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Getting started with sensenet using Aurelia Framework
getting started

There was a lot of development in the frontend frameworks ecosystem over the last couple of years - and you can use a wide range of them with the latest version of sensenet. The following step by step tutorial will guide you how to put it all together - this time with Aurelia and Typescript.


First of all, you'll need sensenet Services installed and configured JWT Authentication. Webpages installation is not a requirement but also recommended.

You'll also have to deal with the CORS settings. You have to allow CORS for localhost origin. Add the following setting to your Portal.settings file that can be found in /Root/System/Settings/Portal.settings (You can use the Content Explorer if you have WebPages installed, or just re-import the modified file) :

"AllowedOriginDomains": [

Creating the app with aurelia-cli

Aurelia has a great CLI tool that allows us to create custom elements, value converters or even an entire preconfigured Aurelia project with simple commands. You can install it globally from NPM:

npm install -g aurelia-cli

You can set up and create a new Aurelia application with the following CLI command:

au new

Create your project choosing the custom settings, my setup looks like the following:

  • Name: my-sensenet-app
  • Platform: Web
  • Bundler: Webpack
  • Loader: None
  • Transpiler: TypeScript
  • Markup Processor: None
  • CSS Processor: Sass
  • Unit Test Runner: Jest
  • Integration Test Runner: Protractor
  • Editor: Visual Studio Code

You can change the CSS preprocessor or test runners, we won't use them for now.

Once the setup is done, you can install the dependencies (or do it later with the npm install command).

You can run your Aurelia app with the following command:

cd my-sensenet-app
au run --watch

After a quick build process you will see the development server's URL on the console (it is http://localhost:8080 by default). Open it in your browser and check the default Hello World! message.

Getting started with sn-client-js


To work with sensenet, the first thing you have to do is to install the client-core and the JWT authentication packages with the following command:

yarn add @sensenet/client-core @sensenet/authentication-jwt

Configuring dependency injection

In this example we will use the Repository from sn-client-js as a main entry point to interact with sensenet. In order to inject a preconfigured repository as a singleton, we have to configure Aurelia's main DI container.

Open ./src/main.ts and add the following import:

import { Repository } from '@sensenet/client-core';

and before the aurelia.start()... statement:

  aurelia.container.registerSingleton(Repository, () => {
    const repository = new Repository(
        repositoryUrl: 'https://sensenet7-local', // Change this URL to your sensenet 7 Repository
    new JwtService(repository);
    return repository;

Login and Logout

Creating a custom element with CLI

Now we will create a custom element called sn-login. This will have similar functionality as the LoginPortlet, it will display a simple login form for unauthenticated users and a welcome message with a Logout button if you are logged in. We can create the element with the following CLI command:

au generate element sn-login

The CLI will create a view-model and a HTML template in ./src/resources/. To register our element as a global resource open ./src/resources/index.ts and update:

import {FrameworkConfiguration, PLATFORM} from 'aurelia-framework';

export function configure(config: FrameworkConfiguration) {

To display our new element we have to edit the main application template that can be found in ./src/app.html. Let's remove the static Hello World! header and add our new sn-login custom element:


Basic login/logout implementation

To edit sn-login element's view model, we have to open the generated ./src/resources/elements/sn-login.ts file. We can remove the example bindable value and its valueChanged method.

First we will need an SnRepository instance. We will inject it using Aurelia's autoInject decorator.

import { autoinject, bindable } from 'aurelia-framework';
import { Repository, LoginState } from '@sensenet/client-core';
import { ValueObserver } from '@sensenet/client-utils';
import { User } from '@sensenet/default-content-types';

export class SnLogin {
  constructor(private repository: Repository) {  }

From now on, we can use the repository in our custom element. We will use two RxJs observables in this component, one to track the login state and another one to track the current user.

We will create two subscriptions and store their current value in two bindable properties. We will subscribe in attached component event and unsubscribe in detached.

You can add the following code to your view-model:

  currentUser: User

  loginState: LoginState

  subscriptions: ValueObserver<any>[] = [];

        this.loginState = state;
      }, true),
      this.repository.authentication.currentUser.subscribe(user => {
        this.currentUser = user;
      }, true)
    this.subscriptions.forEach(s => s.dispose());

Once the coding is done, we will modify the template that can be found in ./src/resources/elements/sn-login.html. First, we can display the login state and the current user's DisplayName.

    Hello <strong>${currentUser.DisplayName}</strong> <br />
    The login state is <strong>${loginState}</strong>

If you start the project now with au start and open the page, you will see a 'Hello Visitor' message and the login state will be Unauthenticated.

