Thanks for taking the time to contribute!
There are lots of trade-offs to made when building a new programming
environment. We will document every significant design decision in the design
dir. Please create a new issue labeled with design
if you find anything
undocumented or propose an update for an existing design.
For the main branch, all commits must be submitted via a pull request with at least one approving reviews from the core team.
For the developers who have write-access to the repository, please consider the following branch naming conventions before submitting a pull request:
- Release branches:
- Personal working branches:
, orwip_<your-github-id>_<task-desc>
, orwip_<your-github-id>_<sequence_no>
, or
- Experimental branches:
, orexp_<your-github-id>_<sequence_no>
- Temporary bugfix branch:
- Temporary hotfix branch:
- Temporary feature branch:
Please follow How to Write a Git Commit Message when writing your commit messages whenever possible.
We follow the Google Style Guides for each programming language used in the project.
For documentations, please follow the Google documentation guide whenever possible.
Directory names and filenames in the repo should be all lowercase, with
underscores to separate words, unless the coding style of the source language
prefers or requires other styles. For example, directory names and filenames of
C# code should be PascalCase
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