Use a Bot to Get Your Chat ID: Use a bot like @userinfobot to get your chat ID. Send the command /start to this bot and it will respond with your chat ID.
Alternatively, Use Telegram API:
- If you are working with Telegram API directly, you can use the getUpdates method to retrieve chat IDs.
- Here's a basic example of how to use it with curl:
curl https://api.telegram.org/bot<YOUR_BOT_TOKEN>/getUpdates
Replace <YOUR_BOT_TOKEN> with your actual bot token obtained from BotFather.
Look for the chat object in the JSON response returned by the API call. The id field within the chat object contains your chat ID.
Your chat ID is a numeric value. It typically starts with a negative sign if it's a group chat.
Keep your chat ID secure and avoid sharing it publicly, as it can potentially be used to send messages to your account.
Telegram Bot API Documentation Telegram API getUpdates Method Documentation