composite primary key of arity 12 #1508
    • Identity supports tuple of DynIden with arity up to 12
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, DeriveEntityModel)]
#[sea_orm(table_name = "primary_key_of_12")]
pub struct Model {
    #[sea_orm(primary_key, auto_increment = false)]
    pub id_1: String,
    #[sea_orm(primary_key, auto_increment = false)]
    pub id_12: bool,
  • Added macro DerivePartialModel #1597
#[derive(DerivePartialModel, FromQueryResult)]
#[sea_orm(entity = "Cake")]
struct PartialCake {
    name: String,
        from_expr = r#"SimpleExpr::FunctionCall(Func::upper(Expr::col((Cake, cake::Column::Name))))"#
    name_upper: String,

    r#"SELECT "cake"."name", UPPER("cake"."name") AS "name_upper" FROM "cake""#
  • Added DbErr::sql_err() method to convert error into common database errors SqlErr, such as unique constraint or foreign key violation errors. #1707
        .expect_err("Insert a row with duplicated primary key")

        .expect_err("Insert a row with invalid foreign key")
  • Added Select::find_with_linked, similar to find_with_related: #1728, #1743
fn find_with_related<R>(self, r: R) -> SelectTwoMany<E, R>
    where R: EntityTrait, E: Related<R>;
fn find_with_linked<L, T>(self, l: L) -> SelectTwoMany<E, T>
    where L: Linked<FromEntity = E, ToEntity = T>, T: EntityTrait;

// boths yields `Vec<(E::Model, Vec<F::Model>)>`
  • Added DeriveValueType derive macro for custom wrapper types, implementations of the required traits will be provided, you can customize the column_type and array_type if needed #1720
#[sea_orm(array_type = "Int")]
pub struct Integer(i32);

#[sea_orm(column_type = "Boolean", array_type = "Bool")]
pub struct Boolbean(pub String);

pub struct StringVec(pub Vec<String>);
  • Added DeriveDisplay derive macro to implements std::fmt::Display for enum #1726
enum DisplayTea {
    #[sea_orm(display_value = "Breakfast Tea")]
assert_eq!(format!("{}", DisplayTea::EverydayTea), "EverydayTea");
assert_eq!(format!("{}", DisplayTea::BreakfastTea), "Breakfast Tea");
  • Added UpdateMany::exec_with_returning() #1677
let models: Vec<Model> = Entity::update_many()
    .col_expr(Column::Values, Expr::expr(..))
  • Supporting default_expr in DeriveEntityModel #1474
#[sea_orm(table_name = "hello")]
pub struct Model {
    #[sea_orm(default_expr = "Expr::current_timestamp()")]
    pub timestamp: DateTimeUtc,

  • Introduced new ConnAcquireErr #1737
enum DbErr {

enum ConnAcquireErr {


Added Seaography integration #1599

  • Added DeriveEntityRelated macro which will implement seaography::RelationBuilder for RelatedEntity enumeration when the seaography feature is enabled

  • Added generation of seaography related information to sea-orm-codegen.

    The RelatedEntity enum is added in entities files by sea-orm-cli when flag seaography is set:

/// SeaORM Entity
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, EnumIter, DeriveRelatedEntity)]
pub enum RelatedEntity {
    #[sea_orm(entity = "super::bakery::Entity")]
    #[sea_orm(entity = "super::cake_baker::Entity")]
    #[sea_orm(entity = "super::cake::Entity")]


  • Supports for partial select of Option<T> model field. A None value will be filled when the select result does not contain the Option<T> field without throwing an error. #1513
  • [sea-orm-cli] the migrate init command will create a .gitignore file when the migration folder reside in a Git repository #1334
  • [sea-orm-cli] Added support for generating migration of space separated name, for example executing sea-orm-cli migrate generate "create accounts table" command will create for you #1570
  • Added Migration::name() and Migration::status() getters for the name and status of sea_orm_migration::Migration #1519
let migrations = Migrator::get_pending_migrations(db).await?;
assert_eq!(migrations.len(), 5);

let migration = migrations.get(0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(, "m20220118_000002_create_fruit_table");
assert_eq!(migration.status(), MigrationStatus::Pending);
  • The postgres-array feature will be enabled when sqlx-postgres backend is selected #1565
  • Replace String parameters in API with Into<String> #1439
    • Implements IntoMockRow for any BTreeMap that is indexed by string impl IntoMockRow for BTreeMap<T, Value> where T: Into<String>
    • Converts any string value into ConnectOptions - impl From<T> for ConnectOptions where T: Into<String>
    • Changed the parameter of method ConnectOptions::new(T) where T: Into<String> to takes any string SQL
    • Changed the parameter of method Statement::from_string(DbBackend, T) where T: Into<String> to takes any string SQL
    • Changed the parameter of method Statement::from_sql_and_values(DbBackend, T, I) where I: IntoIterator<Item = Value>, T: Into<String> to takes any string SQL
    • Changed the parameter of method Transaction::from_sql_and_values(DbBackend, T, I) where I: IntoIterator<Item = Value>, T: Into<String> to takes any string SQL
    • Changed the parameter of method ConnectOptions::set_schema_search_path(T) where T: Into<String> to takes any string
    • Changed the parameter of method ColumnTrait::like(), ColumnTrait::not_like(), ColumnTrait::starts_with(), ColumnTrait::ends_with() and ColumnTrait::contains() to takes any string
  • Added sea_query::{DynIden, RcOrArc, SeaRc} to entity prelude #1661
  • Added expr, exprs and expr_as methods to QuerySelect trait #1702
  • Added DatabaseConnection::ping #1627
|db: DatabaseConnection| {
    assert!(matches!(, Err(DbErr::ConnectionAcquire)));
  • Added TryInsert that does not panic on empty inserts #1708
// now, you can do:
let res = Bakery::insert_many(std::iter::empty())

