Bundle Kotlin Tooling Metadata into apk artifactsKT-47733
JVM / IR: Android Synthetic don't generate _findCachedViewById function
In-place arguments inlining for @InlineOnly functionsKT-12794
Allow runtime retention repeatable annotations when compiling under Java 8KT-43714
Support annotations on class type parameters (AnnotationTarget.TYPE_PARAMETER)KT-45949
Kotlin/Native: Improve bound check eliminationKT-43919
Support loading Java annotations on base classes and implementing interfaces' type argumentsKT-48194
Try to resolve calls where we don't have enough type information, using the builder inference despite the presence of the annotationKT-47736
Support conversion from regular functional types to suspending ones in JVM IRKT-39055
Support property delegate created via synthetic method instead of field
FIR2IR: get rid of IrBuiltIns usagesKT-47918
JVM / IR: Performance degradation with const-bound for-cyclesKT-33835
Bytecode including unnecessary null checks for safe calls where left-hand side is non-nullableKT-41510
Compilation of kotlin html DSL is still too slowKT-48211
We spend a lot of time in ExpectActual declaration checker when there is very small amount of actual/expect declarationKT-39054
Optimize delegated properties which call get/set on the given KProperty instance on JVMKT-46615
Don't generate nullability assertions in methods for directly invoked lambdas
JVM / IR: "Exception during IR lowering" with java fun interface and it's non-trivial usageKT-49548
"ClassCastException: java.util.ArrayList$Itr cannot be cast to kotlin.collections.IntIterator" with Iterable insidelet
Deprecate calls to "suspend" named functions with single dangling lambda argumentKT-47120
JVM IR: NoClassDefFoundError when there are an extension and a regular function with the same nameKT-49477
Has ran into recursion problem with two interdependant delegatesKT-49442
ClassCastException on reporting [EXPOSED_FROM_PRIVATE_IN_FILE] Deprecation: private-in-file class should not expose 'private-in-class'KT-49371
JVM / IR: "NoSuchMethodError" with multiple inheritanceKT-44843
PSI2IR: "org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi2ir.generators.ErrorExpressionException: null: KtCallExpression" with delegate who has name or parameter with the same name as a propertyKT-49294
Turning FlowCollector into 'fun interface' leads to AbstractMethodErrorKT-18282
Companion object referencing it's own method during construction compiles successfully but fails at runtime with VerifyErrorKT-25289
Prohibit access to class members in the super constructor call of its companion and nested objectKT-32753
Prohibit @JvmField on property in primary constructor that overrides interface propertyKT-43433
Suspend conversion is disabled
message in cases where it is not supported and quickfix to update language version is suggestedKT-49399
Building repeatable annotation with Container nested class fails with ISE: "Repeatable annotation class should have a container generated"KT-49209
Default upper bound for type variables should be non-nullKT-49335
NPE inRepeatedAnnotationLowering.wrapAnnotationEntriesInContainer
when using@Repeatable
annotation from different fileKT-48876
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.impl.IrReturnableBlockImpl@4a729df2KT-48131
IAE "Repeatable annotation container value must be a class reference" on using Kotlin-repeatable annotation from dependencyKT-49322
Postpone promoting warnings to errors forProperTypeInferenceConstraintsProcessing
Exception on nested builder inference callsKT-49101
IllegalArgumentException: ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: Captured(out Number)KT-41378
Compilation failed: Deserializer for declaration public kotlinx.coroutines/SingleThreadDispatcher|null[0] is not foundKT-47285
IR deserialization exception when dependency KLIB has class instead of typealiasKT-46697
IllegalStateException: IrTypeAliasSymbol expected: Unbound public symbol for public kotlinx.coroutines/CancellationException|null[0] compiling KMM module for Kotlin/Native with Kotlin 1.5KT-36399
Gradually support TYPE_USE nullability annotations read from class-filesKT-11454
Load annotations on TYPE_USE/TYPE_PARAMETER positions from Java class-filesKT-18768
