Releases: Seagate/cortx
CORTX community is happy to provide this virtual machine image for the convenience of the community to test the CORTX software. This image is provided merely for testing purposes and is not a supported Seagate product. Users should use this image only for testing purposes and should not store any critical data on it. This image comes with no support implicit or otherwise; use and enjoy but do so at your own risk. For questions about this image or about the CORTX software, please use the appropriate community channels at
For the most recent version of the CORTX terms and conditions, please refer to this page:
Terms and Conditions
To download OVA Image: Download
To Install CORTX stack: Open Virtual Appliance
To clone & checkout from tag
where following repos have the CORTX tagging feature:- cortx
- cortx-motr
- cortx-s3server
- cortx-manager
- cortx-monitor
- cortx-management-portal
- cortx-ha
- cortx-hare
- cortx-prvsnr
- cortx-utils
To clone any individual CORTX component repo, use:
$ git clone <component repo>
$ cd <component directory>
$ git checkout <tag>
For example:
$ git clone
$ cd cortx-ha
$ git checkout 2.0.0-559
See the Release Notes for more details.
Name: ova-2.0.0-559.ova
SHA256: 934713F3CC7F40792F0B2418D75EEB5CF702D8624D7539D0C24550E4380189F4
CORTX community is happy to provide this virtual machine image for the convenience of the community to test the CORTX software. This image is provided merely for testing purposes and is not a supported Seagate product. Users should use this image only for testing purposes and should not store any critical data on it. This image comes with no support implicit or otherwise; use and enjoy but do so at your own risk. For questions about this image or about the CORTX software, please use the appropriate community channels at
For the most recent version of the CORTX terms and conditions, please refer to this page:
Terms and Conditions
To download OVA Image: Download
To Install CORTX stack: Open Virtual Appliance
To clone & checkout from tag
where following repos have the CORTX tagging feature:- cortx
- cortx-motr
- cortx-s3server
- cortx-manager
- cortx-monitor
- cortx-management-portal
- cortx-ha
- cortx-hare
- cortx-prvsnr
- cortx-utils
To clone any individual CORTX component repo, use:
$ git clone <component repo>
$ cd <component directory>
$ git checkout <tag>
For example:
$ git clone
$ cd cortx-ha
$ git checkout 2.0.0-307
See the Release Notes for more details.
Name: ova-2.0.0-307.ova
SHA256: 2441E5D4210312A8D247942CB9F91C9282D0F06DFCED772AB85DD65D21010B5E
CORTX community is happy to provide this virtual machine image for the convenience of the community to test the CORTX software. This image is provided merely for testing purposes and is not a supported Seagate product. Users should use this image only for testing purposes and should not store any critical data on it. This image comes with no support implicit or otherwise; use and enjoy but do so at your own risk. For questions about this image or about the CORTX software, please use the appropriate community channels at
For the most recent version of the CORTX terms and conditions, please refer to this page:
Terms and Conditions
To download OVA Image: Download
To Install CORTX stack: Open Virtual Appliance
To clone & checkout from tag
where following repos have the CORTX tagging feature:- cortx
- cortx-motr
- cortx-s3server
- cortx-manager
- cortx-monitor
- cortx-management-portal
- cortx-ha
- cortx-hare
- cortx-prvsnr
- cortx-utils
To clone any individual CORTX component repo, use:
$ git clone <component repo>
$ cd <component directory>
$ git checkout <tag>
For example:
$ git clone
$ cd cortx-ha
$ git checkout CORTX-OVA-2.0.0-264
See the Release Notes for more details.
Name: cortx-ova-2.0.0.ova
SHA256: 24E92E2822EA6F752C759D68140FA5AF3373759E3DC4852AE0650201576175D7
CORTX community is happy to provide this virtual machine image for the convenience of the community to test the CORTX software. This image is provided merely for testing purposes and is not a supported Seagate product. Users should use this image only for testing purposes and should not store any critical data on it. This image comes with no support implicit or otherwise; use and enjoy but do so at your own risk. For questions about this image or about the CORTX software, please use the appropriate community channels at
For the most recent version of the CORTX terms and conditions, please refer to this page:
Instructions to install this: Open Virtual Appliance
See the Release Notes for more details.
