description |
Initiate a contract call with an incoming IBC token transfer using IBC hooks |
IBC-Hooks is an IBC middleware that uses incoming ICS-20 token transfers to initiate smart contract calls. This allows for arbitrary data to be passed in along with token transfers. This is useful for a variety of use cases such as cross-chain token swaps, auto-wrapping of SNIP-20 tokens, General Message Passing (GMP) between Secret Network and EVM chains, and much more! The mechanism enabling this is a memo
field on every ICS20 transfer packet as of IBC v3.4.0. Wasm hooks is an IBC middleware that parses an ICS20 transfer, and if the memo
field is of a particular form, it executes a Wasm contract call.
{% hint style="info" %}
Note that the metadata in the memo
field is not used within ICS-20 itself, but instead, a middleware or custom CosmWasm contract can wrap around the transfer protocol to parse the metadata and execute custom logic based off of it. See more here.
{% endhint %}
ICS20 is JSON native, so JSON is used for the memo format:
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
//... other ibc fields omitted for example
"data": {
"denom": "denom on counterparty chain (e.g. uatom)", // will be transformed to the local denom (ibc/...)
"amount": "1000",
"sender": "addr on counterparty chain", // will be ignored and shown to the contract as a null sender (cannot be verifed over IBC)
"receiver": "secret1contractAddr",
"memo": {
"wasm": {
"contract": "secret1contractAddr",
"msg": {
"raw_message_fields": "raw_message_data"
{% endcode %}
An ICS20 packet is formatted correctly for Wasm hooks if the following all hold:
is not blankmemo
is valid JSONmemo
has at least one key, with value"wasm"
has exactly two entries,"contract"
is a valid JSON objectreceiver == memo["wasm"]["contract"]
{% hint style="info" %} If an ICS20 packet is not directed towards wasmhooks, wasmhooks doesn't do anything. If an ICS20 packet is directed towards wasmhooks, and is formatted incorrectly, then wasmhooks returns an error. {% endhint %}
Before Wasm hooks:
- Ensure the incoming IBC packet is cryptographically valid
- Ensure the incoming IBC packet has not timed out
In Wasm hooks, before packet execution:
- Ensure the packet is correctly formatted (as defined above)
- Edit the receiver to be the hardcoded IBC module account
In Wasm hooks, after packet execution:
- Construct wasm message as defined above
- Execute wasm message
- If wasm message has error, return
- Otherwise continue through middleware
The following contract receives funds from IBC, wraps them as SNIP-20 tokens, and then transfers them to the recipient that is specified in the ibc-hooks message:
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
pub fn execute(_deps: DepsMut, env: Env, info: MessageInfo, msg: Msg) -> StdResult<Response> {
match msg {
Msg::WrapDeposit {
} => Ok(Response::default().add_messages(vec![
CosmosMsg::Wasm(cosmwasm_std::WasmMsg::Execute {
contract_addr: snip20_address.clone(),
code_hash: snip20_code_hash.clone(),
msg: to_binary(&secret_toolkit::snip20::HandleMsg::Deposit { padding: None })
funds: info.funds.clone(),
CosmosMsg::Wasm(cosmwasm_std::WasmMsg::Execute {
contract_addr: snip20_address,
code_hash: snip20_code_hash,
msg: to_binary(&secret_toolkit::snip20::HandleMsg::Transfer {
recipient: recipient_address,
amount: info.funds[0].amount,
memo: None,
padding: None,
funds: vec![],
{% endcode %}
A contract that sends an IBC transfer may need to listen for the acknowledgment (ack
) of that packet. To allow contracts to listen to ack
of specific packets, we provide Ack callbacks. The sender of an IBC transfer packet may specify a callback in the memo
field of the transfer packet when the ack
of that packet is received.
{% hint style="info" %} Only the IBC packet sender can set the callback {% endhint %}
For the callback to be processed, the transfer packet's memo
should contain the following in its JSON:
{"ibc_callback": "secret1contractAddr"}
The WASM hooks will keep the mapping from the packet's channel and sequence to the contract in storage. When an ack
is received, it will notify the specified contract via an execute
Interface for receiving the Acks and Timeouts
The contract that awaits the callback should implement the following interface for a sudo message:
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
pub enum IBCLifecycleComplete {
#[serde(rename = "ibc_ack")]
IBCAck {
/// The source channel (secret side) of the IBC packet
channel: String,
/// The sequence number that the packet was sent with
sequence: u64,
/// String encoded version of the ack as seen by OnAcknowledgementPacket(..)
ack: String,
/// Weather an ack is a success of failure according to the transfer spec
success: bool,
#[serde(rename = "ibc_timeout")]
IBCTimeout {
/// The source channel (secret side) of the IBC packet
channel: String,
/// The sequence number that the packet was sent with
sequence: u64,
/// Message type for `sudo` entry_point
pub enum SudoMsg {
#[serde(rename = "ibc_lifecycle_complete")]
pub fn sudo(_deps: DepsMut, _env: Env, msg: SudoMsg) -> StdResult<Response> {
match msg {
SudoMsg::IBCLifecycleComplete(IBCLifecycleComplete::IBCAck {
}) => todo!(),
SudoMsg::IBCLifecycleComplete(IBCLifecycleComplete::IBCTimeout {
}) => todo!(),
{% endcode %}