assert!(matches!(res, Ok(TryInsertResult::Empty)));
  • Insert on conflict do nothing to return Ok #1712
let on = OnConflict::column(Column::Id).do_nothing().to_owned();

// Existing behaviour
let res = Entity::insert_many([..]).on_conflict(on).exec(db).await;
assert!(matches!(res, Err(DbErr::RecordNotInserted)));

// New API; now you can:
let res =
Read more


24 Apr 13:29
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  • Re-export sea_orm::ConnectionTrait in sea_orm_migration::prelude #1577
  • Support generic structs in FromQueryResult derive macro #1464, #1603
struct GenericTest<T: TryGetable> {
    foo: i32,
    bar: T,
trait MyTrait {
    type Item: TryGetable;

struct TraitAssociateTypeTest<T>
    T: MyTrait,
    foo: T::Item,

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed #1608 by pinning the version of tracing-subscriber dependency to 0.3.17 #1609


25 Mar 15:12
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  • Enable required syn features #1556
  • Re-export sea_query::BlobSize in sea_orm::entity::prelude #1548

Full Changelog: 0.11.1...0.11.2


10 Mar 14:53
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixes DeriveActiveEnum (by qualifying ColumnTypeTrait::def) #1478
  • The CLI command sea-orm-cli generate entity -u '<DB-URL>' will now generate the following code for each Binary or VarBinary columns in compact format #1529
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, DeriveEntityModel, Eq)]
#[sea_orm(table_name = "binary")]
pub struct Model {
    pub id: i32,
    #[sea_orm(column_type = "Binary(BlobSize::Blob(None))")]
    pub binary: Vec<u8>,
    #[sea_orm(column_type = "Binary(BlobSize::Blob(Some(10)))")]
    pub binary_10: Vec<u8>,
    #[sea_orm(column_type = "Binary(BlobSize::Tiny)")]
    pub binary_tiny: Vec<u8>,
    #[sea_orm(column_type = "Binary(BlobSize::Medium)")]
    pub binary_medium: Vec<u8>,
    #[sea_orm(column_type = "Binary(BlobSize::Long)")]
    pub binary_long: Vec<u8>,
    #[sea_orm(column_type = "VarBinary(10)")]
    pub var_binary: Vec<u8>,
  • The CLI command sea-orm-cli generate entity -u '<DB-URL>' --expanded-format will now generate the following code for each Binary or VarBinary columns in expanded format #1529
impl ColumnTrait for Column {
    type EntityName = Entity;
    fn def(&self) -> ColumnDef {
        match self {
            Self::Id => ColumnType::Integer.def(),
            Self::Binary => ColumnType::Binary(sea_orm::sea_query::BlobSize::Blob(None)).def(),
            Self::Binary10 => {
            Self::BinaryTiny => ColumnType::Binary(sea_orm::sea_query::BlobSize::Tiny).def(),
            Self::BinaryMedium => ColumnType::Binary(sea_orm::sea_query::BlobSize::Medium).def(),
            Self::BinaryLong => ColumnType::Binary(sea_orm::sea_query::BlobSize::Long).def(),
            Self::VarBinary => ColumnType::VarBinary(10u32).def(),
  • Fix missing documentation on type generated by derive macros #1522, #1531

Full Changelog: 0.11.0...0.11.1


07 Feb 10:31
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New Features

SeaORM Core

  • Simple data loader #1238, #1443
  • Transactions Isolation level and Access mode #1230
  • Support various UUID formats that are available in uuid::fmt module #1325
  • Support Vector of enum for Postgres #1210
  • Support ActiveEnum field as primary key #1414
  • Casting columns as a different data type on select, insert and update #1304
  • Methods of ActiveModelBehavior receive db connection as a parameter #1145, #1328
  • Added execute_unprepared method to DatabaseConnection and DatabaseTransaction #1327
  • Added Select::into_tuple to select rows as tuples (instead of defining a custom Model) #1311


  • Generate #[serde(skip_deserializing)] for primary key columns #846, #1186, #1318
  • Generate #[serde(skip)] for hidden columns #1171, #1320
  • Generate entity with extra derives and attributes for model struct #1124, #1321