@Notnull annotation from Java does not work with varargsKT-24392
Nullability of Java arrays is read incorrectly if @Nullable annotation has both targets TYPE_USE and VALUE_PARAMETERKT-48157
FIR: incorrect resolve with built-in names in useKT-46409
FIR: erroneous resolve to qualifier instead of extensionKT-44566
do not check for conflicting overloads across multiple filesKT-37318
FIR: Discuss treating flexible bounded constraints in inferenceKT-45989
FIR: wrong callable reference type inferredKT-46058
[FIR] Remove state from some checkersKT-45973
FIR: wrong projection type inferredKT-43083
[FIR] False positive 'HIDDEN' on internalKT-48794
Breaking change in 1.5.30: Builder inference lambda contains inapplicable calls so {1} cant be inferredKT-46727
Report warning on contravariant usages of star projected argument from JavaKT-40668
FIR: Ambiguity on qualifier when having multiple different same-named objects in near scopesKT-37081
NON_VARARG_SPREAD isn't reported on *toTypedArray() callKT-45118
ClassCastException caused by parent and child class in if-elseKT-47605
Kotlin/Native: switch to LLD linker for MinGW targetsKT-48912
K/NSymbol with IrSimpleFunctionSymbolImpl is unbound
andJS Validation failed in file shaders.kt
Support default not null annotations to enhance T into T!!KT-49190
Increase stub versionsKT-48261
"overload resolution ambiguity" for JSpecify+jsr305-annotated Java List implementationKT-48778
-Xtype-enhancement-improvements-strict-mode not respecting @NonNull annotation for property accesses?KT-48606
[1.6] Instantiated annotations do not implement hashCode correctly/consistentlyKT-49157
Tail-call optimization miss with cast to type parameterKT-46437
NI: "Throwable: Resolution error of this type shouldn't occur for resolve if as a call" caused by reflectively accessing private property inside "if/else" or "when" expressionKT-48590
IllegalArgumentException: ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: Captured(*) reified type class referenceKT-48633
Can't infer builder inference's type argument across local classKT-49136
JVM IR: NPE with safe call chain and property set to null by reflectionKT-48570
OptIn marker should not spread from class to its membersKT-48928
Prohibit using old JVM backend with language version >= 1.6KT-41978
NI: Kotlin fails to infer type of function argumentKT-48101
Smart cast on base class property is impossible if base class is from another moduleKT-48732
JVM / IR: MalformedParameterizedTypeException is thrown when a Spring Bean of suspending function type is registeredKT-47841
Turning LV to 1.6 breaks some diagnostics based on jspecify annotationsKT-48498
JVM IR: IllegalAccessError with inline function call and property delegation from different moduleKT-48319
JVM / IR: AssertionError: FUN caused by suspend lambda inside anonymous functionKT-48835
Psi2ir: vararg parameter value is lost when translating adapted function reference to base class memberKT-46908
JVM / IR: do not wrap fun interface implementation into another SAM adapter if it inherits from a functional typeKT-48927
JVM IR: "VerifyError: Bad invokespecial instruction: current class isn't assignable to reference class" when up-casting and read a base class's private property that has a custom getter in the base class's public functionKT-48992
Postpone migration to new operator resolution scheme for integer literalsKT-48290
Type bounds warning based on Java annotations not issues with language level 1.6KT-47920
There is no warning on violated nullability of type parameter in accordance with java nullability annotationKT-41664
Remove the "runtime JAR files in the classpath should have the same version" warningKT-48851
Keep using warn mode for jspecify in 1.6KT-46829
IR: NullPointerException caused by setting scoped generic extension varKT-42972
Forbid protected constructor calls from public inline functionsKT-45378
Prohibit super calls in public-api inline functionsKT-48515
JSpecify: If a class has a @Nullable type-parameter bound, Kotlin should still treat unbounded wildcards like platform typesKT-48825
JVM IR: NPE with delegated property "by this" to base classKT-48535
Prohibit declarations of repeatable annotation classes whose container annotation violates JLSKT-47971
