This section is for the package maintainers at MPI Corporation. The following instructions are for creating a new release of the package. If you only want to use the package you do not need to do this! Just follow the instructions listed above for installing an existing package.
Before creatinga new package update the version number in this file.
When you create a new release the packages at will automatically be updated. You do not have to add any binaries to the release at github because the binaries can now be download from (
Check the Actions tab to see whether deployment was succesfull. If it was not fix the problem (i.e. you may have forgotten to update the package version number) and manually restart the action.
There is no need to do this unless you want to distribute a package to a specific customer for testing. Otherwise just create a new release and distribute it to pip. However if you really want to manually create the package here is what you need to do:
python -m build
This command will create the dist folder and two package files.
The documentation needs to be build with MkDocs. The "material" theme is required to build the documentation.
py -m pip install mkdocs mkdocstrings[python] mkdocs-material
If you have done this you can create a local server to host the documentation:
py -m mkdocs serve
To view the documentation open a browser and input "http://localhost:8000/" in the address line. To build the html files for deployment execute the following command:
py -m mkdocs build
The page will be put into the "site" folder.