Name: cortx-va-1.0.4.ova
SHA256: 44707E97C0AAB3FCC6E2E3EE2F29D69079A74B7C160DA633D2865036570A4D32
CORTX community is happy to provide this virtual machine image for the convenience of the community to test the CORTX software. This image is provided merely for testing purposes and is not a supported Seagate product. Users should use this image only for testing purposes and should not store any critical data on it. This image comes with no support implicit or otherwise; use and enjoy but do so at your own risk. For questions about this image or about the CORTX software, please use the appropriate community channels at
For the most recent version of the CORTX terms and conditions, please refer to this page:
Instructions to install this:
Name: cortx-va-1.0.3.ova
SHA256: EBB042605CA55A94B24F3750E4BD161F2F689D948912F79D62F61B981A8B6652
CORTX Third party dependencies
Third party dependencies required for CORTX deployment.
CORTX community is happy to provide this release for the convenience of the community to test the CORTX software. This is provided merely for testing purposes and is not a supported Seagate product. Users should use this only for testing purposes and should not store any critical data on it. This comes with no support implicit or otherwise; use and enjoy but do so at your own risk. For questions about CORTX, please use the appropriate community channels at
For the most recent version of the CORTX terms and conditions, please refer to this page:
python-deps-1.0.0-0.tar.gz fc2c625dd01bfe678a929b599e765b7cfd288dec963eca213ba066d5c1366436
third-party-centos-7.8.2003-1.0.0-0.tar.gz 6634e3bde1b5451b5376a3e0da36c40931034b4696db41e78189d96784cb4d08
third-party-centos-7.9.2009-1.0.0-0.tar.gz 521ad788358d02067ccba3ad477a743f80205556fb6280d23f8795496575aff1
third-party-rockylinux-8.4-2.0.0-0.tar.gz 511380ef7d4f5b2e49dee8a8627e1d2d2d84a98ca9d7c98c93d5c2aad4876b19
Virtual Appliance Releases
CORTX community is happy to provide this virtual machine image for the convenience of the community to test the CORTX software. This image is provided merely for testing purposes and is not a supported Seagate product. Users should use this image only for testing purposes and should not store any critical data on it. This image comes with no support implicit or otherwise; use and enjoy but do so at your own risk. For questions about this image or about the CORTX software, please use the appropriate community channels at
For the most recent version of the CORTX terms and conditions, please refer to this page:
SHA256 2d92e0f190fcefb3789b7b64bc215e4e8fb5fb3b7872fa90bd964bf48c0bf60c 0a58424aae37a28260f7a75aa4324c085cbacb073428a86c0522bfb78c14df6d ad300009151d44ed46c9491e3ee7e954f8c9e7c123d120bfa7a6c50d0076d6e2
CORTX Build Dependencies.
Packages required for CORTX component compilation and build.
CORTX community is happy to provide this release for the convenience of the community to test the CORTX software. This is provided merely for testing purposes and is not a supported Seagate product. Users should use this only for testing purposes and should not store any critical data on it. This comes with no support implicit or otherwise; use and enjoy but do so at your own risk. For questions about CORTX, please use the appropriate community channels at
For the most recent version of the CORTX terms and conditions, please refer to this page:
JBOD Releases
Artifacts and ISO files for scale-out testing across JBOD
CORTX community is happy to provide these artifacts for the convenience of the community to test the CORTX software. These are provided merely for testing purposes and are not a supported Seagate product. Users should use these only for testing purposes and should not store any critical data on them. This comes with no support implicit or otherwise; use and enjoy but do so at your own risk. For questions about this CORTX, please use the appropriate community channels at
For the most recent version of the CORTX terms and conditions, please refer to this page:
cortx-1.0.0-prereqs-43.iso b88320b3991607a2c8b5a1e12a5b32e577b756025739623f44748c0f4864f88a
cortx-1.0.0-release-43.iso e92a9eef0f1dfc61cd408463733f25cd7c9ef965dd922b70b463455cbd4e914d
cortx-prvsnr-0.36.0.tar.gz 3a9b1a6ae84cdc903923c8f6d65745438db4a8b5879b8fd749021d60bbd08907