Report error on declaration of a repeatable annotation class with nested class named ContainerKT-48478
JVM IR: Coroutines 1.5.1 + Kotlin 1.5.30 - ClassCastException: CompletedContinuation cannot be cast to DispatchedContinuationKT-48523
Kotlin/Native: cross-compilation from Linux to MinGW not working whenplatform.posix
is usedKT-48671
JVM / IR: "AssertionError: Primitive array expected: CLASS IR_EXTERNAL_DECLARATION_STUB CLASS"KT-46181
JVM IR: private @JvmStatic function is generated in the outer class instead of companion object, which breaks existing calls via JNI or reflection (e.g. JUnit @MethodSource)KT-48736
JVM IR: assert in SyntheticAccessorLowering when inline function attempts to access package-private field from JavaKT-48653
Warnings on non-exhaustive when statements missing in some cases with 1.6KT-48394
JVM: Invalid locals caused by unboxing bytecode optimizationKT-20542
IllegalAccessError on calling private function with default parameters from internal inline function used in another packageKT-48331
JVM / IR: "VerifyError: Bad access to protected data in invokevirtual" when a sealed class uses another sealed class in its same hierarchy level as a constructor parameterKT-48380
kotlin.RuntimeException: Unexpected receiver typeKT-47855
Kotlin/Native: compilation fails due to Escape AnalysisKT-48291
False positive [ACTUAL_MISSING] Declaration must be marked with 'actual' when implementing actual interfaceKT-48445
"IAE: Top level call context should not be null to analyze coroutine-lambda" when compiling Kotlin with language version 1.6KT-48618
Enable by default "suspend conversion" feature in 1.6KT-47638
KotlinTypeRefiner is lost, leading to TYPE_MISMATCH and OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION_AMBIGUITY issues with MPP projectsKT-48615
Inconsistent behavior with integer literals overflow (Implementation)KT-47937
Implement deprecation of computing constant values of complex boolean expressions in when condition branches and conditions of loopsKT-48391
JVM / IR: "AssertionError: SyntheticAccessorLowering should not attempt to modify other files!" caused by class which inherits interface which has default function with default argument from companion const valKT-48552
Kotlin/Native: iosArm64 debug build fails in 1.6.0-M1-139KT-46182
Native: prohibit using dots in identifiersKT-46230
JVM IR: "IllegalArgumentException: Null argument in ExpressionCodegen for parameter VALUE_PARAMETER MOVED_DISPATCH_RECEIVER" with value class overriding function with default parameterKT-48302
FIR: Investigate not-null assertion on generic Java methodKT-48350
JVM IR: NPE from LocalDeclarationsLowering on property reference with field from outer class used as receiver (1.6.0-M1 regression)KT-48500
AE: "Last parameter type of suspend function must be Continuation, but it is kotlin.coroutines.experimental.Continuation" forkotlin-stdlib-common
Problem with properties lazy initialization while using kotlinx.serialization pluginKT-48432
Regression in IntRange.contains (and probably other ranges too) when used in-placeKT-44855
"AssertionError: SyntheticAccessorLowering should not attempt to modify other files" on smart cast of protected field ownerKT-47542
Incorrect ABSTRACT_CLASS_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED after migration to 1.6 on class indirectly extending RuntimeExceptionKT-48166
FIR: incorrect common supertype for PSI elements hierarchyKT-47499
JVM / IR: java.lang.VerifyError: Bad access to protected data in invokevirtual when trying to clone the result of lambda invocation that is "this" in an extension functionKT-46451
JVM Debugging: stepping on finally block end brace line before stepping into finally codeKT-48329
It's impossible to infer a type variables based on several builder inference lambdasKT-48193
Don't use the builder inference for calls which can be resolved without itKT-46450
JVM Debugging: some break statements in catch blocks have no line numbers and you cannot set breakpoints on themKT-48298
FIR: incorrect deserialized annotations in back-endKT-48234
FIR: false positive NON_INTERNAL_PUBLISHED_API for primary constructor propertyKT-48174
IR interpreter: unsupported compile-time callKT-48158
FIR: false positive ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH as a result of wrong type inference around callable referencesKT-48109
