- Updated NCronJob to version 4.0.2
- The settings file structure changed and will require a migration!
- Upon invitation the bot will now require acceptance of the Privacy Policy and Terms Of Service
- Updated DSharpPlus to version 5.0.0-nightly-02439
- Updated Roslynator to version 4.12.10
- Updated SonarAnalyzer.CSharp to version
player play
andplayer play-mount
gained an additional optional parametervolume
which allows to set the volume of the player at startup- The volume can be set between 0 and 100
- The default volume is 100
- This value is only respected if the player is not playing anything
admin reset-legals
command added- This command is only for administrators of the bot (the main server)
- It resets the accepted legals for every guild and requires them to reaccept
dj add-internal-song-request
command added- This command allows you to add a song quietly into the AutoDj queue
- These kind of song requests are not logged inside AzuraCast and should be used with caution!
- The bot however logs these kind of requests
legals accept-legals
command added- This command allows you to accept our legal terms and policies
- Server info embed for admins was slightly improved and fixed
config reset-settings
now shows a confirmation message before resetting the settings- The exception embed was slightly improved with more details
- Improvements regarding information security
- The bot respects in all cases now when the user decides to disable local file caching
- This means that it's not possible to retrieve information about uploaded files when the whole instance is offline
- The hardware embed now includes the amount of memory which the bot uses
- The stats embed was restructured and now includes the legal stuff (License, Privacy Policy, Terms Of Service)
- Updated the invite link so the bot now needs the "Embed Links" permission too
- The 15 minute cron job won't error anymore when the instance is offline
- The settings embed now gets created again when the instance is offline
- Refactored the code to use
source generator and removedSystem.Reflection
calls - Refactored the settings code to use the Options Pattern with source generation validation
- Debug code was excluded from compiling in release mode
now default to warnings
- Updated Npgsql to version 9.0.2
- Updated Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL to version 9.0.2
music get-song-history
works again- The initial online check after creating an instance works again
- The AzuraCast updater works fine now if a rolling release instance is expected to update to a stable release
- Updated to .NET 9 including all dependencies
- Dockerfile improvements to improve image size
- Added NCronJob in version 3.3.8
- Added NReco.Logging.File in version 1.2.2
- Updated DSharpPlus to version 5.0.0-nightly-02423
- Updated Lavalink4NET to version 4.0.26-preview.4
- Added a new hidden environment variable "FORCE_TRACE" to docker-compose which forces the app to trace log (not recommended for production)
- This only works in dev mode
- Added a new environment variable "LOG_RETENTION_DAYS" to docker-compose which defines how many days the logs should be kept
- Default is 7 days
config get-settings
now shows an additional value in the "station" section which shows how many times songs were requqested through the bot
- Exception embeds now produce json output instead of a stacktrace.log file
- Startup logging now shows the .NET version too
- Reworked the whole file logging system
admin send-bot-wide-message
now allows linebreaks using\n
and includes a message if it's sent directly to the server owner- QuickJit for loops was activated to improve performance of the bot
- Reworked background tasks to use NCronJob instead of a custom implementation
azuracast force-cache-refresh
is now optional- If there is no value given it will refresh the cache of all configured stations
azuracast stop-station
now sends a message to the connected voice channels if it's playing and was stopped- Various enhancements were made while displaying mounts inside the autocomplete
- The AzuraCast station cache refresh works again
music now-playing
now shows the streamer artwork if a streamer is playing
- Updated Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory to version 9.0.0
- Updated Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting to version 9.0.0
- Updated Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools to version 8.0.11
- Updated System.Text.Json to version 9.0.0
- Sets the Service Lifetime of database services to
again with the exception of theAzzyBotDbContext
which is nowScoped
- Removed all parameters from database relevant methods which are intended to pass
values and replaced them with direct calls inside the respecting method- This is the final fix for the timer issues
- Moved from
to prevent issues with timezones- This should now hopefully fix all the issues occuring with the timer
- Reworked how the background check system works to fix issues
- The bot now only checks each 12h if the discord permissions are set to prevent hitting discord ratelimits
- Updated Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL to version 8.0.10
- Updated Roslynator to version 4.12.9
- Set the database context and related services to transient to prevent issues with the database connection
- Added and updated Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory to version 8.0.1 to fix vulnerabilities
core help
now shows an additional embed telling the user how to correctly set up the bot
- Recreated docker images because of vulnerabilities
- Now dependent on Npgsql in version 8.0.5
- Updated Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting to version 8.0.1
- Updated Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools to version 8.0.10
- Updated Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL to version 8.0.8
- Updated Roslynator to version 4.12.8
- Updated System.Text.Json to version 8.0.5
- Tiny code changes
- Updated Roslynator to version 4.12.6
- There is no database error anymore when the bot is added to a guild. #181
- Updated Roslynator to version 4.12.5
- AzuraCast Central update responses are now more reliable and don't throw exceptions anymore
- Recreation of docker images because of vulnerabilites
- Updated DSharpPlus to version 5.0.0-nightly-02361
- Recreation of docker images because of vulnerabilites
- Updated DSharpPlus to version 5.0.0-nightly-02360
- Updated Lavalink4NET to version 4.0.25
admin change-bot-status
requires activity, status and doing to be set now
- Updated DSharpPlus to version 5.0.0-nightly-02356
- Updated Lavalink4NET to version 4.0.21
- Greatly refactored the handling of DSharpPlus related stuff
- The usual connection error message of updating AzuraCast should not be shown anymore
core stats hardware
now shows the latency to discord- More internal restructuring to make the code more functional
- File logging now rotates the logs daily or when exceeding 24.9 MB file size
- Adjusted maximum upload size of
music upload-files
to 49.9 MB - Leftover servers in database are now removed every day
- MusicStreaming commands exit correctly now when there is an error
- Command error handling works flawlessly again
admin get-joined-server
works again (and shows the server defined inAzzyBotSettingsDocker.json
too)player now-playing
doesn't throws an error when it's used while playing a mount point
- Complete rewrite of the bot using newest technologies
- Includes a database to store your settings and other important data
- New commands to manage your bot and settings
- Support for multiple servers, multiple stations and multiple users
Read the docs if you need help setting the bot up.