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Learn how to send messages with SecretJS.

Sending Messages

Secret Network Client Setup

import { SecretNetworkClient, Wallet } from "secretjs";

const wallet = new Wallet("Your mnemonic words go here");

const secretjs = new SecretNetworkClient({
  chainId: "pulsar-3",
  url: "",
  wallet: wallet,
  walletAddress: wallet.address,

SecretJS Messages

On a signer secret.js, secretjs.tx is used to broadcast transactions. Every function under secretjs.tx can receive an optional TxOptions.

Full API »


Used to send a complex transactions, which contains a list of messages. The messages are executed in sequence, and the transaction succeeds if all messages succeed.

For a list of all messages see:

const addMinterMsg = new MsgExecuteContract({
  sender: MY_ADDRESS,
  contract_address: MY_NFT_CONTRACT,
  code_hash: MY_NFT_CONTRACT_CODE_HASH, // optional but way faster
  msg: { add_minters: { minters: [MY_ADDRESS] } },
  sent_funds: [], // optional

const mintMsg = new MsgExecuteContract({
  sender: MY_ADDRESS,
  contract_address: MY_NFT_CONTRACT,
  code_hash: MY_NFT_CONTRACT_CODE_HASH, // optional but way faster
  msg: {
    mint_nft: {
      token_id: "1",
      owner: MY_ADDRESS,
      public_metadata: {
        extension: {
          image: "",
          name: "secretnetwork-logo-secondary-black",
      private_metadata: {
        extension: {
          image: "",
          name: "secretnetwork-logo-primary-white",
  sent_funds: [], // optional

const tx = await secretjs.tx.broadcast([addMinterMsg, mintMsg], {
  gasLimit: 200_000,


Used to simulate a complex transactions, which contains a list of messages, without broadcasting it to the chain. Can be used to get a gas estimation or to see the output without actually committing a transaction on-chain.

The input should be exactly how you'd use it in secretjs.tx.broadcast(), except that you don't have to pass in gasLimit, gasPriceInFeeDenom & feeDenom.


  • On mainnet, it's recommended to not simulate every transaction as this can burden your node provider. Instead, use this while testing to determine the gas limit for each of your app's transactions, then in production use hard-coded values.
  • Gas estimation is known to be a bit off, so you might need to adjust it a bit before broadcasting.
  • MsgInstantiateContract, MsgExecuteContract, MsgMigrateContract, MsgUpdateAdmin & MsgClearAdmin simulations are not supported for security reasons.
const sendToAlice = new MsgSend({
  from_address: bob,
  to_address: alice,
  amount: stringToCoins("1uscrt"),

const sendToEve = new MsgSend({
  from_address: bob,
  to_address: eve,
  amount: stringToCoins("1uscrt"),

const sim = await secretjs.tx.simulate([sendToAlice, sendToEve]);

const tx = await secretjs.tx.broadcast([sendToAlice, sendToEve], {
  // Adjust gasLimit up by 10% to account for gas estimation error
  gasLimit: Math.ceil(sim.gasInfo.gasUsed * 1.1),


Used to sign transactions independently from the broadcast process.
This is useful when you want to keep your seed safe and sign transactions offline.


Used to send offline signed transactions.

const bob = "secret1dgqnta7fwjj6x9kusyz7n8vpl73l7wsm0gaamk";
const msg = new MsgSend({
  from_address: myAddress,
  to_address: bob,
  amount: stringToCoins("1000000uscrt"),

let signedTX = await secretjs.tx.signTx([msg], {
  gasLimit: 20_000,
  gasPriceInFeeDenom: 0.1,
  feeDenom: "uscrt",

let tx = await secretjs.tx.broadcastSignedTx(signedTX);


MsgExec attempts to execute the provided messages using authorizations granted to the grantee. Each message should have only one signer corresponding to the granter of the authorization.

Input: MsgExecParams


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().


MsgGrant is a request type for Grant method. It declares authorization to the grantee on behalf of the granter with the provided expiration time.

Input: MsgGrantParams


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().


MsgRevoke revokes any authorization with the provided sdk.Msg type on the granter's account with that has been granted to the grantee.

Input: MsgRevokeParams


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().

MsgMultiSend represents an arbitrary multi-in, multi-out send message.

Input: MsgMultiSendParams

const tx = await
    inputs: [
        address: myAddress,
        coins: stringToCoins("2uscrt"),
    outputs: [
        address: alice,
        coins: stringToCoins("1uscrt"),
        address: bob,
        coins: stringToCoins("1uscrt"),
    gasLimit: 20_000,
##### ``

Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().

MsgSend represents a message to send coins from one account to another.

Input: MsgSendParams

const tx = await
    from_address: myAddress,
    to_address: alice,
    amount: stringToCoins("1uscrt"),
    gasLimit: 20_000,

Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().


Upload a compiled contract to Secret Network

Input: MsgStoreCodeParams

const tx = await secretjs.tx.compute.storeCode(
    sender: myAddress,
    wasm_byte_code: fs.readFileSync(
    ) as Uint8Array,
    source: "",
    builder: "",
    gasLimit: 1_000_000,

const codeId = Number(
  tx.arrayLog.find((log) => log.type === "message" && log.key === "code_id")


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().