FIR: incorrect type inference for generic argument of intersection typeKT-48161
FIR: false positive ARGUMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH for bounded type parameter VS Java not-nullKT-48159
FIR: erroneous scope order during type resolve of constructor return typeKT-48165
FIR: false positive "initializer should be a constant value" on String.lengthKT-48175
FIR: exception for JvmField on local class propertyKT-48164
FIR: false positive OVERRIDING_FINAL_MEMBER in enum entryKT-48116
FIR: false positive NOT_A_LOOP_LABELKT-48102
FIR: false positive ABSTRACT_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED with mapped stdlib functionsKT-47911
Native compiler on ios_arm64 target generates movi.2d instructions, which are mishandled by Apple hardwareKT-48105
FIR: generic/specific callable reference ambiguityKT-14392
Repeated annotation with use site target is not detected for getter and setterKT-47493
Missed frontend diagnostic in try/catchKT-48058
"No type for expression" compiler exception on calls with unused lambdaKT-47597
JVM IR: if statement doesn't eval correctly on 1.5.20 possible nullable type differences.KT-47922
False negative type mismatch on empty when as last statement of lambdaKT-34594
Do not generate fake debugger variables initialization for @InlineOnly functionsKT-47749
Incorrect scope of a local variable inside the coroutineKT-47527
JVM / IR ClassCastException: "kotlin.Unit cannot be cast to java.lang.String"KT-47840
JVM / IR: "IllegalStateException: No mapping for symbol: VALUE_PARAMETER name: x" in nested local functions with recursive callsKT-46448
JVM Debugging: Locals in finally blocks not always duplicated when the finally block isKT-47716
JVM / IR: NoSuchMethodError when trying to get MAX_VALUE from ULong in non-trivial try/finally contextKT-47762
JVM / IR: Properties with the same signatures in inline class and its companion object crashes the compiler with NullPointerExceptionKT-47741
JVM / IR: VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack with iterator and invoking method reference to IntIteratorKT-43696
ClassFormatError on @JvmStatic external fun in interface companion objectKT-47715
JVM / IR, R8: External getter cannot be represented in dex formatKT-47684
Add warning onis
checks which are always falseKT-47685
False positive CAST_NEVER_SUCCEEDS on variable of intersection typeKT-32188
NI: False positive "This cast can never succeed"KT-35687
NI: Poor cast can never succeed [CAST_NEVER_SUCCEEDS]KT-41331
False negative USELESS_IS_CHECK with nullKT-47609
JVM IR: "AssertionError: Unexpected number of type arguments" when compiling an extension property with annotation and it extends a value class with a generic parameterKT-47413
FIR: Rework FirDelegatedScopeKT-47492
Illegal use of DUP
Wrong compiler argument for RequiresOptIn
MISSING_DEPENDENCY_CLASS in test source sets with kotlin.mpp.enableGranularSourceSetsMetadata=true
AE: "Either library or explicit name have to be provided " in IR debugger tests
MPP: Don't fail import for case of missed platform in source set structureKT-48823
Improve error reporting on import when configuration phase in Gradle failedKT-48504
MPP: UninitializedPropertyAccessException on import if new hierarchical mpp flag conflicts with other flagsKT-47463
MPP: Import fails withTask 'runCommonizer' not found in root project
if Kotlin configured only in module
kotlin-stdlib-common leaks into dependencies of Android-specific source sets
KJS / IR: companion object and nested objects are not exportedKT-47524
KJS / IR: Treat protected members as part of exported APIKT-48132
KJS / IR: "IllegalStateException" when interface methods don't have default implementationKT-47700
Support instantiation of annotation classes on JSKT-48317
KJS / IR: "TypeError: ... is not a function" on running code with suspend function inheritorsKT-48344
KJS / IR: incorrect call with vararg argument from suspend functionKT-47751
Kotlin/JS: IR + IC: "argument has no effect without source map" warnings on build
infix extension fun Comparable.compareToKT-47421
Stabilize collection buildersKT-48584
Introduce JVM readln() and readlnOrNull() top-level functions
Remove brittle ‘contains’ optimization in minus/removeAll/retainAll