SeaORM Migration

  • Migrations are now performed inside a transaction for Postgres #1379


  • Refactor schema module to expose functions for database alteration #1256
  • Generate compact entity with #[sea_orm(column_type = "JsonBinary")] macro attribute #1346
  • MockDatabase::append_exec_results(), MockDatabase::append_query_results(), MockDatabase::append_exec_errors() and MockDatabase::append_query_errors() take any types implemented IntoIterator trait #1367
  • find_by_id and delete_by_id take any Into primary key value #1362
  • QuerySelect::offset and QuerySelect::limit takes in Into<Option<u64>> where None would reset them #1410
  • Added DatabaseConnection::close #1236
  • Added is_null getter for ColumnDef #1381
  • Added ActiveValue::reset to convert Unchanged into Set #1177
  • Added QueryTrait::apply_if to optionally apply a filter #1415
  • Added the sea-orm-internal feature flag to expose some SQLx types
    • Added DatabaseConnection::get_*_connection_pool() for accessing the inner SQLx connection pool #1297
    • Re-exporting SQLx errors #1434


  • Upgrade axum to 0.6.1 #1285
  • Upgrade sea-query to 0.28 #1366
  • Upgrade sea-query-binder to 0.3 #1366
  • Upgrade sea-schema to 0.11 #1366

House Keeping

  • Fixed all clippy warnings as of 1.67.0 #1426
  • Removed dependency where not needed #1213
  • Disabled default features and enabled only the needed ones #1300
  • Cleanup panic and unwrap #1231
  • Cleanup the use of vec! macro #1367

Bug Fixes

  • [sea-orm-cli] Propagate error on the spawned child processes #1402
    • Fixes sea-orm-cli errors exit with error code 0 #1342
  • Fixes DeriveColumn (by qualifying IdenStatic::as_str) #1280
  • Prevent returning connections to pool with a positive transaction depth #1283
  • Postgres insert many will throw RecordNotInserted error if non of them are being inserted #1021
    • Fixes inserting active models by insert_many with on_conflict and do_nothing panics if no rows are inserted on Postgres #899
  • Don't call last_insert_id if not needed #1403
    • Fixes hitting 'negative last_insert_rowid' panic with Sqlite #1357
  • Noop when update without providing any values #1384
    • Fixes Syntax Error when saving active model that sets nothing #1376

Breaking changes

  • [sea-orm-cli] Enable --universal-time by default #1420
  • Added RecordNotInserted and RecordNotUpdated to DbErr
  • Added ConnectionTrait::execute_unprepared method #1327
  • As part of #1311, the required method of TryGetable changed:
// then
fn try_get(res: &QueryResult, pre: &str, col: &str) -> Result<Self, TryGetError>;
// now; ColIdx can be `&str` or `usize`
fn try_get_by<I: ColIdx>(res: &QueryResult, index: I) -> Result<Self, TryGetError>;

So if you implemented it yourself:

impl TryGetable for XXX {
-   fn try_get(res: &QueryResult, pre: &str, col: &str) -> Result<Self, TryGetError> {
+   fn try_get_by<I: sea_orm::ColIdx>(res: &QueryResult, idx: I) -> Result<Self, TryGetError> {
-       let value: YYY = res.try_get(pre, col).map_err(TryGetError::DbErr)?;
+       let value: YYY = res.try_get_by(idx).map_err(TryGetError::DbErr)?;
  • The ActiveModelBehaviour trait becomes async trait #1328.
    If you overridden the default ActiveModelBehaviour implementation:
impl ActiveModelBehavior for ActiveModel {
    async fn before_save<C>(self, db: &C, insert: bool) -> Result<Self, DbErr>
        C: ConnectionTrait,
        // ...

    // ...
  • DbErr::RecordNotFound("None of the database rows are affected") is moved to a dedicated error variant DbErr::RecordNotUpdated #1425
let res = Update::one(cake::ActiveModel {
        name: Set("Cheese Cake".to_owned()),

// then
        "None of the database rows are affected".to_owned()

// now
assert_eq!(res, Err(DbErr::RecordNotUpdated));
  • sea_orm::ColumnType was replaced by sea_query::ColumnType #1395
    • Method ColumnType::def was moved to ColumnTypeTrait
    • ColumnType::Binary becomes a tuple variant which takes in additional option sea_query::BlobSize
    • ColumnType::Custom takes a sea_query::DynIden instead of String and thus a new method custom is added (note the lowercase)
// Compact Entity
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, DeriveEntityModel)]
#[sea_orm(table_name = "fruit")]
pub struct Model {
-   #[sea_orm(column_type = r#"Custom("citext".to_owned())"#)]
+   #[sea_orm(column_type = r#"custom("citext")"#)]
    pub column: String,
// Expanded Entity
impl ColumnTrait for Column {
    type EntityName = Entity;

    fn def(&self) -> ColumnDef {
        match self {
-           Self::Column => ColumnType::Custom("citext".to_owned()).def(),
+           Self::Column => ColumnType::custom("citext").def(),


  • Fixed a small typo #1391
  • axum example should use tokio runtime #1428

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.10.0...0.11.0


04 Feb 08:39
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0.11.0-rc.2 Pre-release

See 0.11.0 release notes


02 Feb 05:54
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0.11.0-rc.1 Pre-release

See 0.11.0 release notes