Releases: Shynixn/BlockBall
Releases · Shynixn/BlockBall
BlockBall v6.2.0
BlockBall v6.1.1
Developer Notes
- This update should resolve the bugs and issues of the major rework of the previous version.
- As always, special thanks for my patreon supporters!
- #124 Added playing sounds and particles on goal shot
- #130 Refactored remaining compatibility parts
- #131 Changed snapshot deployment script and upgraded dependencies
- #132 Fixed critical compatibility issue with any region plugin causing users to allow destroy blocks.
- #133 Fixed completeablefuture implementation does not show errors in console
- #134 Fixed dependency issue to set them all to required instead of optional
- #135 Fixed bstats version compatibility
- #136 Fixed DoubleJump volume is too high in template file which causes users to here double jump in a +100 blocks radius
BlockBall v6.0.0
Developer Notes
- This BlockBall update has got lots of internal changes which resultet in a major version change.
- BlockBall is back a standalone project again. The Ball project gets deprecated.
- Thanks to all snapshot testers for their amazing work in analyzing and resolving issues before this release. Join the discord if you also want to take part in it.
- Special Thanks to LazoYoung for the new spin shots to give players more control of their shots.
- As always, special thanks for my patreon supporters!
- #123 Added support for spigot and minecraft 1.13.1
- #126 Added spin shots. Tilt your head after you kicked the ball to let it spin.
- #121 Added a new Developer API to let you modfiy BlockBall.
- #105, #127 Refactored BlockBall to clean architecture.
BlockBall v5.4.0
Developer Notes
- Adding support for the new minecraft version (1.13) has been difficult this time as there are many big changes. The spigot-server.jar (and minecraft 1.13 in general in my opinion) is far from being stable for production. Even my development world corrupted several times when working on this update so please be very careful and take precautionary measures!
- Please notice, WorldEdit for 1.13 is required to setup arenas in 1.13.
- Join the new discord if you have got further questions.
- As always, special thanks for my patreon supporters!
- #117 Added support for spigot 1.13 and minecraft 1.13.
- #15 Added spectator mode wiki.
- #80 Added notifications wiki.
- #116 Changed the build server configuration for faster builds by caching dependencies.
- #115 Fixed PlaceholderAPI dependency is broken wiki.
- #113 Fixed ball is disappearing in Minigame mode.
- #114 Fixed inventory allocates to many slots.
no-permission-spectate-game: "&cYou do not have permission to spectate this game."
BlockBall v5.3.0
Developer Notes
- Check out the new permissions for your users as they can now be restricted per game wiki.
- Special Thanks to patreon supporter "Lazo Young" for continuing supporting BlockBall.
- #70 Added users can now be restricted for certain games wiki.
- #107 Added a new permission to allow executing commands during games wiki.
- #69 Fixed scoreboard during games flashes when updating.
- #71 Fixed placeholder page did not get rendered wiki.
- #108 Fixed holograms can throw exceptions when measuring the distance to the Ball.
- #109 Fixed some sound effects and particle effects of the Ball do not get played correctly.
- #110 Fixed infinity joining in Minigames when using even sized teams and signs.
BlockBall v5.2.0
- Added documentation for the /bbjoin command and different parameters for joining games and teams directly via the command
- Added virtual blocks rendering the goal selection for 20 seconds when creating the arena
- Added full custom inventory support for each team
- Added joining teams directly is now possible in gamemode Minigame
- Added command /blockballstop to force ending a match
- Cleaned source code
- Fixed cannot joining games via the join command when the name is using chat colors
- Fixed join command printing errors
BlockBall v5.1.0
Developer Notes
- BlockBall should be running more stable with this update.
- Thanks to TheIntelloBox for continuously reporting issues to increase the quality of BlockBall.
- Added arena templates selection before creating a new arena.
- Added existing arenas are selectable as template
- Added template folder in BlockBall folder for storing general templates
- Added default english template
- Added german template translated by Shynixn
- Added new waiting message for remaining players in lobby
- Changed joining message now accepts placeholders and displays the name of the team
- Checked Java 10 compatibility
- Fixed lots of concurrency exceptions occuring in different parts of BlockBall causing many problems.
- Fixed Ball does not bounce from fences, iron bar etc.
- Fixed signs could not be configured via the Chat-UI
- Fixed queuing for teams when using team signs in Minigame mode allowed double queuing.
BlockBall v5.0.3
- Updated wiki
- Added setting 'teleport to the spawn after someone scores' to the misc settings.
- Added bounce back modifier value to balls when using the setting 'always-bounce'
- Changed ball physics engine to 1.1.
- Increased quality of sourc code.
- Fixed goals do sometimes not register goals when shooting the ball in a specific angle
- Fixed bossbar throwing exceptions when adding no flags
- Fixed games try to tick in unloaded worlds which causes exceptions
BlockBall v5.0.2
- Thanks to all people who reported issues in such a short time to improve BlockBall
- Special thanks to patreon supporter "Lazo Young" for his great ideas and help resolving issues
- Updated wiki
- Added new arena option gamemode for setting the minecraft gamemode during games
- Added new ball configuration value hitbox height (see FAQ)
- Fixed statsscoreboard cannot be disabled in the config.yml
- Fixed error message getting played when games end
- Fixed metrics collecting is not enabled
- Fixed signs bug for gametype Minigame not getting displayed
- Fixed error message getting played when changing the gametype during a match
- Fixed changing the name of a team causes HubGame joining to break
- Fixed HubGame joining message does not use placeholders
- Fixed wiki page does not display favicon and image too big for InternetExplorer
- Fixed itemdrops and itemframes get thrown out of the arena
BlockBall v5.0.1
Delete your BlockBall folder before you install this update!
Simply read the new BlockBall wiki to learn how to use BlockBall now.
- Added a new Ball Physics Engine (modifiers, gravity, throwing, kicking, etc...)
- Completely reworked the way how the Chat-UI works. It is now completely compatible with all chat plugins.
- Completely rewrote BlockBall in Kotlin
- Removed and added so many options that it would be too many to list them up here
- Changed API
- Removed deprecated members
- Basically, BlockBall is now a completely different plugin with the same cool concepts of the old one but all questionable and broken designs were replaced with great new ideas.
- Converting old arena files is not possible as too many options changed.
- The BlockBall.jar is so big because of many used external libraries to increase the performance, the actual code is even less than before so it stays as lightweight as a full Minigame can be.