The dataset specifically focuses on the Banking, Debt, Financial, Inflation and Systemic Crises that occurred, from 1860 to 2014, in 13 African countries, including: Algeria, Angola, Central African Republic, Ivory Coast, Egypt, Kenya, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, Tunisia, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
We have, with us, more than 1000 data points.
Apply the knowledge of Descriptive Statistics & Probability to get meaningful insights out of it.
The dataset has 1059 rows and the following columns:
case: A number which denotes a specific country
cc3: A three letter country code
country: The name of the country
year: The year of the observation
systemic_crisis: "0" means that no systemic crisis occurred in the year and "1" means that a systemic crisis occurred in the year.
exch_usd: The exchange rate of the country vis-a-vis the USD
domestic_debt_in_default: "0" means that no sovereign domestic debt default occurred in the year and "1" means that a sovereign domestic debt default occurred in the year
sovereign_external_debt_default: "0" means that no sovereign external debt default occurred in the year and "1" means that a sovereign external debt default occurred in the year
gdp_weighted_default: The total debt in default vis-a-vis the GDP
inflation_annual_cpi: The annual CPI Inflation rate
independence: "0" means "no independence" and "1" means "independence"
currency_crises: "0" means that no currency crisis occurred in the year and "1" means that a currency crisis occurred in the year
inflation_crises: "0" means that no inflation crisis occurred in the year and "1" means that an inflation crisis occurred in the year
banking_crisis: "no_crisis" means that no banking crisis occurred in the year and "crisis" means that a banking crisis occurred in the year
Applied the descriptive statistics & probability skills learned to analyze the data.