Description - Machine Learning and Data Science problem based on a dataset from information describing a Czech bank's activity during the 90s, where the main objective is to create a model to predict if a loan will be paid or not.
Course - Machine Learning
Disclaimer - This repository was used for educational purposes and I do not take any responsibility for anything related to its content. You are free to use any code or algorithm you find but do so at your own risk.
To execute this project, these libraries are needed:
- NumPy
- pandas
- matplotlib
- sklearn
- seaborn
- imblearn
- scipy
Install requirements using
pip install -r requirements.txt
on the /src/ folder.
The project source code is in the jupyter notebook file bank_mining.ipynb, where the code used for the project is present and documented.
- Duarte Sardão, up201905497
- Gabriel Martins, up201906072
- Miguel Lopes, up201704590
- Sérgio Estêvão, up201905680