To install the secretcli download the latest version here. Download the appropriate version of the secretcli based on the operating system you are using:
- secretcli-Linux
- secretcli-macOS
- secretcli-MacOS-arm64
- secretcli-Windows
After downloading secretcli-Linux you will need to navigate to the folder you have download it to make secretcli-Linux an executable program using a graphical user interface (GUI) or the command-line.
Note: Installing secretcli-Linux will ONLY give you access to the secretcli
commands. For secretcli
and secretd
commands install one of the .deb packages.
Right click on the secretcli-Linux file and select 'Properties', then select 'Permissions', and then check the 'Allow executing the file as program' box beside the 'Execute' column.
To make secretcli-Linux executable using the command-line navigate to where the file is located and use the following command:
chmod +x secretcli-Linux
You can now use the secretcli
by using the following command inside of the folder it is located in with:
You will see some outputs related to available commands, flags, and usage.
It is recommended to rename seretcli-Linux to 'secretcli', and move the executable file into the correct location so it is automatically executable by typing secretcli
anywhere within the command-line.
To achieve this use the following commands in the directory containing secretcli-Linux:
sudo mv secretcli-Linux /usr/local/bin/secretcli
Congrats! The secretcli
is now installed!
Download the correct version of the secretcli
for the Mac hardware on your system here. After downloading the secretcli
there are two steps required to allow your system to execute the cli.
First, open your terminal application and navigate to the directory containing the secretcli
file for your systems hardware. Once in the correct directory you will need to rename the file, and make the file executable using the following commands:
# for intel mac users use the command below
mv secretcli-macOS secretcli
# for arm64 mac users use the command below
mv secretcli-MacOS-arm64 secretcli
# Now make the file executable
chmod 755 secretcli
{% hint style="info" %} If you are using an M1 or M3 chip, download MacOS-arm64, otherwise if you have an intel chip use secretcli-macOS. You can see what chip you have by viewing "about this Mac". {% endhint %}
Mac users are required to perform another step after making the secretcli
executable on their machines. This is because MacOs cannot recognize the developer of the secretcli file. Try running the following command in the directory containing the executable secretcli
You will get a warning popup window with text similar to the following --> “secretcli” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified. There will be two options: move to trash or cancel. Select cancel.
In order to get your MaOs system to be able to execute the secretcli
, you will need to change the system preferences on your mac by going to the Apple menu > System Preferences > click Security & Privacy > then click General.
You will see the text: "secretcli" was blocked from use because it is not from an identified developer. Click the 'Allow Anyway' button.
Now you should be able to use the secretcli
when inside of the folder it is found in:
You will see the following warning popup, click 'open'.
After clicking open you should see the following output in your terminal application:
The Secret Network App Daemon (server)
secretd [command]
Available Commands:
add-genesis-account Add a genesis account to genesis.json
auto-register Perform remote attestation of the enclave
check-enclave Test enclave status
collect-gentxs Collect genesis txs and output a genesis.json file
config Create or query an application CLI configuration file
configure-secret After registration is successful, configure the secret node with the credentials file and the encrypted seed that was written on-chain
debug Tool for helping with debugging your application
export Export state to JSON
gentx Generate a genesis tx carrying a self delegation
help Help about any command
init Initialize private validator, p2p, genesis, and application configuration files
init-bootstrap Perform bootstrap initialization
init-enclave Perform remote attestation of the enclave
keys Manage your application's keys
migrate Migrate genesis to a specified target version
parse Verify and parse a certificate file
query Querying subcommands
reset-enclave Reset registration & enclave parameters
rollback rollback cosmos-sdk and tendermint state by one height
rosetta spin up a rosetta server
start Run the full node
status Query remote node for status
tendermint Tendermint subcommands
tx Transactions subcommands
validate-genesis validates the genesis file at the default location or at the location passed as an arg
version Print the application binary version information
--bootstrap Start the node as the bootstrap node for the network (only used when starting a new network)
-h, --help help for secretd
--home string directory for config and data (default "/Users/dawsonsewell/.secretd")
--log_format string The logging format (json|plain) (default "plain")
--log_level string The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) (default "info")
--trace print out full stack trace on errors
Use "secretd [command] --help" for more information about a command.
We recommend moving the secretcli
into your path to be able to use it anywhere within your systems terminal application with:
mv secretcli /usr/local/bin
Congrats! The secretcli
is now installed!
is compatible for use within the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Follow the Linux Command-line instructions to install it.
After downloading secretcli-Windows you can now use the secretcli
by using the following command inside of the folder it is located in:
You will see some outputs related to available commands, flags, and usage.
It is recommended to rename seretcli-Windows to 'secretcli.exe', and move the executable file to a location where it is automatically executable by typing secretcli
anywhere within the command-line.
To achieve this use the following commands in a Powershell terminal, in the directory containing secretcli-Windows:
mkdir "$home\appdata\local\secretcli"
mv secretcli-Windows "$home/appdata/local/secretcli/secretcli.exe"
$old_path = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('path', 'user');
$new_path = $old_path + ';' + "$home\appdata\local\secretcli"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('path', $new_path,'User');
Restart your terminal and test the installation by running:
To update or install a different version of SecretCLI on Windows, download the release of secretcli-Windows and move it to the correct location:
mv secretcli-Windows "$home/appdata/local/secretcli/secretcli.exe"
The other commands do not need to be run again if they have already been run on your account.