Instantiate a contract from code id

Input: [MsgInstantiateContractParams](


const tx = await secretjs.tx.compute.instantiateContract(
    sender: myAddress,
    admin: myAddress, // optional admin address that can perform code migrations
    code_id: codeId,
    code_hash: codeHash, // optional but way faster
    initMsg: {
      name: "Secret SCRT",
      admin: myAddress,
      symbol: "SSCRT",
      decimals: 6,
      initial_balances: [{ address: myAddress, amount: "1" }],
      prng_seed: "eW8=",
      config: {
        public_total_supply: true,
        enable_deposit: true,
        enable_redeem: true,
        enable_mint: false,
        enable_burn: false,
      supported_denoms: ["uscrt"],
    label: "sSCRT",
    init_funds: [], // optional
    gasLimit: 100_000,

const contractAddress = tx.arrayLog.find(
  (log) => log.type === "message" && log.key === "contract_address",


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().

WARNING: secretjs.tx.compute simulations are not supported for security reasons.


Execute a function on a contract

Input: MsgExecuteContractParams

const tx = await secretjs.tx.compute.executeContract(
    sender: myAddress,
    contract_address: contractAddress,
    code_hash: codeHash, // optional but way faster
    msg: {
      transfer: {
        recipient: bob,
        amount: "1",
    sent_funds: [], // optional
    gasLimit: 100_000,


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().

WARNING: secretjs.tx.compute simulations are not supported for security reasons.


Migrate a contract's code while keeping the same address. Invokes the migrate() function on the new code.

Input: MsgMigrateContractParams

const tx = await secretjs.tx.compute.migrateContract(
    sender: myAddress,
    contract_address: contractAddress,
    code_id: newCodeId,
    code_hash: codeHash, // optional but way faster
    msg: {
      migrate_state_to_new_format: {},
    sent_funds: [], // optional
    gasLimit: 100_000,


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().

WARNING: secretjs.tx.compute simulations are not supported for security reasons.


Update a contract's admin.

Input: MsgUpdateAdminParams

const tx = await secretjs.tx.compute.updateAdmin(
    sender: currentAdminAddress,
    contract_address: contractAddress,
    new_admin: newAdminAddress,
    gasLimit: 100_000,


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().

WARNING: secretjs.tx.compute simulations are not supported for security reasons.


clear a contract's admin.

Input: MsgClearAdminParams

const tx = await secretjs.tx.compute.clearAdmin(
    sender: currentAdminAddress,
    contract_address: contractAddress,
    gasLimit: 100_000,


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().

WARNING: secretjs.tx.compute simulations are not supported for security reasons.


MsgVerifyInvariant represents a message to verify a particular invariance.

Input: MsgVerifyInvariantParams


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().


MsgFundCommunityPool allows an account to directly fund the community pool.

Input: MsgFundCommunityPoolParams

const tx = await secretjs.tx.distribution.fundCommunityPool(
    depositor: myAddress,
    amount: stringToCoins("1uscrt"),
    gasLimit: 20_000,


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().


MsgSetWithdrawAddress sets the withdraw address for a delegator (or validator self-delegation).

Input: MsgSetWithdrawAddressParams

const tx = await secretjs.tx.distribution.setWithdrawAddress(
    delegator_address: mySelfDelegatorAddress,
    withdraw_address: myOtherAddress,
    gasLimit: 20_000,


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().


MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward represents delegation withdrawal to a delegator from a single validator.

Input: MsgWithdrawDelegatorRewardParams

const tx = await secretjs.tx.distribution.withdrawDelegatorReward(
    delegator_address: myAddress,
    validator_address: someValidatorAddress,
    gasLimit: 20_000,


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().


MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission withdraws the full commission to the validator address.

Input: MsgWithdrawValidatorCommissionParams

const tx = await secretjs.tx.distribution.withdrawValidatorCommission(
    validator_address: myValidatorAddress,
    gasLimit: 20_000,

Or a better one:

const tx = await secretjs.tx.broadcast(
    new MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward({
      delegator_address: mySelfDelegatorAddress,
      validator_address: myValidatorAddress,
    new MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission({
      validator_address: myValidatorAddress,
    gasLimit: 30_000,


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().


MsgSubmitEvidence represents a message that supports submitting arbitrary evidence of misbehavior such as equivocation or counterfactual signing.

Input: MsgSubmitEvidenceParams


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().


MsgGrantAllowance adds permission for Grantee to spend up to Allowance of fees from the account of Granter.

Input: MsgGrantAllowanceParams

const newWallet = new Wallet();

const txGranter = await secretjsGranter.tx.feegrant.grantAllowance({
  granter: secretjsGranter.address,
  grantee: newWallet.address,
  allowance: {
    spend_limit: stringToCoins("1000000uscrt"),

const secretjsGrantee = new SecretNetworkClient({
  url: "http://localhost:1317",
  chainId: "secretdev-1",
  wallet: newWallet,
  walletAddress: newWallet.address,

// Send a tx from newWallet with secretjs.address as the fee payer
const txGrantee = await
    proposer: secretjsGrantee.address,
    initial_deposit: stringToCoins("1uscrt"),
    messages: [],
    metadata: "some_metadata",
    summary: "Send a tx without any balance",
    title: "Thanks ${secretjsGranter.address}!",
    expedited: false,
    feeGranter: secretjsGranter.address,


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().


