- cell scripts (editor+front)
- pinga play help animation when not following
- Pinga now follows with pathFinding
- Add fish to make ennemies move
- Make noise to disturn ennemies
- move step now include delta to have same speed across the browsers
- audio system with global volume
- change menu sound volume with global/ambient/music
- enable/disable graphics shadows
- rotate camera
- new common.js class for all objects with interactions
- new characters.js class for all moveable characteres, friends or not.
- added pinga character
- add emissive red when the player is attacked
- Path Editor
- Hexagone with walls, semiwalls, opened, and door
- adding new land between mazes, with same hexagone structures
- new ambient volume system
- remove stamina / temperature bar
- switch weapon!
- assets loader
- attach weapon to a bone
- ennemy drop potions when die
- drinking potion increase life
- add dynamic damage:
- is hit depending on weapon_hit_chance
- hit_damage is ( 0.5 + random(0.5) - target defense) * max target damage
- display text for each hit / heal
- search for collisions when droping items to avoid placing them in places not reachable by the player
- Fix hover some keys (position y=1)
- add stamina bar
- Ennemy patrol pathes: round or between mazes with path find
- New weight animation update only if needed, compatible with more than 2 animations