This project lets the user play the "would you rather" game, see the statistics about existing polls, create new polls and vote on polls.
- clone the repository
- cd to the main directory
- npm install
- npm start
- users - object with users
- questions - object with questions
- authedUser - id of the authenticated user
- loadingBar - loading bar reducer to display a loading bar
- loaded - flag to understand if the app has loaded or not
- RECEIVE_USERS - action to receive all users
- USER_VOTED_ON_QUESTION - action for a user to vote on a question - adds an object {qid: answer} to the user answers object
- RECEIVE_QUESTIONS - action to receive all questions
- VOTE_QUESTION - action for a question to be voted on - adds the user id to the votes array of the specific answer
- UNVOTE_QUESTION - fallback action in case VOTE_QUESTION fails
- ADD_QUESTION - creates a new question object and adds it to the state
- SET_AUTHED_USER - action that sets the authedUser to the user id
- REMOVE_AUTHED_USER - action that sets the authedUser to null
- LOADING_IS_DONE - action that sets the flag "loaded" to true (this flag starts at false)
All the components are under a specific folder which means that they are related with each of the other components on the same folder
Question component is the parent of the "AnsweredDetails", "UnansweredDetails" and "SimplifiedDetails" since it shares the same avatar with all and only the details of the card are changed
- Used reactstrap for all the styling of the app