MsgRevokeAllowance removes any existing Allowance from Granter to Grantee.

Input: MsgRevokeAllowanceParams

const tx = await secretjs.tx.feegrant.revokeAllowance({
  granter: secretjs.address,
  grantee: newWallet.address,


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().

MsgDeposit defines a message to submit a deposit to an existing proposal.

Input: MsgDepositParams

const tx = await
    depositor: myAddress,
    proposal_id: someProposalId,
    amount: stringToCoins("1uscrt"),
    gasLimit: 20_000,

Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().

MsgSubmitProposal defines an sdk.Msg type that supports submitting arbitrary proposal Content.

Input: MsgSubmitProposalParams

const tx = await
    proposer: myAddress,
    initial_deposit: stringToCoins("1000000uscrt"),
    messages: [],
    metadata: "some_metadata",
    summary: "summary",
    title: "some proposal",
    expedited: false,
    broadcastCheckIntervalMs: 100,
    gasLimit: 5_000_000,

const proposalId = Number(
    (log) => log.type === "submit_proposal" && log.key === "proposal_id",

Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().

MsgVote defines a message to cast a vote.

Input: MsgVoteParams

const tx = await
    voter: myAddress,
    proposal_id: someProposalId,
    option: VoteOption.VOTE_OPTION_YES,
    gasLimit: 50_000,

Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().

MsgVoteWeighted defines a message to cast a vote, with an option to split the vote.

Input: MsgVoteWeightedParams

// vote yes with 70% of my power
const tx = await
    voter: myAddress,
    proposal_id: someProposalId,
    options: [
      // weights must sum to 1.0
      { weight: "0.7", option: VoteOption.VOTE_OPTION_YES },
      { weight: "0.3", option: VoteOption.VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN },
    metadata: "",
    gasLimit: 50_000,

Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().


MsgTransfer defines a msg to transfer fungible tokens (i.e Coins) between ICS20 enabled chains. See ICS Spec here:

Input: MsgTransferParams


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().


MsgUnjail defines a message to release a validator from jail.

Input: MsgUnjailParams

const tx = await secretjs.tx.slashing.unjail(
    validator_addr: mValidatorsAddress,
    gasLimit: 50_000,


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().


MsgBeginRedelegate defines an SDK message for performing a redelegation of coins from a delegator and source validator to a destination validator.

Input: MsgBeginRedelegateParams

const tx = await secretjs.tx.staking.beginRedelegate(
    delegator_address: myAddress,
    validator_src_address: someValidator,
    validator_dst_address: someOtherValidator,
    amount: stringToCoin("1uscrt"),
    gasLimit: 50_000,


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().


MsgCreateValidator defines an SDK message for creating a new validator.

Input: MsgCreateValidatorParams

const tx = await secretjs.tx.staking.createValidator(
    delegator_address: myAddress,
    commission: {
      max_change_rate: 0.01, // can change +-1% every 24h
      max_rate: 0.1, // 10%
      rate: 0.05, // 5%
    description: {
      moniker: "My validator's display name",
      identity: "ID on, to have a logo on explorer and stuff",
      website: "",
      security_contact: "",
      details: "**We** are good",
    pubkey: toBase64(new Uint8Array(32).fill(1)), // validator's pubkey, to sign on validated blocks
    min_self_delegation: "1", // uscrt
    initial_delegation: stringToCoin("1uscrt"),
    gasLimit: 100_000,


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().


MsgDelegate defines an SDK message for performing a delegation of coins from a delegator to a validator.

Input: MsgDelegateParams

const tx = await secretjs.tx.staking.delegate(
    delegator_address: myAddress,
    validator_address: someValidatorAddress,
    amount: stringToCoin("1uscrt"),
    gasLimit: 50_000,


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().


MsgEditValidator defines an SDK message for editing an existing validator.

Input: MsgEditValidatorParams

const tx = await secretjs.tx.staking.editValidator(
    validator_address: myValidatorAddress,
    description: {
      // To edit even one item in "description you have to re-input everything
      moniker: "papaya",
      identity: "banana",
      website: "",
      security_contact: "",
      details: "We are the banana papaya validator yay!",
    min_self_delegation: "2",
    commission_rate: 0.04, // 4%, commission cannot be changed more than once in 24h
    gasLimit: 5_000_000,


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().


MsgUndelegate defines an SDK message for performing an undelegation from a delegate and a validator

Input: MsgUndelegateParams

const tx = await secretjs.tx.staking.undelegate(
    delegator_address: myAddress,
    validator_address: someValidatorAddress,
    amount: stringToCoin("1uscrt"),
    gasLimit: 50_000,


Simulates execution without sending a transactions. Input is exactly like the parent function. For more info see secretjs.tx.simulate().