- MintScan - https://www.mintscan.io/secret
- Ping.pub - https://ping.pub/secret
- ATOMScan - https://atomscan.com/secret-network/
{% hint style="warning" %}
Type | API | Courtesy of |
RPC | https://scrt.public-rpc.com | Ankr |
RPC | https://secretnetwork-rpc.lavenderfive.com:443 | Lavender.Five Nodes 🐝 |
RPC | https://rpc.mainnet.secretsaturn.net | 🪐 𝕊ecret 𝕊aturn |
RPC | https://rpc-secret.whispernode.com:443 | Whispernode |
RPC | https:///1rpc.io/scrt-rpc | 1RPC (Automata Network) |
RPC | https://rpc-secret.01node.com | 01node |
RPC | https://secretnetwork-rpc.highstakes.ch:26657 | High Stakes 🇨🇭 |
RPC | https://public.stakewolle.com/cosmos/secretnetwork/rpc | Stakewolle |
--------- Additional Teams via DM ------- Autostake, Trivium, Consensus One, AgoraNodes | ||
gRPC-web | https://secretnetwork-grpc.lavenderfive.com:443 | Lavender.Five Nodes 🐝 |
gRPC-web | https://grpc.mainnet.secretsaturn.net | 🪐 𝕊ecret 𝕊aturn |
--------- Additional Teams via DM ------- Autostake, Trivium, Consensus One | ||
LCD | https://rpc.ankr.com/http/scrt_cosmos | Ankr |
LCD | https://lcd.mainnet.secretsaturn.net | 🪐 𝕊ecret 𝕊aturn |
LCD | https://1rpc.io/scrt-lcd | 1RPC (Automata Network) |
LCD | https://secretnetwork-api.lavenderfive.com:443 | Lavender.Five Nodes 🐝 |
LCD | https://rest-secret.01node.com | 01node |
LCD | https://public.stakewolle.com/cosmos/secretnetwork/rest | Stakewolle |
LCD | https://secretnetwork-api.highstakes.ch:1317 | High Stakes 🇨🇭 |
--------- Additional Teams via DM ------- Autostake, Trivium, Consensus One |
{% hint style="info" %} Additional API nodes may be found in the Cosmos chain registry {% endhint %}
These archive node endpoints are provided by Mario Validator. Note that the timespan of block coverage for each of these is different.
Type | API | Timespan |
RPC | https://rpc.archive.scrt.marionode.com | 2022-12-14 - now |
RPC | https://oldarchive.scrt.marionode.com:1317 | 2021-11-10 - 2022-12-02 |
LCD | https://lcd.archive.scrt.marionode.com | 2022-12-14 - now |
LCD | https://oldarchive.scrt.marionode.com:1317 | 2021-11-10 - 2022-12-02 |
{% hint style="success" %} Are we missing your endpoint or tool? Submit a Pull Request at https://github.com/SecretFoundation/docs {% endhint %}