Creating a basic login and logout form

Now we know the user and the login state, we can improve the element template a bit. We will display the following:

  • If the loginState is Unauthenticated the user will get a login form with username and password fields
  • If the state is Authenticated, a welcome message and a Logout button
  • If the login state is Pending, well... a message for now and you can replace it with your favourite loader later :)

Now the template will look like this:

  <form if.bind="loginState === 'Unauthenticated'" submit.delegate="login()">
    <input type='text' required name="username" value.bind='loginUserName' />
    <input type="password" required name="password" value.bind='loginPassword' />
    <input type='submit' />
  <p if.bind="loginState === 'Authenticated'">
    Hello <strong>${currentUser.DisplayName}!</strong> <br />
    <button click.delegate="logout()">Log out</button>
  <p if.bind="loginState === 'Pending'">
    Login in progress...
  The login state is <strong>${loginState}</strong>  

We will add two properties into the view-model called loginUserName and loginPassword, the form values will be bound to these properties.

  loginUserName: string;
  loginPassword: string;

And we have to implement the actions for login() and logout() - they will simply call the corresponding endpoints on the Repository.

  this.repository.authentication.login(this.loginUserName, this.loginPassword);
  this.loginUserName = this.loginPassword = "";


Once we've got it up and running we will be able to log in and out and display the user name.

Login, logout with sn7 and Aurelia

Content list component

Creating and setting up the component

In the next example we will create another custom element that list content from the repository. To do that, we will create another custom element with the au generate element content-list command and add it as a global resource in ./src/resources/index.ts just like the sn-login element.

We have to add it into our main app component, it will be available if the user is authenticated. Open ./src/app.html and add the new component:

  <content-list if.bind="loginState === 'Authenticated'"></content-list>

Now open ./src/app.ts and subscribe to the login state just like we did it in the Login component. At this time we don't need to unsubscribe because app is our main component - it will be attached right after Aurelia's bootstrap process and will be detached on window close.

Update the app.ts file with the following:

import { Repository, LoginState } from "@sensenet/client-core";
import { bindable, autoinject } from "aurelia-framework";

export class App {
  constructor(private repository: Repository) {  }

  loginState: LoginState

      this.loginState = state;
    }, true);

If you have unit tests enabled the one that tests the app component will now fail because we've modified the constructor and it will have a required argument. You can disable unit testing for now or fix the failed test in ./test/unit/app.spec.ts file.

The view model

The component list will have two bindable properties:

  • currentContent: GenericContent will store the current tree level
  • children: GenericContent[] will store currentContent's children. These will be displayed in the current view.

And will have the following methods:

  • currentContentChanged() is called by Aurelia when a new value is set to currentContent. We will load its children there.
  • navigate(content: Content<GenericContent>) will be called when clicking on a tree node (navigating a level below)
  • navigateUp() will set the current content to the current content's parent and navigating a level up
  • attached() will initialize the component and sets the current content to the Portal Root
import { bindable, autoinject } from 'aurelia-framework';
import { Repository, IODataParams } from '@sensenet/client-core';
import { GenericContent, PortalRoot } from "@sensenet/default-content-types"

export class ContentList {

  private oDataOptions: IODataParams<GenericContent> = {
    select: ['Id', 'Name', 'DisplayName', 'ParentId', 'Path']

  constructor(private repository: Repository) {  }

  async attached(){
    // Get the PortalRoot by its Id
    const rootResponse = await this.repository.load<GenericContent>({
      idOrPath: 2,
      oDataOptions: this.oDataOptions
    this.currentContent = rootResponse.d;

  currentContent: GenericContent;

  children: GenericContent[] = []

  async currentContentChanged(newValue) {
    const childrenResponse = await this.repository.loadCollection<GenericContent>({
      path: this.currentContent.Path,
      oDataOptions: this.oDataOptions
    this.children = childrenResponse.d.results

  navigate(content: GenericContent){
    this.currentContent = content;

  async navigateUp(){
    const parentResponse = await this.repository.load({
      idOrPath: this.currentContent.ParentId,
      oDataOptions: this.oDataOptions
    this.currentContent = parentResponse.d;

The template

The template will be quite simple, we will have a read-only input that will show the current Path and an unordered list with the children.

    <input readonly value.bind="currentContent.Path" />
        <a click.delegate="navigateUp()">[..]</a>
      <li repeat.for="child of children">
        <a click.delegate='navigate(child)'>${child.DisplayName || child.Name}</a>

Browsing with Aurelia

Next steps

Now that you have an idea how to log in and load content you can find more examples about updating, deleting, querying at the sn-client-js readme or you can take a look at our Aurelia control library. And - as always - we are looking forward to your thoughts and feedback :).