Different behavior of Regex replace function in JVM and JS when replacement string contains group referenceKT-46785
Get rid of !! after readLine() in the standard libraryKT-46784
Stabilize Duration API in the standard libraryKT-46229
Bring back Duration factory extension propertiesKT-27738
Make JS Regex.replace not inlineKT-48607
Stabilize experimental API for 1.6KT-47304
Random#nextLong generates value outside provided rangeKT-47706
System property that controls the brittlecontains
Align behavior of some JS functions with their JVM counterpartKT-46243
Typography.leftGuillemete and Typography.rightGuillemete are named inconsistent with standardKT-46101
Review deprecations in stdlib for 1.6KT-48456
Introduce Common (multi-platform) readln() and readlnOrNull() top-level functionsKT-48587
Deprecate some of JS-only stdlib APIKT-39328
Make builder collection implementations serializableKT-47676
K/JS: MatchResult.next() returns no expected next match if called aftermatchEntire
Nothing is silently mapped to Void in arguments of the type passed to typeOfKT-39330
Migrate declarations from kotlin.dom and kotlin.browser packages to kotlinx.*KT-28753
Comparing floating point values in array/list operations 'contains', 'indexOf', 'lastIndexOf': IEEE 754 or total orderKT-38854
Gradually change the return type of collection min/max functions to non-nullableKT-38754
Deprecate appendln in favor of appendLine
Cinterop: cannot create bindings for a framework when Xcode 13 RC is installedKT-49384
Kotlin/Native: Unexpected variance in super type argument: out @0KT-47424
StackOverflowError in IR hashCode() methods compiling KMM module for Kotlin/Native with Kotlin 1.5.0+KT-49234
SIGSEGV using the new memory manager in release in Kotlin 1.6.0-RC in MacosX64KT-48566
ExceptionInInitializerError when configuring Gradle project with kotlin-multiplatform plugin on a host unsupported by Kotlin/NativeKT-48039
Native: support shaded (aka embeddable) compiler jar in Gradle pluginKT-42693
Remove dependency on ncurses5 library
kotlin-native fails to generate valid C header if a setter takes anonymous parameter (_)
Native: cinterop: __flexarr support
Kotlin/Native: ObjC-export module name usage in klib compilation
Kotlin/Native: Windows as cross-compilation target
Kotlin/Native: Support thread state switching in termination handlers for the new MM
Kotlin/Native: test fails with assert with new MM and state checkerKT-48364
Uninitialized top-level properties in new MMKT-44283
staticCFunction with CValue parameter crashes when invoked off the main thread
[Native, All platforms] Incorrect parsing of long strings to Float and Double
Support flexible types (nullability, mutability, raw) in typeOfKT-35877
typeOf<MutableList<>> cannot be distinguished from typeOf<List<>> in Kotlin/JVM
Support three previous API versionsKT-48622
Introduce compiler X-flag to use the builder inference for all calls by defaultKT-32376
“no main manifest attribute” on running the jar for cli-compiled Kotlin objects with main functionKT-48026
Add the compiler X-flag to enable self upper bound type inferenceKT-47640
CLI: support -option=value format as for -Xoption=valueKT-47099
Add a stable compiler argument for opt-in requirements as soon as they are stable
[Commonizer] Optimistic number commonizationKT-48459
[Commonizer] Add opt-in annotation to optimistically commonized numbers
[Commonizer] 'platform.posix.DIR' not implementing 'CPointed' when commonized for "unixMain"KT-48567
[Commonizer] pthread_self function is not commonized in atomicfuKT-48287
[Commonizer] platform.posix.mkdir not commonized in OKIOKT-48286
[Commonizer] platform.posix.ftruncate not commonized in OKIOKT-47523
MPP: Unable to resolve c-interop dependency if platform is included in an intermediate source set with the only targetKT-48278
[Commonizer] platform.posix.usleep not commonized in sqliterKT-46691
MPP: Type mismatch for hierarchically commonized typealiasesKT-47221
C-interop commonization fails if few targets reuse same source setKT-47775
Commonizer don't run for shared native code if test source set depends on mainKT-47053
MPP: Unable to resolve c-interop commonized code from shared test source setKT-48118
Commonized c-interop lib is not attached to common main source setKT-47641
Enabled cInterop commonization triggers native compilation during Gradle sync in IDEKT-47056
MPP: Change naming for folder with commonized c-interop libraries
Compiler crash: Symbol with IrFieldSymbolImpl is unboundKT-48117
Kotlin AllOpen Plugin should open private methodsKT-40340
jvm-abi-gen plugin: failure with Android D8 (Dexer) toolKT-40133
jvm-abi-gen plugin: fails for inline function containing apply block with anonymous objectKT-28704
jvm-abi-gen plugin: avoid calling codegen twice per moduleKT-48111
JVM / IR: "IllegalAccessError: tried to access method" with NoArg plugin and sealed class
KotlinGradleBuildServices leaks Gradle instance when configuration cache is enabled
Deprecate Gradle option KotlinJvmOptions.useIR since 1.5KT-49189
In Gradle, dependencies on an MPP with Android+JVM fail to resolve in pure-Java projectsKT-48830
Change deprecation level to 'ERROR' for 'KotlinGradleSubplugin'KT-48264
Cannot write Kotlin build report unless directory existsKT-48745
JVM target compatibility check should be disabled when Java sources are emptyKT-49066
Setting kotlinOptions.modulePath in an android project breaks incremental compilationKT-48847
Remove deprecated kotlin options marked for removal after 1.5KT-48245
KGP makes compileOnly configuration resolvableKT-38010
Invalid warning "Runtime JAR files in the classpath should have the same version." withjava-gradle-plugin
Misleading 'jdkHome' deprecation messageKT-46719
Remove 'kotlin.useFallbackCompilerSearch' build optionKT-47792
KGP should ignore ProjectDependency when customize kotlin DependenciesKT-47867
Replace usages of IncrementalTaskInputs with InputChangesKT-46972
Migrate Kotlin repo to use Gradle toolchain feature
KJS / Gradle: Unable to load '@webpack-cli/serve' commandKT-49201
KJS / Gradle: NPM dependencies resolution may fail on parallel buildsKT-48241
KJS / Gradle: NPM test dependency may break Gradle configuration cacheKT-32071
Possibility to disable downloading of Node.js and YarnKT-48332
Make NodeJsSetupTask and YarnSetupTask not cacheableKT-37895
KJS: NPM Post-install Scripts sometimes print "node: not found"KT-34985
kotlin-gradle-plugin: Should align ways NodeJs and Yarn are downloaded
MPP: Task compileKotlinMacosX64 fails on matching native variants if ktlint presentedKT-48919
Gradle multiplatform plugin 1.6.0-M1 does not accept apiVersion = "1.7"KT-46343
[Commonizer] Use lockfile for NativeDistributionCommonizationCacheKT-48427
Execution failed for task ':commonizeNativeDistribution'. > java.io.FileNotFoundException lock (No such file or directory)KT-48513
Commonized platform libraries are unresolved in modules for new hierarchical MPP flagKT-48138
CInteropCommonizer: Missing commonization request if test source set has different targets than associated mainKT-35832
Gradle: MPP plugin operates with -Xuse-experimental and not with -Xopt-in
Test-source sets receive extra unnecessary granular dependencies to more common source sets when depending on MPP-libraryKT-37511
CocoaPods Gradle plugin: Support incremental task execution when switching between Xcode and terminalKT-47362
Cocoapods plugin: add error reporting for case when pod is not installed on user machineKT-37513
CocoaPods Gradle plugin: Support building tests from terminal for projects depending on pods
Kapt is not compatible with JDK 16+KT-47853
eagerly resolves dependencies during construction/configuration and can cause deadlocksKT-47934
KaptJavaLog is unable to map stub back to the kotlin sourceKT-48195
Kapt causes dead lock in DefaultFileLockManager
Script resolver options can't take values with special symbols (/, , $, :, .) in themKT-49012
Compiling .kts script with inner class declaration fails with Backend Internal Error caused by AE: "Local class constructor can't have dispatch receiver"KT-47927
Script: memory leak with new enginesKT-48025
JVM / IR / Script: IllegalStateException: No mapping for symbol: VALUE_PARAMETER INSTANCE_RECEIVER caused by method tnat returns outer functionKT-48303
main.kts script fails to detect vanished dependencies if run from the cacheKT-48177
Scripts: OutOfMemoryException with circular @file:ImportKT-46645
Scripts: "IllegalStateException: No mapping for symbol: VALUE_PARAMETER INSTANCE_RECEIVER" caused by get accessor